Valued Senior Member
It's not the end of the story, though. Many of your fellow Christians are intent on getting their interpretations of biblical morality enacted into enforceable laws of the land, for example. In some cases, they have succeeded, to the general detriment of human wellbeing.
Atheism does not come with any morality attached. Atheism is only about not being convinced that any God exists; that's all.
My personal morality is most closely aligned with secular humanist values which are demonstrably more moral than most of biblical morality, in that they value human wellbeing above devotion to an arbitrary set of supposed commands from an invisible man in the sky.
So you trust strangers opinions. How can you say "more moral", what yardstick do you use?
Let's assume that your God is real. Your argument is that God's morality is good because God can do whatever the hell he wants? Might makes right? That's a lousy basis for morality, if you ask me.
If the Jewish/Christian God exists then He created morality. Can you prove He doesn't exist?
Isn't it you who is arguing for the applicability of the 2000 year old book, not me?
No it is you. Listing a bunch of ancient practices being applicable today, I just had to inform you it is ancient history but you don't accept that, you want to question an all powerful God, using your tiny illogical brain.
Sure, you think you can pick and choose the parts you like from that book, but you still want to claim moral authority based on what the book says. You just want to ignore all the bad bits.
So you decide what bad is based on your secular morality, your human morality. You are not God James, neither is science,
I appreciate that there is a huge variety of different Christians. Christians differ wildly in their morality, across different denominations and across individual members of those denominations.
So what?
I can tell you for sure that there are large groups of Christians whose behaviour is not okay by me, davewhite. If you read the news, you'll see a lot of appalling behaviour from self-proclaimed Christians and the organisations they run. Of course, there are also examples of praiseworthy moral behaviour on the part of many Christians.
Who do you think you are? You are a guideless product of evolution remember.
Am I okay with child abuse in the Catholic Church - carried out exclusively by self-declared Christians? No, I'm not okay with that. How about you, davewhite? Am I okay with Christian sects that oppress and control their members in harmful ways? No, I'm not okay with that. How about you, davewhite? Am I okay with Christians making laws to ban access to abortion, even in cases of rape or incest? No, I'm not okay with that. How about you, davewhite?
Jesus already stated what would happen to paedophiles Matthew 18:5-7, I agree with Jesus since He is God(perfect morality).
You don't know me very well, do you?
I know you are intelligent but lack religious understanding. You also like to take something simple and make it complex... the opposite of genius.
That would require a very lengthy explanation, because as far as I can tell you haven't really given much consideration to the question of where people, in general, get their morals from. It seems like you believe - wrongly - that you get yours from a book.
I'll give you a very brief overview of where my morals come from. I value human wellbeing and human flourishing - not exclusively, mind you. Because I value those things, I feel like I have a duty, first and foremost, not to impede or hinder or harm human wellbeing or flourishing through my own actions. I agree with the maxim "Do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you."
"i feel a sense of duty..." purely subjective and maybe made with good conscience, but subjective meaningless.
I also recognise that I live in an interconnected society that I share with 8 billion other human beings. In a general sense, I support the idea of the "greatest good for the greatest number", but the moral calculus that I apply in practice is not just a matter of counting heads.
Considering your tone of ridiculing someone who disagrees with you says a lot about you... you're lost and a hypocrite.
I am partial to certain ideas about virtues and living a good life. Those incorporate a lot of ideas about how one should act with respect to other people, as well. One should be honest. One should not set out to gain personally from another's misery. One should lend a hand to others who are in need. And so on.
What is good? I find you have a lack of respect. You are actually making up your own valueless morals...
My morals do not come out of a fear that I will be punished if I'm not a good boy. I don't have the threat of a Hell hanging over my head.
Who mentioned hell? You know nothing about me.
I hope that helps you to some extent to begin to understand.
It was a longwinded response mainly trying to deal with morality, and you got nowhere.