Omicron- A friend or a foe??

Most unsettling is the persistent need for a "friendly" context:

No, not so.

It's hard to count the ways it's not so. The lack of an EF-3 fire tornado in the Marshall Fire that swept through Boulder County, Colorado, recently, and its low death toll, do not imply any favor or friendliness. The way that fire went is the way it went, entirely subject to its driving natural factors, and cannot be taken to imply we won't be seeing EF-3 fire tornadoes in the future. Similarly, what passses for lesser severity about Omicron cannot be taken to suggest any good news about the future of SARS-CoV-2 Covid-19.

Nurse practitioner Erin C. Sanders↱ explains, in a Twitter thread:

The fact that #Omicron doesn't replicate as much in the lung doesn't make me feel better. Why? #COVID19 was never just a respiratory disease, that's its primary mode of transmission. I'm increasingly concerned about what this means for vasculature/clot presentation in particular.

The highly credentialed scientist from MIT continues↱:

It's also concerning to me that frontline healthcare workers are *already* reporting seeing increased rates of MI, stroke, and PE with #Omicron wave despite decreased ARDS.

To be clear: Less acute respiratory distress, but more heart attack, stroke, and pulmonary embolism. The neurological implications are nightmarish, including retrograde transport and dissemination to the central nervous system, and pathways to autoimmune complications. We've also discussed risks to pancreas and kidney.

Psychologist Emma Kavanagh↱, meanwhile, recalls her "mild" covid: "I have never recovered", she says, even two years later. Narratives that "we just have to get on with it" are "terrifying", she explains: "How many more of me will there be — illnesses that simply never end."

The fact of long Covid is observed, and will be among the costs of seeking friendship about Omicron. Kavanagh notes a lack of any substantial plans for dealing with long Covid, and for our part, we might also note the appeal to Omicron as friend does not really seem to account for that.

Covid and long covid may depend on virus able to reach to locations where ACE2 and TMPRSS2
are exoressed and complications therefrom. These as I indicated in my previius posts.
However i think I can explain my tooic subject by this example:
Suppose a jungle enable existance of 10 lions whose vitality is sbout 50 years. Another jingle enable existance of 50 dogs whose vitakity5 is 10 years. Though overall existance is same i.e. 10x50, 50x10=
500 but though dogs are also dangerous to us but still they are considered friendly to human beings due to their lesser severity than lions. Ssne with covid 19/Delta vs Omicron.
dogs are also dangerous to us but still they are considered friendly to human beings due to their lesser severity than lions. Ssne with covid 19/Delta vs Omicron.
If the dogs are killing you at the rate of a thousand people a day, they are not your friends.
If the dogs are killing you at the rate of a thousand people a day, they are not your friends.
Still we classify Dogs as a friendly animal to human beings not to a lion.
Anyway, we need to check about specific immune response and immune protection against Omicron virus. Dies it not cause antibodues generation and immune orotection of long term antibody generation , ímmunological memory or cellular response for subsequent reinfections? I could not find these details anywhere though tried very hard. How? Dont bidy take it so serious ir just tske ut like dog not kikevlion?
We would not classify dogs as friends of human beings if they were killing 1000 humans a day.

Could not decipher the rest of your post.
Majority caaes infected by Omicron are neither hospitalized nor died due to it. Majority consideration is always there in any study as no study show absolute results. Moreover most out of thise who suffered seriiusly can also be due to other reasons, comorbidities, life style and environmental insults. Moreover percentage of severity with nost of other diseasee may be much more than it. How then we can exoect no severity in ansolute by it?
Moreover, apart from severuty considration we may also need to consuder its short infection life and trend if it is setting from Harsh one to mild one.
Majority caaes infected by Omicron are neither hospitalized nor died due to it.
Yep. But if it half as deadly but four times as infectious, it still kills twice as many people.
Moreover most out of thise who suffered seriiusly can also be due to other reasons, comorbidities, life style and environmental insults.
And refusing vaccines and masks, yes. All diseases are more serious if the patient starts out unhealthy and unvaccinated.
Yep. But if it half as deadly but four times as infectious, it still kills twice as many people.

And refusing vaccines and masks, yes. All diseases are more serious if the patient starts out unhealthy and unvaccinated.

For all above, Omicron may not be responsible but individual's previous condition, lifestyle and environmental insults aslong with indivuduals negligences should be responsible. If Omricron would had been responsible it would had not spared anyone.
My California county has about 700,000 people. Omicron is very present. According to its official figures, there are currently 63 covid "cases" hospitalized here. Of these, 11 are in ICU beds and 52 in acute care beds. It isn't clear that all of the 63 are in the hospital because of covid disease, since they test everyone admitted and if they test positive they are considered a "case" even if they are asymptomatic. So some unknown number of that 63 are probably hospitalized for heart disease, diabetes complications, accident trauma or other covid-unrelated reasons.

So given that only about 0.01% of our population is currently hospitalized with covid, and some of these might actually have been admitted for unrelated reasons, I don't think that it's any occasion for panic.

Big scare headlines in the local papers today about local hospitalizations doubling. So I looked it up and today's official figures are 113 hospitalized (up from 63 three days ago). Of these 98 are in acute care beds (up from 52) and 15 in intensive care (up from 11). I expect that most of these additional "cases" are indeed hospitalized for covid, since it's hard to believe that the frequency of accidents and other diseases has jumped that suddenly. It's likely omicron.

That's troubling but still less than 0.02% of the county's population. It's not like it's 14th century and the Black Death.

Sometimes I get the feeling that journalists are intentionally trying to spread panic to sell papers or something.
Big scare headlines in the local papers today about local hospitalizations doubling. So I looked it up and today's official figures are 113 hospitalized (up from 63 three days ago). Of these 98 are in acute care beds (up from 52) and 15 in intensive care (up from 11). I expect that most of these additional "cases" are indeed hospitalized for covid, since it's hard to believe that the frequency of accidents and other diseases has jumped that suddenly. It's likely omicron.

That's troubling but still less than 0.02% of the county's population. It's not like it's 14th century and the Black Death.


Though every death natter but if .02 % is not a very small percentage which may also happen in many other diseases. However to understand it more specifically for attributing it to Omicron. we may need following details:
1. This percentage with total number of people infected during this period?

2. How it is justified that these deaths are due ti Omicron? Why can"t fe few out of it be by Covis 19/Delta which is still existing?

3. Why can;t be some deaths out of it be due to other factors..comobidities, envoronmental or life style insults, immunocompromised people etc?

4. How Omicron virus could reach into Lungs or lower respiratory tract infection
on these sites can only cause serios effects?
For all above, Omicron may not be responsible but individual's previous condition, lifestyle and environmental insults aslong with indivuduals negligences should be responsible.
So if someone shoots your friend and kills them, but explains "well, he had high blood pressure, and that made it harder to stop the bleeding" - then he is not responsible for his death?

That's ridiculous. Most people in the US have one or more pre-existing conditions. That does not make it OK to kill them, and it does not make it OK to ignore their deaths due to a pandemic.
Big scare headlines in the local papers today about local hospitalizations doubling. So I looked it up and today's official figures are 113 hospitalized (up from 63 three days ago).
So even though the headlines scared you - they were accurate?

Sounds like a journalist doing his or her job.
Sometimes I get the feeling that journalists are intentionally trying to spread panic to sell papers or something.
We are currently at a record high for overall COVID hospitalizations as well as pediatric COVID hospitalizations. Hospitals are overloaded - and are trying to work with a big fraction of their population out sick. It's getting so bad that some states are urging sick workers to come in to work, using the theory that they're not going to infect people who already have COVID.

If you are panicking, don't. There's no reason to. But if you want to the truth hidden to protect people's feelings - sorry, I am not going to get on board with that. Let people know the truth so they can make informed decisions.
So if someone shoots your friend and kills them, but explains "well, he had high blood pressure, and that made it harder to stop the bleeding" - then he is not responsible for his death?

That's ridiculous. Most people in the US have one or more pre-existing conditions. That does not make it OK to kill them, and it does not make it OK to ignore their deaths due to a pandemic.

No as I said every death matters. I shall wish no one should die from any disease or from otherwise esp pre matured. But it do not haooens in nature. We simply need to care more or leess depending on severity from any dusease or otherwise. Since now oeople are less stressful and fewrful from origional Covid 19 we can say it is less severe. Moreover proportion of hospitalization and death rate is also low in case of this variant from its parants, we can claim though it is also a killer but us lije a dog in place of a Lion. On strong blow if air few fruits do fall from a tree pre fulky riped but other not. Whom to blane to air blow or to fruits or to tree? I think ro no one. It is just a natural selection of surrvival of fittest.

To understand it better, we need to check these observations:-
1. How Omicron do not usually reach to lower respiratirt tract, lungs or to other deeper oarts of bidy where Covid 19 and Delta could reach? Is it weaker than its origional variants so kag behind in the race?.
2. What immune response and immune orotection esp antibody related, against Omicron suggest as compared to Covud 19 or Delta? Does Omicron do not cause any immune response and immune protection specific to it?

3. Whether Omicron is behaving like a chain continuing as a new and advanced feature eith its original counterparrs? If not how it is able to override its irigional counteroarts making those to become obsolete?

Unless we will understand all differences between these two typs nothing can be really claimed.
No as I said every death matters. I shall wish no one should die from any disease or from otherwise esp pre matured. But it do not haooens in nature. We simply need to care more or leess depending on severity from any dusease or otherwise. Since now oeople are less stressful and fewrful from origional Covid 19 we can say it is less severe.
If it kills half as many people, but is four times as contagious, it still puts us in a worse place. Note that death rates are now going up again.
we can claim though it is also a killer but us lije a dog in place of a Lion.
Again, if dogs kill more people than lions, they are a worse threat - even if they don't kill people the same way.
If it kills half as many people, but is four times as contagious, it still puts us in a worse place. Note that death rates are now going up again.

What one will opt--- foer time more contagious or four time more filler? Obiosly if no other option is available. I feel now people are less stressed with Omicron than they were with Covid19/Delta.

[/quote]Again, if dogs kill more people than lions, they are a worse threat - even if they don't kill people the same way.[/QUOTE]

First, we should be satisfied that dogs are bigger killer than lion. Again I feel people are more comfortable with dogs than with lions. If only two options are there to opt between doig and lion, one will only opt dog not lion.
What one will opt--- foer time more contagious or four time more filler?
Four times more filler? Like, body filler? I'd take more body filler for my car over a more contagious virus any day.
Again I feel people are more comfortable with dogs than with lions.
No one cares who is more "comfortable" with what virus.

Lots of people are "comfortable" with drunk driving because they feel that they are excellent drivers even when drunk. No one cares. They still go to jail.
Four times more filler? Like, body filler? I'd take more body filler for my car over a more contagious virus any day.

No one cares who is more "comfortable" with what virus.

Lots of people are "comfortable" with drunk driving because they feel that they are excellent drivers even when drunk. No one cares. They still go to jail.
Sorry that was killer not filler.
To conclude I now feel Omicron is neither a friend nor a foe like Covud 19 or Delta. Ok?
Questions renain unattended or unresolved. How it does not reach/infect lower respiratiry tract lungs and some other parts which Covud 19 and delta can infect inspite of fact it use seme entry route? 2. What immune response and immune protection Omicron can specifically bring?

How it does not reach/infect lower respiratiry tract lungs and some other parts which Covud 19 and delta can infect inspite of fact it use seme entry route?
It does infect the lower respiratory tract. Omicron just infects the upper respiratory tract more aggressively, and the lower less aggressively.
It does infect the lower respiratory tract. Omicron just infects the upper respiratory tract more aggressively, and the lower less aggressively.
How it infect lower respiratiry tract less aggressively as compared to Civud 19 or Delta inspite use the same entry route?
I think it is not yet clear that:-

1. How Omicron infect less aggressively to lower respiratory tract and other deeper parts as compared to Covid 19, Delta ets inspite of fact it also uses same entry points ACE2 and spike priming protein TMRPSS2> Their variation of expression at different sites should be irrelevant since it should be applicable similarily to all type of variants.

2. It is yet unclear what immune response and what immunity Omicron bring on infection? However it is bit indicative that Omicron cause some immunity to its previous variants.

3. Can Omicron infection happen twise in with short gap?

Important questions.
1. How Omicron infect less aggressively to lower respiratory tract and other deeper parts as compared to Covid 19, Delta ets inspite of fact it also uses same entry points ACE2 and spike priming protein TMRPSS2
Because the spike proteins are significantly different on Omicron.
It is yet unclear what immune response and what immunity Omicron bring on infection? However it is bit indicative that Omicron cause some immunity to its previous variants.
All immunity (non-vaccine immunity at least) is a crap shoot. You don't know what your immune system initially recognized.