Lunatic Fringe taking over?

Trust me, they are not. Are you the jester of the site?
Are you the site cynic?

It's just that your statement is so laughable, there is nothing worth a buck than what they're worth, half the time.
Said the site cynic in response to the observation that folks like Grumpy, origin, James R and exchemist are all excellent sources of free information about science. Stuff you have pay tuition and fees to actually learn.

They can apply themselves, but this is few and far between.
They have expertise. I always say: give credit where credit is due. It's certainly a good cure for cynicism.

If that is what you call ''service''... then you don't know what science is about.
It's certainly not about being cynical about being science literacy.

By the way, it totally isn't.

What you are arguing it is totally acceptable to ... as the expression goes, ''pass the buck.''
You opened by passing the blame from the antagonists to the good guys. But way to blame me for that.

The cranks are not a valid excuse, only an explanation for your acts.
The cranks are a fact of life. They have nothing to do with me, nor am I engaged in any acts. Perhaps you meant speech.

There is a big difference between the two. You can act like a totally reasonable person when you want to be.
If you were so concerned about being reasonable you would stop being cynical and focus your complaints on the cranks, noting that they are the enemies of reason.

You can't blame anyone else for your actions
This is speech, not action. At present I am speaking to your desire to cast blame on the good people of this site.

just like how recently I took the bait off of a poster in the physics section and I expect a punishment for it now.
Not sure what that's a reference to, but wherever your posts run counter to first principles of math and science, you should expect feedback from the folks who are freely giving you what it would cost you tens of thousands of dollars to get through formal education.

I won't blame anyone else... but myself.
Now that you've blamed everyone else, that rings pretty hollow.
Who am I talking about? I thought I was no ignore?

I thought you were aware, about a month ago, I said perhaps I underestimated your ability to hold conversations... when threatened with being blocked, I kept accidently falling across comments you made when not being on-line. Considering you stalked most threads I started I realized blocking you was... ineffective. But on the other hand, wasn't a totally bad idea, after all, I need to keep track of the bullshit what can be passed off sometimes... especially from the likes of you...

.......... isn't it funny folks. Just check his last ten posts... in fact, check any poster here, who has posted anything within the last few weeks, you'll find very little for your bucks worth... as another poster here claimed the lot was worth. Isn't it fortunate, we don't actually have to pay for the abuse here?
Are you the site cynic?

I will take it, from my last post, you were sensative enough to write a big long wall of words I personally have no patience on... based pretty much on how I have met you. Sorry... but you are actually that unimportant to me.
I will take it, from my last post, you were sensative enough to write a big long wall of words I personally have no patience on... based pretty much on how I have met you. Sorry... but you are actually that unimportant to me.

This stated goals of the site are intelligent conversation. You may or may not be here for that purpose. But certainly if you were here for that purpose you would want to distance yourself from cranks. You would express solidarity with the science-literate folks, and engage in some topic of math or science without having them remind you too much about first principles. So far that doesn't seem to be panning out for you.
This stated goals of the site are intelligent conversation. You may or may not be here for that purpose. But certainly if you were here for that purpose you would want to distance yourself from cranks. You would express solidarity with the science-literate folks, and engage in some topic of math or science without having them remind you too much about first principles. So far that doesn't seem to be panning out for you.

I ''may or may not'' be part of that?

Where in my last one hundred posts may indicate I have no intention to talk about science?

The so-called ''solidarity'' of the science literate folk have nothing to do with their innability or refusal for a better term to apply themselves. And you also ask... or demand... I must distance myself from cranks. I don't know in person, or by writing here about ANY cranks, however, I will admit I haven't been here that long. Here... some advice from me... ignore the cranks, apply yourself and make an example. You surely can't go wrong then?
You're a negative player on these boards

Grumpy (and about a dozen or two like-minded folks) are a free technical consult. Elsewhere you'd have to pay to get such advice.

there are many negative posters here who just come to argue with other posters, rather than actually debating the content.

That's entirely the fault of the cranks and crackpots who have no intent of rehabilitating themselves, much less following the actual content of a topic. What you've posted illustrates one of the tenets of crankdom: disparagement of the innocent -- which is often supplemented by praise of the guilty.

May I ask, Aqueous Id, if "one of the tenets of crankdom: disparagement of the innocent" -- may be preceded by or prefaced by this "praise" you speak of?

May I also ask how you are so aware of these "tenets of crankdom"?

Do you you have any Links to these "tenets of crankdom", or any other evidence to support your assertions?
May I ask, Aqueous Id, if "one of the tenets of crankdom: disparagement of the innocent" -- may be preceded by or prefaced by this "praise" you speak of?

May I also ask how you are so aware of these "tenets of crankdom"?

Do you you have any Links to these "tenets of crankdom", or any other evidence to support your assertions?
May I ask, DMOE, why you profess to be so blissfully unaware of the Common characteristics of cranks?

  1. Cranks overestimate their own knowledge and ability, and underestimate that of acknowledged experts.
  2. Cranks insist that their alleged discoveries are urgently important.
  3. Cranks rarely, if ever, acknowledge any error, no matter how trivial.
  4. Cranks love to talk about their own beliefs, often in inappropriate social situations, but they tend to be bad listeners, being uninterested in anyone else's experience or opinions.
Do you have any links to some other set of characteristics DMOE? DMOE, do you disagree that these tenets are common to cranks of all stripes? DMOE, may I ask if you believe in the existence of cranks? Do you not think we have more than our fair share of cranks right here on Sci DMOE? DMOE, why or why not?

Let me quote Aqueous Id, his comment seems appropriate in relation to you as well:
Aqueous Id said:
This stated goals of the site are intelligent conversation. You may or may not be here for that purpose. But certainly if you were here for that purpose you would want to distance yourself from cranks. You would express solidarity with the science-literate folks, and engage in some topic of math or science without having them remind you too much about first principles. So far that doesn't seem to be panning out for you.

DMOE, does this help any?
This stated goals of the site are intelligent conversation. You may or may not be here for that purpose. But certainly if you were here for that purpose you would want to distance yourself from cranks. You would express solidarity with the science-literate folks, and engage in some topic of math or science without having them remind you too much about first principles. So far that doesn't seem to be panning out for you.

100% correct!!!
As I have mentioned before, these forums are like magnets for the cranks and nuts.....That fact is highlighted by the reality that these forums are the only outlet they have. All other reasonable logical peer reviewed outlets shun them like the plague.
…but then there is GG, roscoe and anew….

I tend to agree with origin that it would be nice to weed out some of the more obvious rubbish from the science sections, but I see you seem to be on the case.....

Very pleased to note roscoe's departure. Well merited and a good call by whichever mod was responsible. One or two more need excretion I think to raise the tone. But give it time…...
Very pleased to note roscoe's departure. Well merited and a good call by whichever mod was responsible. One or two more need excretion I think to raise the tone. But give it time…...

Sadly only temporary, however, if people continue reporting posts as they come across them...
Cranks make having rational discourse on certain topics somewhere between difficult and impossible, they show up, trash the thread with their pet theories, and kill any and all conversation that might have been occuring.
May I ask, DMOE, why you profess to be so blissfully unaware of the Common characteristics of cranks?

You may, Randwolf.

And my answer would be that I have never "profess(ed) to be so blissfully unaware of the Common characteristics of cranks".

  1. Cranks overestimate their own knowledge and ability, and underestimate that of acknowledged experts.
  2. Cranks insist that their alleged discoveries are urgently important.
  3. Cranks rarely, if ever, acknowledge any error, no matter how trivial.
  4. Cranks love to talk about their own beliefs, often in inappropriate social situations, but they tend to be bad listeners, being uninterested in anyone else's experience or opinions.
Do you have any links to some other set of characteristics DMOE?


DMOE, do you disagree that these tenets are common to cranks of all stripes?

I cannot agree or disagree - I am not sure that "cranks of all stripes" follow any prescribed "tenets".

DMOE, may I ask if you believe in the existence of cranks?

There are many things manifest in existence that I do not care to "believe in" - "cranks", "prejudice", "labeling", "stereotyping" and "making assumptions", just to name a few.

Do you not think we have more than our fair share of cranks right here on Sci DMOE?

"Fair share"?

This is an Internet Forum - and this is the year 2014 - please define : "fair share"?

DMOE, why or why not?

See ^^above^^!

Let me quote Aqueous Id, his comment seems appropriate in relation to you as well:
This stated goals of the site are intelligent conversation. You may or may not be here for that purpose. But certainly if you were here for that purpose you would want to distance yourself from cranks. You would express solidarity with the science-literate folks, and engage in some topic of math or science without having them remind you too much about first principles. So far that doesn't seem to be panning out for you. there some kind of "Gang Mentality" or "If you are not with us - you are against us, mentality" at play on this Forum?

DMOE, does this help any?

It does not help me "any" in getting answers to the questions that I asked of Aqueous Id.

Did it "help" you in any way?
Cranks make having rational discourse on certain topics somewhere between difficult and impossible, they show up, trash the thread with their pet theories, and kill any and all conversation that might have been occuring.

And ask inane questions with a big bloody agenda hidden behind it!
You may, Randwolf.

And my answer would be that I have never "profess(ed) to be so blissfully unaware of the Common characteristics of cranks".


I cannot agree or disagree - I am not sure that "cranks of all stripes" follow any prescribed "tenets".

There are many things manifest in existence that I do not care to "believe in" - "cranks", "prejudice", "labeling", "stereotyping" and "making assumptions", just to name a few.

"Fair share"?

This is an Internet Forum - and this is the year 2014 - please define : "fair share"?

See ^^above^^! there some kind of "Gang Mentality" or "If you are not with us - you are against us, mentality" at play on this Forum?

It does not help me "any" in getting answers to the questions that I asked of Aqueous Id.

Did it "help" you in any way?
Wow. That was probably the most loquacious way of saying absolutely nothing that I have ever encountered. But than again, what else should I expect of The Dumbest Man On Earth, right?
Very pleased to note roscoe's departure. Well merited and a good call by whichever mod was responsible. One or two more need excretion I think to raise the tone. But give it time…...

Ditto, a fortiori, GaiaGirl95. What a blessed relief. Thanks.