From your opening sentence you display an insensitivty and an implicit predeliction for stereotyping races.TruthSeeker said:So... I live in southern British Columbia and here I see and hear asians speak EVERY DAY.![]()
We have already had one responding Asian note how his fellows view Europeans the same way. Guess what! We all look like apes and monkeys, because we are all primates. Now that would have been a valid insight: not worth sharing with us, but personally useful nonetheless.TruthSeeker said:I was observing them yesterday and for the firts time I noticed something very interesting which gave me some new insights. I notice that the shape of their heads is very peculiar and extremely similar to monkeys (no offense...)..
Well duh! I trust you understand by now that the diversity of the gene pool in Asia is as great as anywhere, other than Africa. That is true for all peoples around the globe - Africa has the greatest diversity. It is one of the pieces of the jigsaw that supports the Out of Africa view of human origins.TruthSeeker said:That's when I started to ask myself why (well, duh!). Maybe they mated so much with each other that their appearance didn't change!? Maybe that's the greatest proof of evolution (or lack of thereof)!..
Again, it has been clearly demonstrated by others on this thread that Asians were no more isolated or inclined to inbreeding than any other continental group on the planet. So your insight is shown to be quite fallacious.TruthSeeker said:For instance, they have lots of health problems which could have been caused by trading genes too close (like incest...). Incest is known to cause genetic problems. .......... So maybe asians were "punished" by nature for sleeping too close together....
Heard of Indo-European have you? You take a peculiarly egocentric view of ethnicity and culture for one who claims to be a blend of so many.TruthSeeker said:The other thing that clued me in was their language. Notice that all the asians that have similar languages (that is chinese, japanese and korean) all look alike. .
1) They don't have any problemsTruthSeeker said:But now with globalization, it seems that the asians will blend more and more with us, and someday, their problems will hopefully have disappeared.
The same kind of logic (I shall be kind and accept that you call it logic) can be used to arrive at the same flawed, inaccurate, distorted, nonsense view of the world.TruthSeeker said:I think this same kind of logic can be used to infer the history of mankind and the validity of evolution. Also etymology, geography and many other things.
TruthSeeker said:This all suggest that the Chinese, Japanese and Korean people were very much isolated from the rest of the world. That's why their language, their culture and their genes are so peculiar.
Errrr.... right now, nobody here besides you has the brain power to understand that.... :bugeye:android said:All races were produced by isolation, although not necessarily geographic.
You would recognise this person, would you?TruthSeeker said:So... let's be patient until someday someone with an IQ greater then 90 comes to thsi thread...![]()
"I was observing them yesterday and for the firts time I noticed something very interesting which gave me some new insights. I notice that the shape of their heads is very peculiar and extremely similar to monkeys (no offense...). Urangutans and chimps seem to be the most common ones..."
You are the one making bizarre, uneducated assertions that fly in the face of science. You are the one upon whom it is incumbent to provide evidence. You have failed to do so. Please respond to my systematic refutation of your points several posts above this one.TruthSeeker said:I have presented mountains of evidence. I haven't seen a single piece of evidence from you people. So I will jut leave this thread to you to play with ok? If you can't come with some reasonable evidence for your assertions, I'm not interested in discussing. :bugeye:
........says the 20 year old student with no qualifications even vaguely related to genetics. What is it you're studying? Philosopy, is it?TruthSeeker said:Errrr.... right now, nobody here besides you has the brain power to understand that.... :bugeye:
So... let's be patient until someday someone with an IQ greater then 90 comes to thsi thread...
"From said:You are the one making bizarre, uneducated assertions that fly in the face of science. You are the one upon whom it is incumbent to provide evidence. You have failed to do so. Please respond to my systematic refutation of your points several posts above this one.
If you fail to do so all thinking readers will realise you have conceded. You say you have presented oodles of evidence. The evidence is not evident to me, so please submit it in summary form, referencing the details in specific post if appropriate. Anything less is intellectually dishonest.
I'm studying accounting.Hercules Rockefeller said:........says the 20 year old student with no qualifications even vaguely related to genetics. What is it you're studying? Philosopy, is it?![]()
How about analizing my evidence, instead?If you grow up one day (yes, I said 'if' not 'when') you will realize what an ass you've made of yourself. In the meantime you would be well advised to seek counseling for that persecution/superiority complex of yours. <P>
That's why we test hypotheses.iam said:Slower growth and smaller adult size can be attributed to many factors not just inbreeding. You can't take symptoms alone and make a diagnosis as there are similar symptoms for multiple diagnosis. Did you ever consider that diet and environment may attibute to growth and size. Did you ever consider inherited body size has something to do with ancestry and their environment. For instance, why the epicanthic fold of the eye evolved. Think of cold, subterranean, windy siberia. Asians are getting TALLERand bulkier not because of breeding but because their DIET has changed. They consume more meat and dairy now but that has contributed to other problems such as an increase in obesity, diabetes and other health-related issues when too much fat is consumed. As for slower growth and smaller size, their diet was so healthy in fact that it did not deter brain development or function but resulted in smaller physical size. A diet of primarily fresh fish and vegetables and a moderate amount of meat with little or no dairy and their ENVIRONMENT contributed to their original smaller size. You are misapplying your evidence where it does not belong.