This is the first draft of a physics model I've been working on. I would appreciate some feedback / criticism / questions / comments, etc.
At first I thought you might have some original comments on wave-particle duality, which I would be glad to explore. But then instead of describing how particles interact as a function of their wave nature, you lean on the frequency of the particular particle, referring to it as the "internal clock". To me, if the internal clock is the frequency, then the mechanism of interaction is the waves emitted by the particle at the particular particle's frequency; an out flow of wave energy from the particle. Do you consider that to be the case?From the paper said:"It should be noted that these clocks are particular to each particle such that the frequency of two otherwise identical particles need not be equal.Although there have been many proposed models of EM mass, in this paper we shall generally confine particle discussion to electrons using the model proposed by J.G. Williamson and M.B. van der Mark [1]. Figure 1 shows such a particle."
I could relate to how particles that interact are "spatially extended", as you say, (particles expanding to fill space between particles), but it seems to me that the interaction between particles would involve "extended particles" intersecting, and a wave intersection is a momentary event followed by a series of waves overlapping; passing through each other in space, causing a pattern of peaks and valleys. I assume that makes no sense in regard to your model?
I won't bore you with arguments against the particle model you employ, or about the physical nature of a wave-particle, but will just say that if the J.G. Williamson/M.B. Van der Mark particle model is incomplete or even wrong, then your model won't be correct. I would understand if you don't care to respond to this off-topic observation, because no matter how good a model is, without physical evidence, it is going to be subject to alternative approaches, like I am implying could falsify your model?