Is breastfeeding obscene?

Is breastfeeding in public obscene?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 9.3%
  • No

    Votes: 49 90.7%

  • Total voters
Then you don't really care if your position is valid. You are just being contrary.

The similarities I have pointed out (ak: both involve so called "obscene" organs in use) has yet to be argued against, and is the only component critical to my argument, the difference between urine and milk, no relevance, smell no relevance, etc, etc.
what really makes me mad with all this is, no one will see a group of kittens feeding from the mum and say its gross, they will generally say "argh isnt that sweet" and men walk around with no tops on all the time in summer, and the male torso is also a sexual part of a mans body for some women, so MEN if you dont like to see women breast feed and walk around topless be fair on us and cover up in the summer!! fairs fair

Exactly. It's still our upper body, as well as a "sexual" area. So it happens to contain breasts. Deal with it, motherfuckers.
They can't

Visceral Instinct said:

Deal with it, motherfuckers.

They can't. That's the whole point.

This is just another occasion when some men assert that women should subject themselves to discriminatory standards because it's easier than men exercising a modicum of dignity and restraint.

Tuberculatious said:

what is fapping boobs?

"Fap" is a colloquialism for masturbation; apparently some people think it's onomatopoeic.
Exactly. It's still our upper body, as well as a "sexual" area. So it happens to contain breasts. Deal with it, motherfuckers.

They can't. That's the whole point.

This is just another occasion when some men assert that women should subject themselves to discriminatory standards because it's easier than men exercising a modicum of dignity and restraint.

Both of you are free to refer to my post in visceral_instinct's thread, Why is a woman's upper body "obscene"?, to see why such double standards have existed historically in civilized cultures, and not in primitive cultures. The post is not as detailed as it should be, but I will certainly elaborate further when necessary.
The similarities I have pointed out (ak: both involve so called "obscene" organs in use) has yet to be argued against, and is the only component critical to my argument, the difference between urine and milk, no relevance, smell no relevance, etc, etc.

The main difference is how people view it. Most (if not practically all) people don't find breasts anywhere near as obscene as the penis, vagina, or anus. Which is apparent in films. Breasts are shown on a regular basis in R-rated movies (hell you might even be able to sneak by with a PG13 rating depending on if the exposure was sexual or not), it's a rarity you'll see a penis, but the vagina and anus have been banned exclusively to the porn (ie obscene) relm.
The main difference is how people view it. Most (if not practically all) people don't find breasts anywhere near as obscene as the penis, vagina, or anus. Which is apparent in films. Breasts are shown on a regular basis in R-rated movies (hell you might even be able to sneak by with a PG13 rating depending on if the exposure was sexual or not), it's a rarity you'll see a penis, but the vagina and anus have been banned exclusively to the porn (ie obscene) relm.

True their level of obscenity is different but peeing is still the closes analogy to breastfeeding.
True their level of obscenity is different but peeing is still the closes analogy to breastfeeding.

This is why I end up not bothering to reply to your posts.

Peeing is not even remotely analogous to breast feeding.

Peeing = getting rid of toxis wastes.

Breast feeding = giving a child some nutrition.
Peeing is not even remotely analogous to breast feeding.

Peeing = getting rid of toxis wastes.

Breast feeding = giving a child some nutrition.
That's kind of irrelevant though, they're both natural and necessarry, it could be argued urinating is more necessarry, more likely to be urgent where there would be no option but to do it in public.
Both are offensive to a certain percentage of the population, but breastfeeding is adamantly defended as a "like it or lump it" situation while even if someone accidentally urinates in public they're considered a disgraceful pig.
Why are we comparing them, again, exactly?

At this point simply to piss people off with my undefeated logic, as long as they say they have nothing in common I'll will show things they have in common. for example visceral_instinct, she mentioned something they don't have in common, good for her, but peeing and breast feeding still involves:

A) the use of so called "offensive" organs which some people abject to seeing on a spontaneous public basis
B) the discharge of fluid from said organs which some people find extra offensive.

As long as she and other continue to deny these facts I will continue to irritate them with these facts. I'm waiting for someone to say "yes they do have that in common but we can come up with a logical reasoning that would forbid public urination and not breastfeeding, the would circumnavigate these commonalities, that reasoning being..." and thus the discussion can continue until we have a unbreakable argument that advocates breastfeeding and not urination as well.
Ummm...undefeated logic?

You are simply engineering the argument so that you sound like you're winning when you're not.

Why are these commonalities not relevant?

Because they are outweighed by the far more marked differences.

Urine is waste. It's also dangerous stuff if you get some on you and don't scrub it off, because it attracts bacteria which breed, and make you sick.

Breast milk is food for that child.

An urethral hole is purely for urine, or in a man, ejaculation and urinating. You can't point it to and say 'Oh but it's also on a part of my body I use a lot for other things.' There is a reason we keep the anal/genital area covered; it's for cleanliness, not just modesty. Would you want to sit with your bare backside on a seat where someone else just sat with their bare backside?

Breasts have no such isolation as purely for waste or sexual function.
Urine is actually sterile, not dangerous at all, if it sits around it can attract bacteria but so can breast milk.
Yes I know, piss is sterile when it first leaves your bladder.

Um, breast milk goes in the baby's MOUTH. Piss lies on the ground, unless you suck it up somehow, attracting bacteria.
Ummm...undefeated logic?

You are simply engineering the argument so that you sound like you're winning when you're not.

Why are these commonalities not relevant?

Because they are outweighed by the far more marked differences.

Then make a constructive argument of why these differences matter.

Urine is waste. It's also dangerous stuff if you get some on you and don't scrub it off, because it attracts bacteria which breed, and make you sick.

I want you to do an experiment, place a cup of urine and a cup of milk out in the open and see which rots first. Urine has a far lower energy content and is far more caustic to microbial growth, I assure you milk with all its fats, sugars and benign pH is far more effective at growing dangerous bacteria.

Breast milk is food for that child.

its not any less food when put in a bottle.

An urethral hole is purely for urine, or in a man, ejaculation and urinating. You can't point it to and say 'Oh but it's also on a part of my body I use a lot for other things.'

Aside for breast feeding the breast in cumbersome lump of fat, its is used physically for one thing only, the penis two!

There is a reason we keep the anal/genital area covered; it's for cleanliness, not just modesty. Would you want to sit with your bare backside on a seat where someone else just sat with their bare backside?

and that why we don't cover breast up, that why no one here has said they are modest or prudent and try never to show their lactating breast. yes of course reality does not exist for you. Breast and the genitals a covered because people have some kind of social developed modesty about them, develop for the primary reason that the sight of these organs was arousing to many of them.

Breasts have no such isolation as purely for waste or sexual function.

no there isolation is for lactating and a sexual attractant. The sexual function of both organs seems to be the one that get people irritated.