No that's not it and is totally wrong. As to why, I would use the same argument that you incorrectly use to make your unsupported assertion that they do not annihilate....opposite charges and parity. I would also give particle accelerators and colliders as examples where such has possibly been verified.
Now river I understand that you will reject that critique, simply because your rather childish persona, stops you accepting any scientific critique as opposed to your own make up pseudoscientific version.
Here's a couple of professional scientific answers river, which obviously you will again reject for the same childish reasons and probably well above your pay grade....
"When a massive particle and antiparticle meet (and are moving slowly relative to each other), they are in a relatively low entropy state. There are more states available if there are two lighter particles that are moving faster (converting rest mass energy into kinetic energy). Since there is no conservation law that forbids a particle and antiparticle from transforming into an other particle-antiparticle pair (photons are their own antiparticle), there is lower free energy, F = E - T S, where T is the temperature and S is the entropy, if they convert to the lighter particle-antiparticle pair.
Another possible ensemble is one where you repeatedly bring a particle and antiparticle together in otherwise empty space. When you bring together the particle antiparticle pairs one-by-one, there is some non-zero probability that they will annihilate and two faster particles will go off and in empty space and they will never return to recreate the heavy particle antiparticle pair (although they are energetically capable of doing so). If you get repeated attempts to annihilate, the adsorbing state of the system is one where there are no particle-antiparticle pairs".
I learnt many years ago river that converting mass into energy has four different methods...chemical reactions, like a fire for example, where around 5% is converted to energy: Nuclear reactions, where much more is converted to energy: matter/anti matter annihilation, where something like 95% is converted to energy: And finally if you chose to convert all of a mass into energy, all you need do is drop it into a BH.
Please don't hold me to those percentage amounts...just a rough estimate to get the idea across.