new physics model

Yes, that's would be why I think it would be worth looking at more experimental results.

Staying with the double slit experiment.

Given a source that emits a 'probability wave' with magnitude (direction) and phase seems to be (for you) conceptually difficult. Mathematically (with just two paths) it's simple to look for regions where magnitude and phase cancel to give total cancellation (dark fringes). If I understand you correctly you are thrusting the burden of 'not sending' a photon to the dark regions onto the source. The source 'somehow' knows the geometry of the experiment and responds in a way that duplicates the wave expectation without waves. Or (Bohm?) 'pilot waves'. Could you clarify your proposed mechanism of 'not sending a photon' to the regions which (I think) we agree will be dark?
I don't have a conceptual problem understanding the standard wave function and its exhibition of probabilistic behavior; I have a philosophical problem with it.

The source knows the geometry of the experiment because it is local to and in contact with the sink. I know this is not intuitive but it is a mathematically valid statement. I have speculated that the emission/absorption event occurs when the particles are in a particular configuration; the internal configuration of the source is cyclic so it makes sense that the emission event is dependent upon the classical distance to the sink.