I am bit confused on it that whether Omicron variant of Covid 19 is a friend or foe to us.
Covid 19 is not a simple disease like catching a cold and generally being done with it. Coronavirus has a pretty wicked history, compared to catching a cold. And Covid 19 has a chronic aspect. This isn't just catching a nasty cold that might kill, but acquiring a potentially chronic disease.
In June, 2021,
Francis Collins↱, Director of NIH, published a blog ost on the agency's website that, "Along with the pneumonia, blood clots, and other serious health concerns caused by SARS-CoV-2, the COVID-19 virus, some studies have also identified another troubling connection. Some people can develop diabetes after an acute COVID-19 infection." Two separate studies, he wrote,
… confirmed infection of pancreatic beta cells in autopsy samples from people who died of COVID-19. Additional studies by the Jackson team suggest that the coronavirus may preferentially infect the insulin-producing beta cells.
This also makes biological sense. Beta cells and other cell types in the pancreas express the ACE2 receptor protein, the TMPRSS2 enzyme protein, and neuropilin 1 (NRP1), all of which SARS-CoV-2 depends upon to enter and infect human cells. Indeed, the Chen team saw signs of the coronavirus in both insulin-producing beta cells and several other pancreatic cell types in the studies of autopsied pancreatic tissue.
The new findings also show that the coronavirus infection changes the function of islets—the pancreatic tissue that contains beta cells. Both teams report evidence that infection with SARS-CoV-2 leads to reduced production and release of insulin from pancreatic islet tissue. The Jackson team also found that the infection leads directly to the death of some of those all-important beta cells.
In addition to the loss of beta cells, the infection also appears to change the fate of the surviving cells. Chen's team performed single-cell analysis to get a careful look at changes in the gene activity within pancreatic cells following SARS-CoV-2 infection. These studies showed that beta cells go through a process of transdifferentiation, in which they appeared to get reprogrammed.
On Friday,
Centers for Disease Control↱ delivered terrible news: "Persons aged <18 years with COVID-19 were more likely to receive a new diabetes diagnosis >30 days after infection than were those without COVID-19 and those with prepandemic acute respiratory infections."
Evidence of increased pediatric type 1 diabetes has been reported during the COVID-19 pandemic (1,2). Among persons aged <18 years with COVID-19 and new diabetes diagnoses in this study, nearly one half had DKA at or around the time of diagnosis. This number was higher than that in comparison groups, and higher than previous reports of DKA among incident type 1 diabetes cases before the pandemic (28%) (9). Increased frequency of DKA at time of diagnosis of type 1 diabetes during the pandemic has previously been reported and was thought to be due to delayed care-seeking for diabetes (3). However, the observed association of increased risk for diabetes diagnosis following SARS-CoV-2 infection would not be explained solely by delayed care. COVID-19 has disproportionately affected racial/ethnic minority groups, and those aged <18 years in these groups are also at increased risk for type 2 diabetes (10). An association between COVID-19 and new pediatric diabetes diagnoses might disproportionately affect racial/ethnic minority groups. Race/ethnicity data were unavailable in the present data sets; however, future studies should address racial and ethnic disparities in COVID-19 and diabetes, and whether persons aged <18 years who are at risk for COVID-19 are also those at risk for delaying medical care ....
.... These data suggest an increased risk for diabetes among persons aged <18 years with COVID-19, which is supported by independent studies in adults (4–7). These findings underscore the importance of COVID-19 prevention among all age groups, including vaccination for all eligible children and adolescents, and chronic disease prevention and treatment. Public health messages highlighting the risks associated with COVID-19 among the pediatric population are especially important to inform clinicians and parents about possible sequelae of COVID-19. SARS-CoV-2 infection might lead to type 1 or type 2 diabetes through complex and differing mechanisms. Partner agencies and clinicians in the field should be aware of long-term consequences and monitor persons aged <18 years in the months following a SARS-CoV-2 infection for new diabetes onset. Long-term follow-up studies of COVID-19 are warranted to further define the potential association between COVID-19 and increased diabetes risk among those in this age group.
In the ellipsis is a paragraph about the limitations of this study, and the quick take, there, is that the news only gets worse; overall, those limitations suggest an undercount.
Additionally, consider a neurological question with three possible answers that can all be true: Neurological symptoms are present; the data are incomplete about severe and chronic symptoms; the numbers coming in are high enough to make doctors really, really nervous. In August, a news release from the
Medical University of South Carolina↱ explained:
Elizabeth Mack, M.D., chief of pediatric critical care medicine at MUSC, contributed to a study that found that 22% of children and adolescents hospitalized with acute COVID-19 developed neurological symptoms such as altered awareness, seizures and difficulty walking or crawling. The findings were published earlier this year in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Neurology.
Although symptoms were for the most part temporary, they were more long-lasting and severe in some children. Out of 1,695 patients nationwide, 43 developed life-threatening neurological disorders such as brain damage or stroke, 11 children died and 17 survived with continuing neurological problems ....
.... "Of the patients, 22% had neurologic involvement, which I think surprised us all quite a bit," said Mack. "Of those cases, 88% experienced only temporary symptoms, which is certainly reassuring, but the other 12% did not bounce back and some did not survive, which are big numbers when you're looking at over 1,000 patients."
It's unclear why some children developed serious neurological involvement from COVID-19 and MIS-C and others didn't. Most of the patients with life-threatening neurological complications did not have any major underlying conditions.
"For whatever reason, in some kids the immune system goes wild in response to prior COVID infection," said Mack.
Omicron is not a "friend" any more than a violent spouse is a hero for being less violent than a neighbor. The question of what counts as good news is relative; the low death toll from the Marshall Fire in Colorado is relatively good news, though a disappointment compared to, say, Thursday, when we still hoped it was zero, and also a very granular consideration compared to climate, weather, and that part of Colorado, which in turn is bad news that will most assuredly see future loss of life.
Last month,
Helen Branswell↱ of STAT News spoke with computational biologist Trever Bedford:
Bedford believes that while there may be something intrinsically different about the way Omicron viruses attack human bodies, much of what is being reported in terms of mildness of cases can be explained by the fact that many people being infected have some immunity to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, either because they were previously infected or they've been vaccinated.
That's the good news. The bad news is that because Omicron's mutations allow it to slip past antibodies people have acquired over the past two years, he thinks potentially half the globe may contract Omicron over the coming weeks and months.
How concerned is Bedford about Omicron? He said he uses a "freaking out" scale of 1 to 10 to rate pandemic developments. The Delta variant was a 6. He's still not sure how bad Omicron is, saying at this point it falls somewhere between 3 and 8.
It's a subtle range. Over at the
Washington Post,
Joel Achenbach and Carolyn Y. Johnson↱ observe something a little less subtle:
The idea that omicron has a silver lining is not a fully formed scientific theory. It's conjecture, in some cases unspooled on Twitter threads and floated in television interviews. At worst, it is "arm-waving," to use the term that serious scientists employ as a pejorative.
And even the experts promoting the idea concede that it is an educated guess—and is contingent upon the virus itself, which has repeatedly surprised experts and may generate new variants that are more dangerous than omicron.
There is no way we end up looking back at this and declaring what a good friend to humanity Covid 19 Omicron turned out to be. Omicron will not be the last variant of Covid 19, and we also have reason to worry about chronic illness; while it might be attacking the lungs less severely, concerns about related kidney and pancreatic infection, as well as serious neurological symptoms, remind to not overstate what comfort we might find in lesser severity of short-term syptoms.
Omicron is not a friend, full stop.