Nina Kulagina and documented psychokinesis

Magical Realist

Valued Senior Member
Not sure what to think about this fascinating woman. The films of the scientifically-controlled demonstrations of her enigmatic powers seem real enough. But the toll such feats took upon her health perhaps ended up making any of it unuseable or impractical. An incredible historical case of rare superhuman ability nonetheless...

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To maintain the status quo. Nobody wants their worldview to change or become problematic. Few even want to think about it.
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To maintain the status quo. Nobody wants their worldview to change or become problematic. Few even want to think about it.
What worldview can change from a charlatan using threads and magnets to fool the gullible?
What worldview can change from a charlatan using threads and magnets to fool the gullible?
I'm actually hoping he's a charlatan. If he really believes this crap he's verging on dangerous. Box of rifles and clock tower time.
Not sure what to think about this fascinating woman.
Start with, Gee how come she only achieved these amazing effects with her hands really close to the objects that are moved?

Any footage with her doing this from several feet away, with hands restrained?

Pretty sure James Randi could have easily reproduced these tricks.
Start with, Gee how come she only achieved these amazing effects with her hands really close to the objects that are moved?

Why would that matter if she wasn't touching the objects? Could James Randi move objects by putting his hands close to them?

Did you notice her moving the objects in the glass case? (see below video)
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Anyone put a carpenter's level on the table top? Anyone observe her feet and knees under the table while the objects are sliding towards the edge? How about seeing if the same results obtain on a floor or heavy oak desk? For that matter, how about just moving her back a couple feet from the table? Surely her powerful brain rays can travel a couple feet.

Reminds me of Uri Geller and the grossly flawed testing methods used by the gullible PhDs at Stanford Research Institute. I remember seeing that in the late 70s when I was starting university and realizing that advanced degrees could not develop basic common sense in some students.
Anyone put a carpenter's level on the table top? Anyone observe her feet and knees under the table while the objects are sliding towards the edge? How about seeing if the same results obtain on a floor or heavy oak desk? For that matter, how about just moving her back a couple feet from the table? Surely her powerful brain rays can travel a couple feet.

Reminds me of Uri Geller and the grossly flawed testing methods used by the gullible PhDs at Stanford Research Institute. I remember seeing that in the late 70s when I was starting university and realizing that advanced degrees could not develop basic common sense in some students.
A carnie showed me hold the tank thing was done. Clever but the observer has to cooperate for it to work.
A fraud. I regard much of this as just a bit of fun like Paul Daniels,it's an illusion not magic and takes some skill.

Liars and frauds taking money off people pretending to take to dead loved ones I do not like.

Breakdown what information this woman asks, as one of the leading psychics in the UK at the time and you can see it is bullshit.
From about 4:30. See how much information he thought he gave her.

LOL I see lots of whining about fraud and invoking of the holy name of Randi but nobody yet has explained how she did it. How is she moving the objects in the glass case?

Here's an interesting article about the so called "Amazing" Randi:

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