On Homeopathy

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Originally posted by Persol
Wow, this is just stupid.

Step right up. Put your life in my hands. I'll treat you good. Trust me! Proof? Who needs proof? Trust me!

Hans asked if I cured him, and I said:

It was headed that way for nearly four years after I got the case when given up for dead and headed for a fourth heart attack in five months,

Do you not read very well, or do you have a serious brain problem, pal?

You idiots would call it cure, but we have a criteria about 1001 times greater than allopathic nonsense, and they had sent the man home TO DIE!

Let's hope that happens to you REALLY SOON.
Originally posted by BTox
Ah, so most of the suckers Hahnemannian rips off with his fraudulent and ineffective "treatments" are international students. And no surprise that they "Come and go" - they go because they realize it doesn't work and they've been had by a con artist.

They all have positive experiences from homeopathy because it is readily available in India, you ignorant fool!
Originally posted by BTox
Sure, it had nothing to do with completely ineffective placebos given by quack huckster Hahanemannian? Or the delay in effective conventional medical treatment due to wasting time with worthless homeopathic treatment and its delusional practitioner?

My prescription for BToxic is a sledge hammer to the head and see me in the morning.
Originally posted by BTox
Hogwash. Hahnemann's books are fantasy. Complete fiction. No one, and I mean no one, has been able to reproduce any of the cures, let alone alleviation of symptoms. Why can't you get this simple fact, natural law if you will, through your head?

Every homeopath has, you ignorant fool.

And how did they do that?

They read his books, beginning with the ORGANON OF MEDICINE.

But then there are these extremely lazy and ignorantly arrogant arsholes from Allopathy Land, where they torture and then murder all of their patients, who refuse to read.

We wonder why because that's how one begins.

Do you think knowledge works by difusion?

If so, there would be an extremely volumous rush into your brains to fill up the empty spaces, eh?
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Originally posted by MRC_Hans
So you lost him, but blame allopaths. Mmmmokay. Four years is a long time, especially for a seriously ill, elderly patient. Can't it be done faster? I saw a homeopath determine which medicine some patients needed just by hearing about their symptoms.


He was well on his way toward complete cure when they killed him.

Who else could be to blame?

To this day, I could kill all of them without any panges of conscience since I witnessed the death and know what happened.

People have the right to life, but allopaths steal that from everyone.


As for prescribing for people unseen, that can be done and I do it somewhat often on the internet with the help of the voice functions of instant messengers.

How does one think we know that President Reagan needs Staphisagria or that President Clinton need Lycopodium if not by observation?

It's not so difficult.


After rereading that, do I understand correctly that you think I did not prescribe for that man?
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Originally posted by Persol
Wow, this is just stupid.

Step right up. Put your life in my hands. I'll treat you good. Trust me! Proof? Who needs proof? Trust me!

Hans asked if I cured him, and I said:

It was headed that way for nearly four years after I got the case when given up for dead and headed for a fourth heart attack in five months,

Do you not read very well, or do you have a serious brain problem, pal?

You idiots would call it cure, but we have a criteria about 1001 times greater than allopathic nonsense, and they had sent the man home TO DIE!

Let's hope that happens to you REALLY SOON.
And my comment had nothing to do with your dad patient. My comment had to do with why somebody would trust you to treat them when you can show no proof of the efficiency of your method.
Persol says:

My comment had to do with why somebody would trust you to treat them when you can show no proof of the efficiency of your method.

Well, pal, not everybody is as ignorant as you; some of them have read on homeopathy and done self-provings such that they know it's true, unlike pseudo-scientists like you.

And what's keeping you from being a scientist, what's your excuse this time?

BTW, Hahnemannians gain a reputation because we do it correctly and cured patients pass it around.

Given that allopathy has NO cures, I think you have a very big mouth and very small brain, so you should shut the former and open the latter.
If you do it correctly then it should be very damn easy to show it.

There are thousands of bogus claims in this world, and no reason to investigate each one unless it seems likely. This claim does not.

Odd, modern medicine brought me back alive. That's 'cure' enough for me. Modern medicine has demonstrated it's worth to me. Homepathy has not. Therfore yes, I would support legislation preventing children from being treated with homeopathy... since you can in no way show that it actually helps the child.
Persol says:

If you do it correctly then it should be very damn easy to show it.

Did I not just say how that's done?

modern medicine brought me back alive.

Because it couldn't have happened very many ways and due to your very antagonistic and stubborn manner, would I be correct in thinking that you're a heart patient?

And are you saying you died but are denying any conscious observation of it?
Originally posted by Hahnemannian
Did I not just say how that's done?
I don't believe you have. Isolated homeopathic treatments do not prove anything anymore then isolated standard treatments prove anything. You need some sort of analysis to show the efficiveness.

Because it couldn't have happened very many ways and due to your very antagonistic and stubborn manner, would I be correct in thinking that you're a heart patient?

Heart disease yes, but hypertropic heart muscle disease. I'm actually laid back in life.

You have to see this from our point of view. You are proposing treating people with things that we have never heard of. If I went to treat your kids, wouldn't you want to know if my treatment actually works? People have listed tons of studies about why this doesn't work, but you have yet to supply anything that would even convince me in the absence of that evidence. Also, your calling everyone cowards, ignorant, lazy, killers, etc does not help. These just seem like you're trying to avoid answering the central question... and to be blunt makes me trust you even less. If we knew where to find evidence supporting your view, we wouldn't be asking for it. If you don't know where any such evidence is, it begs the question as to why you practice.

And are you saying you died but are denying any conscious observation of it?

Not sure what you mean by concious observation of it. Do I remember going, yes. Do I remember thinking "wow I'm dead", no. It wasn't until after that my friends and doctors told me my heart was stopped.
Persol says:

You need some sort of analysis to show the efficiveness.
Assuming we care what allopathic quacks and supporters of quackery think, which we don't, I would like for you to finally grasp that this is impossible; so exactly what protocols would you suggest be followed?

I will collapse them one at a time in hopes that you can exit this presumption finally understanding it is not possible to test homeopathy with allopathic assumptions, which is what you are repeatedly suggesting.

So please state the parameters of a test and I'll tell you what's wrong with each one.
Ask you patients to keep track of days they feel sick. Also, keep track of when they die.

Compare this to people who use standard medicine using statistical analysis.

P.S. - Generally the quack is the one who can not explain his position.
Originally posted by Persol
Ask your patients to keep track of days they feel sick. Also, keep track of when they die.

Compare this to people who use standard medicine using statistical analysis.

P.S. - Generally the quack is the one who can not explain his position.

Test protocols, sir.

I am not going to ask my patients to do something stupid; I do not know when all of my patients die because they often leave for parts unknown, as I already said; their deaths are invariably in allopathic hands anyway; and I do not take part in allopathic trials, as I also already said.

I also refuse to acquiesce to the notion that qualtitative evaluations are more important than qualitative ones in medicine, which measurements of longevity argue.

Allopathic medicine has a mania about quantitative measurements and thus cannot even begin to make qualtative evaluations.

Their total denial of the importance of uncommon symptoms, which avail us to make curative prescriptions or remedy diagnoses, while they're fixated upon mere common symptoms in order to make disease diagnoses and still CANNOT CURE after 2700 years of mass murder absolutely infuriates me!

They have made medicine a statistical game while patients suffer; this is NOT a game!

Our backward and warped societies more than prove that quality of life and clarity of thought are far more important the mere longevity, for the entire history of Western Civilization until recently was patriarchal in attitude and Apollonian in worldview with a near total disregard for matriarchal values and a Dionysian worldview.

We thus engendered whole generations of men of war and still basically do, with allopathic medicine in its Rationalist spectrum is a personification of these values and perspectives in quasi-militaristic views of health, disease and therapeutics.

We as a group of societies have thankfully come full circle to balance between these basic polarities, but medicine is still dominated by a totally militaristic, materialistic, reductionistic, archaic approach from the Dark Ages that thus tortures patients at every turn and finally ends their lives in euthenasia so often that it is one of the greatest disgraces of our age that we still permit these allopathic barbarians any influence in our lives.

We thus have senile dementia in President Reagan and many elderly, and nobody sees anything wrong with it.

We have kidney dialysis, which has to be one of the worst tortures at the end of life for diabetics, and nobody sees anything wrong with it.

We crack open chests and replace little veins rather than preventing these cardiovascular accidents, and nobody sees anything wrong with it.

Cancer patients are tortured and maimed in the name of medical science and longevity without curing them!

And do not tell me they cure cancer; that's a lie!

We have untold numbers of incurable autoimmune and chronic diseases in general that we can diagnose effectively but CANNOT CURE, and nobody sees anything wrong with this calculus.

In fact, the whole allopathic mania about disease diagnosis revolves around their obsession with the proximate cause but manifests in their ability to make fine quantitative measurements at the total disregard of qualitative evaluations that would permit them to cure if they would just think.

I therefore will not cater to nor tacitly approve of this mass insanity and its therapeutic horrors of self-destruction and societal ruin, and not for one second!

So arguments about increased longevity as measurements of clinical effectiveness are views of insanely ignorant people destined for premature iatrogenic deaths I will not reinforce.


State the parameters you feel would work in a test and I will explain to you why they wouldn't work.

You haven't been listening to me, so I see this as the only way.

Generally, per definition, the quack is the one who cannot cure.

Allopaths openly state near total therapeutic incompetence and are therefore quacks.

I don't know where you got your dictionary or knowledge of medicine, but both are totally broken.
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<i>We thus have senile dementia in President Reagan and many elderly, and nobody sees anything wrong with it.

We have kidney dialysis, which has to be one of the worst tortures at the end of life for diabetics, and nobody sees anything wrong with it.

We crack open chests and replace little veins rather than preventing these cardiovascular accidents, and nobody sees anything wrong with it.

We have untold numbers of incurable autoimmune and chronic diseases in general, and yet we can diagnose them effectively, and nobody sees anything wrong with this calculus.</i>

That's funny. I was under the impression that an immense amount of time, effort and money was being put into all of these things. It seems that, contrary to what you say, a lot of people see many things wrong - otherwise why would they be looking for solutions?
You are asking your patients how many days they are 'feeling sick'. This in itself includes the quantitative quality of life. It has been done with modern medicine, so you have a basis to compare it too.

I fail to see why you feel this stupid. You are seeing how often you patients get sick, and how long they stay sick. You are asking them to write it down so the data doesn't skewed when they try to recall.

You're patients life expectance is also important, because while quality of life is important, the duration is also important. Are you saying that all your patients turn to allopathic hands in the end?

As for, going off to parts unknown, then you just take them out of the study.
That's funny. I was under the impression that an immense amount of time, effort and money was being put into all of these things. It seems that, contrary to what you say, a lot of people see many things wrong - otherwise why would they be looking for solutions? [/B]

I think I understand what you said.

They're looking for allopathic solutions, which cannot ever work because they have everything wrong.

Allopathic medicine is, moreover, looking for solutions we have already found.

It is the height of stupidity for medical Minds to ignore the facts discerned from the actual Laws of Medicine, is it not?
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I answered your question but you again did not hear me.

I tire of repeating myself, so read it again.

Stipulated, I am not going to ask my patients when they feel sick, for they come to me when they do, and that would thus be stupid.

Is that clear enough now?

I am not going to take part in an allopathic study.

Do you hear it said that way?

Moreover, we do not care if you believe it or not since your believing would not make it so; it is so without your belief.

I am granting you a courtesy by talking to you while you make an innane demand I did not ask you to make since I/we couldn't give a damn whether or not you grasp it given that you are ignoring how that's done.

Get it?

We are not dilatory here, you guys are and for 213 years!

I have repeated it endless times, but you do not hear it.

The evidence was provided in the beginning and has only accumulated until you now have the whole of homeopathy as evidence.

It is for you to test that, and the instructions on how to test homeopathy were provided by Hahnemann in the ORGANON.

That's it!

If you don't want to test it, go away and be quiet.

I am not here to endlessly cater to your failures at being scientists.

I'm here looking for help to resolve a very old mystery of homeopathic pharmacology.

Since you cannot help with that, please go away or be quiet, all of you.

There are surely some scientists here, and they are the ones we need to talk to.
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So if they are sick 5 days in a row, they come to you on the second day, but your 'treatment' doesn't 'work' until the 5th day... you don't know how long they are actually sick. If they do come every single day they fell sick, then you keep the record. This seems doubtfully the case though, which is why your patient needs to do it.

Why won't you be part of an allopathic study?

What does your homeopathy produce in terms of results that it is worth talking about?
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