Insulting Religion

I could not have said this any better...
Isn't there an old expression? Something like 'if you sink to their level, you're no better than they are.'
LOL, believing in God IS religion, you dope.
Be that as it may(I'm not going to argue the semantics), if the one who asks the question has a religion that is unique to themselves, then the justification given for insulting them is invalid.
I had realization today, that for major life decisions emotion always leads and reason follows. I realized that modern culture is horrible at an emotional level first, and then I studied why and I understood it at a logical level.

So based on this, I would like to ask all of you atheists to insult religion and insult religious people. Please keep up the good work. The reason for this is to encourage religious people to hate you and to reject modern culture. Only once religious people reject modern culture emotionally can they take the next step and understand at a logical level why modern culture is pure evil.
I had realization today, that for major life decisions emotion always leads and reason follows. I realized that modern culture is horrible at an emotional level first, and then I studied why and I understood it at a logical level.

You can't even define it, so I doubt you understand it. You can't even say why you hate it!

So based on this, I would like to ask all of you atheists to insult religion and insult religious people. Please keep up the good work. The reason for this is to encourage religious people to hate you and to reject modern culture. Only once religious people reject modern culture emotionally can they take the next step and understand at a logical level why modern culture is pure evil.

More accurately, it's only the emotionally retarded who are capable of deluding themselves to such an extent.
Isn't there an old expression? Something like 'if you sink to their level, you're no better than they are.'

We're not sinking to their level. We're not claiming that religious people are lesser beings than us, or deserving of punishment. We are simply demanding the right to speak honestly about their beliefs. That's quite a bit different than the hatred that comes from certain religious groups.
I had realization today, that for major life decisions emotion always leads and reason follows. I realized that modern culture is horrible at an emotional level first, and then I studied why and I understood it at a logical level.

So based on this, I would like to ask all of you atheists to insult religion and insult religious people. Please keep up the good work. The reason for this is to encourage religious people to hate you and to reject modern culture. Only once religious people reject modern culture emotionally can they take the next step and understand at a logical level why modern culture is pure evil.

Your "issues" have nothing to do with religion (or with atheists). Culture is culture. The culture of the moment is always "modern". If you "hate" modern culture you must feel alienated for some reason. You wouldn't like the past any better. Figure out what your real issue is and deal with it and you'll be better off rather than "hating modern culture".
Isn't there an old expression? Something like 'if you sink to their level, you're no better than they are.'

Religions cause good people to do bad things. There's nothing wrong with those people, their minds are just enslaved by religion, an ideology that speaks hatred and bigotry and divides us from them. To 'insult' that religion and speak freely about it showing those who are enslaved by it the evil that has a stranglehold on their minds is no different than showing the Germans the ideology of Nazism, for example.

Be that as it may(I'm not going to argue the semantics), if the one who asks the question has a religion that is unique to themselves, then the justification given for insulting them is invalid.

We're not talking about a religion that is unique to an individual, we are talking about a religion that divides mankind with hatred and bigotry, that despises and disrespects all those who do not follow it, that tells us we are worthless sacks of shit that need saving, that we are evil sinners by nature. That is what we're talking about.
I had realization today, that for major life decisions emotion always leads and reason follows. I realized that modern culture is horrible at an emotional level first, and then I studied why and I understood it at a logical level.

It would appear that your religion is causing you to believe that modern culture is horrible, through emotions and most certainly not through logic.

So based on this, I would like to ask all of you atheists to insult religion and insult religious people. Please keep up the good work. The reason for this is to encourage religious people to hate you and to reject modern culture.

We need not have to encourage religious people to hate us, they do so at the behest of their religion, first and foremost. Reason and rationale have failed to release them from the stranglehold their religion has on them.

Only once religious people reject modern culture emotionally can they take the next step and understand at a logical level why modern culture is pure evil.

Modern culture is not pure evil, the religion that has them enslaved to believe that is the real evil, which teaches them that modern culture is pure evil in order to maintain that stranglehold. That's how religion works, it causes people to hate and reject anything that would release them from indoctrination, knowledge and understanding being two of those.
I had realization today, that for major life decisions emotion always leads and reason follows. I realized that modern culture is horrible at an emotional level first, and then I studied why and I understood it at a logical level.

So based on this, I would like to ask all of you atheists to insult religion and insult religious people. Please keep up the good work. The reason for this is to encourage religious people to hate you and to reject modern culture. Only once religious people reject modern culture emotionally can they take the next step and understand at a logical level why modern culture is pure evil.
I will continue to criticize religion, but I will empathize with religious people. They need to be led to a rational epistemology though patience and understanding. Emotion is not the same as faith. Emotion is a necessary component of being human, faith is pretending to know things you don't know.
We've been told many times that we're going to burn in hell... If that's not judgmental and insulting, I don't know what is.
But that sounds like a problem with Christianity, and similarly evangelical and absolutist religions. Not a problem with religion as a whole.

LOL, believing in God IS religion, you dope.
No it isn't. It's a belief; a religion is a system that includes belief structures and specific practices.
One can very much be a theist without participating in a religion.
But that sounds like a problem with Christianity, and similarly evangelical and absolutist religions. Not a problem with religion as a whole.

No it isn't. It's a belief; a religion is a system that includes belief structures and specific practices.

Have another look at what you just said, especially the part in bold. You just contradicted yourself.

One can very much be a theist without participating in a religion.

No one is talking about participating in an organized religion, the definition is that a belief in god is defined as having religion, but that doesn't necessarily have to include belonging to an organized religion.
Q, religion is not necessarily a belief in God. said:
Religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to an order of existence.[note 1] Many religions have narratives, symbols, and sacred histories that are intended to explain the meaning of life and/or to explain the origin of life or the Universe. From their beliefs about the cosmos and human nature, people derive morality, ethics, religious laws or a preferred lifestyle. According to some estimates, there are roughly 4,200 religions in the world.

Furthermore, there are people who believe in God who are not religious; they may refer to themselves as "spiritual" instead.
Q, religion is not necessarily a belief in God.

He never said it was. He said belief in a god is religion. You've reversed the proposition in your head.

Furthermore, there are people who believe in God who are not religious; they may refer to themselves as "spiritual" instead.

How they define themselves is irrelevant to what they actually are.
Furthermore, there are people who believe in God who are not religious; they may refer to themselves as "spiritual" instead.

So what? Here's one of many definitions for spiritual:

- of, relating to, or characteristic of sacred things, the Church, religion, etc.

As well, I never found one definition that explicitly linked the definition of 'spiritual' with belief in God. Anyone else find one?
Talking about religion, with an air of sophisticated logicalness, is like a bunch of nerds standing outside of a party but being too scared to go inside where the action is. Sometimes you just have to go where the action is and experience it for yourself.