Neurological control understanding .

Mark Turner

In understanding Neurological Control it is firstly important to activate Neurological Awareness in ones own mind .

Neurological Awareness can be activated by as little as reading a sentence or several sentences that are the Neurological Trigger that activate the Neurological Awareness , thus allowing one to gain instant Neurological Control .

Disclaimer - If you do not want to activate your own Neurological Awareness trigger , do not read any further .

To activate awareness to gain control read the following :

You are reading these words without a sound , the voice you hear in thought whilst you read and memory recall these words is your own voice and "sounds" as you do . You are now activated ,you now have control and your own thought voice is now in control of your entire mind and body experience .
You now have the power to talk to your other thoughts in your own mind but don't be afraid that your other thoughts also sound like you . Once you practice talking to the other you's in your mind , you gain Neurological convergence but you have superiority over your other thoughts .

You now have full neurological control of your system if you allowed your neurological firewall to drop and understood .

If you understood , you have just become an objective bio bot as myself is .
So, working in the city, I hear people talking to themselves every day.:biggrin:

long ago we landed at LAX, and much to my amazement, I witnessed several people wandering about and having quite animated conversations, seemingly with themselves
and then
I was introduced to bluetooth
for most of us:
when we talk to ourselves, we are guaranteed an intelligent and sympathetic audience

does it get any better'n that?
I was a Brain in a vat, till I took the red pill...
That is not far from the truth , until we reach stage 3 of neurological evolution and neuro maturity , we are all but brains in a vat working off memory .
Once neuro control is activated by activating neuro awareness , one can then start to understand neurological binary choices . This explained in simple terms ,

1. Binary choice 1 left shoulder

2.Binary choice 2 right shoulder

3. Neurological control and awareness in the middle

Right and wrong

True or false

Subjective or objective

To be or not to be

Examples .
So, working in the city, I hear people talking to themselves every day.:biggrin:
Pretty much so , a penny for your thoughts springs to mind .

Often though , although people spend their days thinking , talking to their own thoughts in thought , people often react with neurological singularities as opposed neuro binary choices and neuro selection , an angry reaction for example .
You now have the power to talk to your other thoughts in your own mind but don't be afraid that your other thoughts also sound like you . Once you practice talking to the other you's in your mind , you gain Neurological convergence but you have superiority over your other thoughts .
Mental health workers refer to this as "responding to internal stimuli."
Mental health workers refer to this as "responding to internal stimuli."
As with anxiety , if one reacts to the neuro singularity , it can be a fearful time . However , if one is aware of neuro control and neuro binary choices , one can change the fear into something else . Neuro control , doesn't respond to internal stimuli , neuro control , controls it and is able to reform the information changing the experience .
As with anxiety , if one reacts to the neuro singularity , it can be a fearful time . However , if one is aware of neuro control and neuro binary choices , one can change the fear into something else . Neuro control , doesn't respond to internal stimuli , neuro control , controls it and is able to reform the information changing the experience .
Sounds like new wave BS. Especially when used to justify bigotry.
Sounds like new wave BS. Especially when used to justify bigotry.
Neurological unbiased has no bias , it may sound cold hearted , that is because neuro control can only be objective .

Neurological evolution stage 3 , bio bots , is quite automotive , neuro security and neuro immunity uninfluenced by subjectiveness .

Stage 3 is a firewall against your own influence .
Neurological unbiased has no bias
That sentence has a null meaning.
Neurological evolution stage 3 , bio bots , is quite automotive , neuro security and neuro immunity uninfluenced by subjectiveness . Stage 3 is a firewall against your own influence .
Word salad.

Eugenics has no inherent bias; it's just science. But it was used to excuse genocide. You are trying to do the same thing with homosexuality and transgenderism.
That sentence has a null meaning.

Word salad.

Eugenics has no inherent bias; it's just science. But it was used to excuse genocide. You are trying to do the same thing with homosexuality and transgenderism.
This thread doesn't mention either but FYI no it doesn't , quite the opposite .

You are incorrect , there is a bias , look at Trump as an example.

He is influenced by his own thoughts as opposed controlling them and thinking objective and rational .
Yet you explained how the mind of a transgender person was "tricking" them.

You didn't read (or understand) my reply to you.

Perhaps I didn't understand your reply , I am more of a freelance writer than an understanding reader .

Neuro diversity is a tricky subject but when stage 3 is reached , bio bots don't care what others choices are ,choices become objective .
Perhaps I didn't understand your reply , I am more of a freelance writer than an understanding reader .
You have to learn to listen before you talk.

But in any case, I was saying that any science (eugenics, neuroanatomy, medicine) has no inherent bias; it's just science. But often it is misused to excuse immoral things.