The average person is subject to about 4,014,489,600 of those event forces effecting the genetics (DNA) in daily activity.
4,014,489,600 is the number of event forces per sq. mile.
There are approximatly 5,760,000 event forces acting on the human body at every moment.
The migration of a human on foot is about the area of one sq. mile, meaning the mojority of daily activity will be with in that sq. mile, it is most likly that through adolescents untill adult hood (purbity12-16)this will be the range of area, and there fore growth and genetic adaption that can occur will be subject to the 4,014,489,600 event forces of that sq. mile. As the event of genentic adaption is momentary the genentic adation that will occur will be one of 5,760,000 event forces acting on the body at the moment of occurance, but it will be within the 4,014,489,600 event forces of the sq. mile range.
The more people in one sq. mile will be subject to the same event forces and show more simularity in genetics, a sequence of genetic code is more than likly to exist amoung them.
A individual that travels to the adjenct sq. mile may exsperince a change in gentic sequence as the event forces of that area are different,when cell duplication occurs a genetic adaption of a signle base may occur.
A sequence of genetic bases may be more responsive to a adjacent sq. mile than its own sq. mile showing a increase in preformance.
The avgerage ape, or gorilla moves about 2,000 ft in migration per day, the event of contiuned migration result in a random effect of event force, gentic adataption may be continous resulting in genetic diversity that preserves the group in migration.
The number of event forces for the world
790,603,947,048,960,000 World surface
560,703,762,432,000,000 Water surface
232,719,962,112,000,000 Land surface
As can be seen there are more event forces in the oceans of the world than on land which defines that there is more genetic diversty in the oceans than on land.
for humans the human genome is responsive to the sq. mile,( a little bit larger than the mile) 28,000,000 sq. ft?, where individual bases are responsive to just about the sq. in., Because the human genome is responsive to the sq. mile, a estimate can be given that individual difference most likly can occur or begins to occur per mile, and exstends in simularity to the range of about 72 miles sq.miles reacing a difference about 50,000 sq. mile. genetic survial would be dependant on a human habitat range of 72 sq.miles and a population of about 50,000 person, all things going well, with genetic exchange. A increase in the number of humans to the area greater than 50,000 would increase the inbreeding rate as well.
Genentic sequence from other regions of the world may be more responsive to a another area allowing higher preformances, a new order of sequencing begins. as long as the template exist there will exist a robust preformance, secondary generation may be less robust but allow for reinvention of robust nature in the genetic sequencing.
So immagration is a benefit to a homogenous population, the adcvance of gentics may lead to immagartion rules that only allow immagration from certain areas of the world which may prove to be dicrimnatory and predjudice, against certain groups.
This defintion of event forces is preliminary, as certain effects of bases in sequence and there order of change as they are only 4 bases is yet to be completly tallyed, however the occurance of event forces do define the forces that act upon the gentic bases that cause changes in sequence. Therefore in this analogy of event forces it is a inference to calculate the effects of inbreeding.