If by "Chi energy" you mean perhaps something he puts at the bottom of the crumpled paper, then sure, I'd think that reasonable. As soon as the narrator said that they went outside for the demonstration my alarm-bells were going off. Somewhere where the temperature might be, you know, hotter than the air-conditioned interiors... hot enough for, you know, something to ignite, maybe?So it can only be his Chi energy.
In my view it's some chemical compound for sure, and not just paper. Some form of phosphorous is most likely. Paper doesn't ignite nor burn the way it does in the video: it looks chemically-assisted, there's a release of far more smoke than you'd get from just newspaper, (if it was Chi igniting the paper you would just have paper burning, and the smoke would only start after a noticeable period. Try it yourself). You'll also note the way he "crumpled" the newspaper intially was entirely consistent with him crumpling it around something. So it looks fake.
Even ignoring my analysis, your "it can only be his Chi energy" is simply wrong: any magician worth their salt can show you how it could be done (if magicians were in to showing you how their tricks worked). Now, if he could repeat this demonstration in a lab-controlled environment, that would be good. But all we're left with is a single video that does not leave the demonstration open to further investigation. How convenient.
So find us a video of a lab-controlled demonstration, if you can. Otherwise... meh.