Jews antisemitism and sciforums

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i dont think bells or james wanna make that distinction, sam
it probably suits them to think that you and joey are cut from the same cloth
i dont think bells or james wanna make that distinction, sam
it probably suits them to think that you and joey are cut from the same cloth

I think thats an overanalysis of the picture. After all, we're all looking at the issues from different perspectives. Much as he seems both desperate, uncompromising and obdurate, James probably has to contend with a continuous deluge of complaints which can all become gray after some time. There is a sense of "all roads lead to Sam" in some discussions he has had with me and perhaps he hopes that focusing on me can make his life easier. :p

I like to give him the benefit of the doubt [inspite of the weird restrictions he has in what constitutes a valid discussion in some forums] that he is just doing his best in a bad job. And is only human if he resents it at times.

Maybe it's part of the Great Jewish Conspiracy.

"You tell me whar a man gits his corn pone, en I'll tell you what his 'pinions is."
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i dont think bells or james wanna make that distinction, sam
it probably suits them to think that you and joey are cut from the same cloth

Quite the contrary. Personally I feel disturbed by what I am seeing of late. And I can assure you, it does not suit me to be disturbed.

Do I think Sam and Joey are "cut from the same cloth"? I would like to say and think no. But at present, all evidence seems to point to the picture that I find disturbing. I can only go by what I see and what I am seeing = 'me no like'.

I can't tell what Sam's motive is, or Joey's for that matter, unless they wish to express that motive. Thus far, whatever Sam's motive might or might not be, we seem to be dancing around the issue somewhat and a clear and concise response as to what "it" is not exactly forthcoming, remains hers and hers alone.

From previous posts, we can imagine this is her way of protesting what she perceives to be an inequality in the manner in which threads about Muslims and theists are moderated when compared to threads about Jews. All I can say to Sam is that if this is how she wishes to stage that protest, then it will fall on deaf ears simply because the content of her protests are, for lack of a better term, in poor taste.
nice of you to be so understanding
i of course feel embarrassed when i see stuff like

Even though Bells decided to ban him (and only for 1 day), SAM is STILL predictably shouting bias. Next she'll be saying Bells and I cooked up the plan to ban him by PM. Just wait.

If you wish to protest his ban, you can address me personally via PM or escalate your complaint to one of the Admin.

My time of playing nice is now over.

i mean, "propitious" for me meant a sarcastic ..... "see how bad things could get"?

for them, you were celebrating the arrival of an ally
you were not shouting bias, nor were you protesting
in public that is

so why the hysterics?


there is something pathological about all this
For someone who once seemed quite aware, Gustav, it is rather astonishing to see that you don't realise that SAM is, in fact, little better than those she despises. If you want to know why the more intelligent posters have left these forums, it only needs a look around to see who now is regarded as being respectable.

I never would have guessed you one to fall victim to the charms of the articulately dense. Particularly not one who, in order to shield herself from the fact that the problem lies within her, has convinced herself she is disliked because of what she identifies with rather than what she is.

Take an uneducated redneck from Arkansas and give him an education while leaving his prejudices untouched, and you'll have another SAM, waving a flag of a different colour.

Take a look at her sig. Look at it. If you can't tell me what is wrong with it in your next post, then you belong in the same wasteland of the mentally inane from which she emerged.
I can't tell what Sam's motive is, or Joey's for that matter, unless they wish to express that motive. Thus far, whatever Sam's motive might or might not be, we seem to be dancing around the issue somewhat and a clear and concise response as to what "it" is not exactly forthcoming, remains hers and hers alone.

wanna step up and bat?
wanna step up and bat?

Sure. Try this
I don't think its racist to look at Judaism and its adherents in the same manner as everyone else is examined.

If it is racism then it should be banned for all, not just for Jews.

If you're not willing to ban it for all, then its hypocritical to pick out Jews and treat them differently.

Or how about the OP?

Why are sciforums mods and admin so touchy about threads on Jews?

The IDF organ trade thread was closed, the questions on what is Judaism was closed.

Why is is alright to parody, make fun of or demonise [and call names] all religious and areligious groups except Jews?

Whats with the special treatment? Why can't Judaism be treated like any other belief system is treated on sciforums?
Take a look at her sig. Look at it. If you can't tell me what is wrong with it in your next post, then you belong in the same wasteland of the mentally inane from which she emerged.

i dont understand the reference at all

/feeling stupid
i dont understand the reference at all

/feeling stupid

Its the comparison on the almost caning received by a Malay woman.

Results 1 - 10 of about 4,520,000 English pages for beer caning Malaysian. (0.42 seconds)

as compared to white phosphorus used on Afghanis

Results 1 - 10 of about 76,300 English pages for white phosphorus Afghanistan. (0.39 seconds)

And to make it clearer lets add the name of a victim

Results 1 - 10 of about 8,230 English pages for Razia white phosphorus. (0.34 seconds)

Results 1 - 10 of about 116,000 English pages for caning Kartika. (0.32 seconds)

And in case you don't know who Razia is

An AP news report on Razia
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Certainly. I don't disagree in essence that we should restrict threads about Jews in the same manner in which we look at other religious groups and their actions. What I do disagree with is when threads are started about a particular group, in this instance being Jews, to further one's own agenda, or as you put it earlier, to help you shatter that "glass ceiling".

Your threads about Jews, nay, let me rephrase that. Your current obsession about Jews and nitpicking the actions of some Jews in World War II appears to me to be revenge threads because you're pissed off at the current obsession of some members about Muslims.

Your OP in this thread, where you asked what we had learned about Jews from all the threads you have posted was indicative that you did not wish to discuss or inspect Jews as other religions are on this forum. Especially when we look at another thread you posted at around the same time.

Mersault is right. And believe me, I don't think there has ever come a time where I have agreed with Mersault and to think that I am agreeing with him now is a 'I want to smack my head into a brick wall' moment for me. You have become what you have hated on this forum.

So what we have now is a pissing contest between you and others about who can insult the other religion the best. To put it bluntly, you're pissing all over this forum along with those who obsess as equally about Muslims.
You seem intent on exposing your limitations at every available opportunity.

You seem intent on exposing your limitations at every available opportunity.

I don't think its exposing so much as being limited by my perceptions. I freely recognise that I am not prescient enough to accommodate experiences other than my own.
Take an uneducated redneck from Arkansas and give him an education while leaving his prejudices untouched, and you'll have another SAM, waving a flag of a different colour.

You are not from the U.S., eh? The redneck from Arkansas--irrespective of education, and redneck does not connote either--simply displays less subtlety than the New Englander.
Certainly. I don't disagree in essence that we should restrict threads about Jews in the same manner in which we look at other religious groups and their actions. What I do disagree with is when threads are started about a particular group, in this instance being Jews, to further one's own agenda, or as you put it earlier, to help you shatter that "glass ceiling".

Your threads about Jews, nay, let me rephrase that. Your current obsession about Jews and nitpicking the actions of some Jews in World War II appears to me to be revenge threads because you're pissed off at the current obsession of some members about Muslims.

Your OP in this thread, where you asked what we had learned about Jews from all the threads you have posted was indicative that you did not wish to discuss or inspect Jews as other religions are on this forum. Especially when we look at another thread you posted at around the same time.

Mersault is right. And believe me, I don't think there has ever come a time where I have agreed with Mersault and to think that I am agreeing with him now is a 'I want to smack my head into a brick wall' moment for me. You have become what you have hated on this forum.

So what we have now is a pissing contest between you and others about who can insult the other religion the best. To put it bluntly, you're pissing all over this forum along with those who obsess as equally about Muslims.

So what is my agenda, precisely?
You are not from the U.S., eh? The redneck from Arkansas--irrespective of education, and redneck does not connote either--simply displays less subtlety than the New Englander.
.... duh. That was that point.Hence the reference to the "articulately dense".
Go away.
you will be happy to know my fabulous powers of discernment forbade me to click on the beer caning thread. nor had i read any news articles on it (malaysia eh?)

shit like that is tabloid crap, ja
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