Insight from Asian Genes......


If you were not planning to have a serious discussion, then there was no real point in posting your insights. So one may ask, why did you post you opinions on SciForums? Was it just to incite anger among other people?

If that is the case, then no, you are not racist. Just a prick who obviously doesn't care enough about his family, but would rather do stupid things instead.

Renrue said:
If you were not planning to have a serious discussion, then there was no real point in posting your insights. So one may ask, why did you post you opinions on SciForums? Was it just to incite anger among other people?
If that is the case, then no, you are not racist. Just a prick who obviously doesn't care enough about his family, but would rather do stupid things instead.
Good summary Renrue. Although, I still think there is an even chance that TS simply didn't think, then didn't want to admit he hadn't thought, so tried defending it. Now he has been called even on that, he pretends he wasn't really fussed. It looks like immaturity to me. Still, that is curable.
Renrue said:
If you were not planning to have a serious discussion, then there was no real point in posting your insights. So one may ask, why did you post you opinions on SciForums?
I dunno. I just do. I have almost 8,000 posts here. Why do I do it? Just for the heck of it! Why should I have any other reason!? There are a few people in this forums that post their "theories" and even copyright them! Who cares? Who is reading what we are posting? They are losers. They post stuff here when they should be writting books or making blogs and profiting from it. But it doesn't matter because their ideas are useless 99% of the time! Who would read these forums anyways? I'm not saying the forums is bad, but posting "theories" in a forums in the internet and making a big deal out of it is the works of a loser. If I was really serious about this I would be doing research, writting a book, getting some royalties and getting rich.

Why do you post here?

Was it just to incite anger among other people?
Would that be relevant or constructive in any way?

If that is the case, then no, you are not racist. Just a prick who obviously doesn't care enough about his family, but would rather do stupid things instead.
I would know nothing about logic if I haven't come to this forums. Wait, that's a fallacy. But these forums slowly gave me a lot of great skills that now I'm capable of using in my life. I use these forums in a very constructive way. Besides, who said I don't care enough about my family!? Did you read how busy I am taking care of family matters? Not mentioning all the time I spend studying and writting a business plan.

And so on...
You have 7 posts. I have 7,747. Do you know me? Have you read even 7 of my posts? How can you say a whole bunch of things about me as if you have known me for years?

You have no idea about who I am. So maybe you should just shut up!

Who are you anyways?

Come on. Your opening post was about as ignorant as it comes. And your ideas on genetics are seriously whacky and oddball. Of course, you'll deny all that, as you always do. But that's just what makes you our lovely lad.
So... le'ts just ignore all the evidence, eh?

As to why people post here. Your idea that people shouldn't post here if they're serious is stupid. People do post a lot of idiotic things on the forums, but many are quite serious and some (fewer now than ever before) are even interesting and insightful. There are reasons to post them here rather than publishing them. For one thing, they are protected content. They are copyrighted. They can't be directly stolen (word for word that is). For two, many here are not entirely finished with their ideas. They need to flesh them out before they'd ever be ready for publication. They need to be sharpened against the grinding wheel of skepticism and rigorous analysis.
Do you seriously think your intellectual property is protected here? Yes, word by word is sort of plagiarism. But how can you even prove that you wrote it if you are not using your real name? My real name is not "TruthSeeker", you know? But I underatand and agree with you otherwise.

It's interesting to watch those who are able to withstand such rigorous analysis. And those who can't. You, Truthseeker, have never been able to withstand criticism.
Oh yeah, I can. I've been kicked around many times my life. I learn fast with each situation and that makes me stronger, allowing to stand more and more criticism.

Your flailing has always been quite fetching though.
Yes, I have failed sometimes. And I'm proud of my failures. Without them I would never have grown. Too many people fail to grow because they are afraid of failing. They avoid failure and ending up failing their entire lives. That's not me. I'm an enterpreneur. I like thinking differently, trying new things, inventing things... even when I sound silly. That's how you learn and grow. If you don't try and fail, you never win.

Have you ever heard of someone who learnt to ride a bike without falling?

My God, Truthseeker. Do you ever stop to look at yourself? You really should. Especially with a child on the way.
What about my child? Wanna try being in my place? I have a stupid government right here and they are telling me that my child have less rights then others because I'm not from Canada. I have lost thousands of dollars that I could have spent with my child thanks to this government. My wife is sick with gestational diabetes and the government is threatening to cut us from the benefits I paid for (which are paying for my wife's health) because I didn't do income tax. Not only that, they also threaten me to not give us child tax! And why didn't i do income tax? Because I'm not elegible for it! Not only that, according to the government I both have and don't have a SIN number, which would allow me to do income tax. So I miss school to try to get to the bottom of this mess. i go to one place and they tell me to go to another. I go to another and they tell em to go back to the first place. At this point, I get enough of this shit, so i tell them to fucking get it going. Finally, they give me an application to get some obscure number (it's a new thing) so that I can file my taxes and protect my family.

That with immigration and a whole lot of other shit that we have to endure, like paying a lot of rent and getting a really bad service... it's a lot of work, you know? And seeing my grades dropping to a B- at school because I can't keep up with everything is also very frustrating.

So don't fucking tell me I should take a look at myself. How old are you? How would you like being a 21 year old immigrant, with a wife and a child, struggling for immigration, having a stupid government practically threathening to kicj you out of the country because you are not a Canadian and realizing that you might never see your child just because you are from a differnet background. Wanna try to withstand that? Wanna try to read dozens of books on investment and enterpreneurship and writting a business plan because the government won;t allow you to not even buy freaking shares so that you can have the least amount of income coming in, just so that you can give your child the life he deserves? I dare you to do half of what I have already done in my life!
Woooo! My wife just tried the new lingerie I gave her today. :cool:
It's going to be a great night! :D

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone. ;)
Far said:
It's a mystery, isn't it? Maybe I'm your next door neighbor? Maybe I've been banging your wife everytime she sends you down to the store to pick up those cookies she loves so much?

Nice furnishings, by the way. Very tasteful.
Nice furnishings? You really don't know who I am. I'm poor, I can't afford tasteful nice furnishings. I mean... it's ok, but not great...

And she doesn't eat cookies. So you're dumb! :p

Come off it, Nelson. You're not that hard a guy to get to know.
Hello sock puppet. Who are you?

I'm tempted to roll out those rolly eyes you love so much, but I'll restrain myself.
Ok. Let's post it again:

"Inbreeding is a problem in any culture, not just with asians.
Ok. Let me just redefine this thing. Because nobody here seems to understand anyways.

in·breed ( P ) Pronunciation Key (nbrd)
tr.v. in·bred, (-brd) in·breed·ing, in·breeds
1. To breed by the continued mating of closely related individuals, especially to preserve desirable traits in a stock.
2. To breed or develop within; engender.
1.The breeding of related individuals within an isolated or a closed group of organisms or people.

So, inbreeding is a problem because it causes genetic complications. It doesn't matter if it is with asians or non-asians. The "race" is irrelevant. Inbreeding is not genetically beneficial.

So here is the fucking evidence of what I've been talking about for pages.
"Inbreeding is breeding between close relatives.

If practiced repeatedly, it typically leads to a reduction in genetic diversity. Inbreeding often leads to reduced health and fitness (called consanguinity depression, inbreeding depression); however, livestock breeders often practice inbreeding, then cull unfit offspring, especially when they are trying to establish a new and desirable trait in their stock.

An inbred individual is likely to possess several physical and health defects, in addition to higher incidence of inheriting a poor trait. They include:
  • reduced fertility both in litter size and in sperm viability
  • increased congenital disorders
  • fluctuating facial asymmetry
  • lower birth rate
  • higher infant mortality
  • slower growth rate
  • smaller adult size
  • loss of immune system function.

Th reason why I said chinese could possibly be more inbred is because they lived in isolation within individual farms for centuries, until not long ago (like 50 years or so). That was my whole point. As it is said in the article, inbreeding reduces genetic diversity, which is on eof the reasons why I encourage interbreeding, multicultural acceptance, etc. That's the whole point of the thread. "

Truthseeker, your idea is dumb. Dumb. Dumb.
So dumb that it's astoundingly dumb. It's the kind of dumb that make people stop to take a closer look because they just can't believe how dumb it is.
That's a great logical argument. :rolleyes:

Tricky, of course, but there are ways of proving such things should it come down to it. IP addresses. Email addresses and such. I'm not saying that the forum environment is a fortress for you intellectual property, no. But, it is protected by copyright. You do have rights pertaining to your intellectual works.
Very little. It is easy to steal intellectual property. Some people even protect their trade "dress"!

A point to consider also is that it is doubtful that any works presented here would be complete. Rather, there would be mere facets worked out here and there. It would be in the stitching together of the facets in an aesthetically pleasing manner that would be the true intellectual work of the finished piece.
Yes. I can still pick it up and do the rest of the work. Then what?

Most of the posts here aren't meant for even eventual publication anyways. People are more sharpening their word slinging skills.
Yes, that's true. Just as I said before anyways.

You squirm. You try to defend the indefensible.
It's not always indefensible.

I suppose that this is not necessarily how you react in real life. This is an environment where nothing is really at stake and some skills can be learned from attempting to defend the indefensible. But, you never really do a good job of it.
And who are you to say that? Not only that, but who cares about the result anyways? You learn with the process, not the results.

I said 'flail' not 'fail'. You know. Arms akimbo?
Oh well, whatever.

Anyway. There's nothing wrong with failing. What I'm talking about with looking at yourself is more of a matter of self-honesty.

Perhaps you don't lie to yourself. Perhaps you merely present the face to the forum. Try to defend yourself against all odds to the public at large. But still maintain some form of inner integrity.
Well, of course. I wouldn't have changed so much if it wasn't for my inner integrity. Have you seen my latest thread? "The True Purpose of Capitalism"? I used to hate capitalism. I would talk about that here. Now I love it, because I'm getting different perspectives. I still can see the imperfections, but those imperfections are often a reflexion of human imperfection. Well, not always, but it's ok. Capitalism can still be improved...

When you flail about, changing stances, dragging in all sorts of irrelevant bullshit, striving desperately to come out on top even though your flailing just makes you sink faster, that's not a good thing. That's all.
Which changes? I usually don't change anything. I often elaborate my thoughts.

And you should strive for honesty when raising a child. Instill within your child that need for honesty. For self-honesty.
Well, of course. That's not what most parents do though. In fact, I don't think most people know how to do that.

Too many people lying to themselves out here.
Know what I mean?

Nothing wrong with failing. But, what is wrong is in refusing to admit it. You can't get back on the bike if you refuse to admit that you've fallen off the bike.
That's true.

As to all your problems with your family and that. Too bad. But, the fact of the matter is that all that should have been worked out beforehand. Maybe you should be working a construction job rather than going to school. Maybe you shouldn't be depending on the government to support you and your family. Ever consider that?
I don't think you understand the position of someone who is immigrating to one of the best countries in the planet...

I mean... I'm living in the best place to live in the entire planet. Don't you think I would have fought for that?

No, I can't work on a construction job. I'm only allowed to study. Still, even if I could, I wouldn't leave school and just work. Unless I had a business idea or enough money to invest. But that's not the case. So I rather study accounting and prepare myself for investing and building businesses when I'm allowed to. I absolutely hate depending on the government. It's way too volatile. I prefer to do my own business and take control of my life. But I'm not allowed to do that yet.

Just be honest with yourself if with nobody else. That's all.
Well, of course!

I can't judge you in entirety because I have only your forum self to observe. But, that forum self is inherently self-deceptive in my opinion. As evidenced by your defenses in this thread. What made me come into post was how you finally resorted to the "I wasn't serious anyway" defense.
It wasn't a defense. I wasn't serious. I don't care what comes out from this discussion. I just love discussing here. It gives me adrenaline.

You know what? I will tell you something I never said in thsi forums. I'm terrible at public speaking. I use these forums to slowly improve my public speaking skills and to work on my ideas, having them criticized. It's easier for me to do this here first then just jump into speaking right away.

We both know that's not entirely true (not entirely false either.) You were serious. Jokingly serious, yes. But serious. You've failed to defend your ideas but refuse to retract them.
Well, of course there was some degree of seriousness, but I still don't care. I might have thought about it and everything, and I might be accurate, but it doesn't matter. This is not about winning an argument, it's about the thrill of the discussion. ;)

Do you wonder why the phd's don't want to talk to you?
They are talking with me. I just answered spuriousmonkey, not long ago.
And I also went from a Christian to an Agnostic through these forums. So do you really think I don't have inner integrity?
And I also went from a Christian to an Agnostic through these forums.

Where shall I send the bill for my services? ;)
You performed no services, sir. :p

Besides, you attempted to convert me to your religion: atheism. I didn't buy that! :D
Besides, you attempted to convert me to your religion: atheism. I didn't buy that!

You win some, you lose some.
Th reason why I said chinese could possibly be more inbred is because they lived in isolation within individual farms for centuries, until not long ago (like 50 years or so). That was my whole point. As it is said in the article, inbreeding reduces genetic diversity, which is on eof the reasons why I encourage interbreeding, multicultural acceptance, etc. That's the whole point of the thread. "

Well, guess what, the same applies to most countries over the world to different extents.
There are somewhat isolated (mostly rural) areas in virtually every country even today, so that does not make China something special in this regard.
Furthermore, in China the urbanisation started far earlier than in almost any other western societies (with exception from Greeks and Romans and possibly some other that I forgot).
As such, overall isolation in China is likely not to be higher than in other societies. There are likely to be peaks in inbreeding in some isolated areas, but this is found virtually everywhere Clickme .
And finally, as far as I know there is apparently some rule in most villages (at least in northern China, I think) which explicitly forbids marriages within a village and/or kins. Marriages are usually arranged and the girl is sent to some other village somewhere else.
Ophiolite said:
In this regard it would be interesting to know where TruthSeeker was born.
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.... :rolleyes:

Some 16 million people live there.... :rolleyes:

I'm basically the mix of native, portuguese, black and italian.
What is your reasoning behind that?

If you have a highly populated area, you have plenty of choices. If there are more then 200 people living within 1 kilometer away from you, why would you breed within your family? Wouldn't the probability of inbreeding drop when you have more people to choose from. Thus the reasoning behind the inverse relationship between inbreeding and density....

Basic statistical analysis....