Let's imitate the good ideas ...
Let me give you an idea. In Japan, 0% of their high school graduate are functional illiterate. They read and write fluently in two kana (hiragana and katakana) each with around 50 "letters" (more when you add in some odd combinations) in addition to being required a minimum of 2600 Chinese characters (more like 4500 to read anything worthwhile) and also can easily read our Latin alphabet.
We have 1 alphabet with 26 letters. Sure, there are short and long versions of the letters. One in every five of our Government school "Certified" with a Government diploma graduates as a functional illiterate - lacking both the ability to competently read, and write (and is also innumerate by the by). In the Japanese system, our Grade 12 Government School graduates (some of whom go on to a Government University, believe it or not - soon to be 'free' two more magical years) read at a level comparable to Japanese Grade 4. A 10 year old in Japan could read English better.
You know, to put things into perspective here. And, it's getting worse, not better - worse. And will continue to get worse. Soon, reading and writing above Grade level 6 will be a rare skill for an American, oh wait, I forgot, it already is.
In Japan, there are no slums.
They simply do not exist.
At all.
In ANY city.
Not even in their Welfare apartments. Geeee, I wonder why ours of ghettos? I mean, we're doing what they're doing - hell, we give MORE in America then what the Japanese GiverMint offers to Japanese. See, Japanese understand giving more free-shit, isn't a good idea. Better to suffer with a lot less than encourage a certain slothful demographic. Therefor in 'rich' Japan, many people eek out a living in 50 dollars a week or less.
Yes, I know, you would like to have high quality affordable healthcare. No shit Sherlock. Everyone would. That's ONLY going to be possible via a free market in medicine - as in, a totally free market. Which is to say, a free society. Of course, this no longer exists in the "Land of the Free", because everything from to whom you can marry to what job you can perform requires a Government 'servant' to sell you magic piece of paper - all markets are under the control of some form of regulatory capture with the exception of the internet (but it will be, eventually, you know, either for our safety or to tax and pay for free-shit), turning nearly everyone employed in a profession into a rent-seeker.
You want single-payer medicine? Okay, then you want to die in a public hospital. Because, I promise to you, our single payer isn't going to be like in Japan, it isn't going to be like in Germany - it isn't even going to rise to the level of Australia (which is an admitted very very low bar). No, our Public Hospitals will be the equivalent of, and as safe as, our Government run Welfare Ghettos - and as useless as a Government High School degree in the hands of a functional illiterate. It will kill you. But, what do you care? You want free shit.
Now, I understand you will never come to terms with this. Because you live in magic land. The ONLY, and I mean ONLY, way you collectivists come to terms with reality, is when you're being eaten - because the local zoo ran out of animals to eat.
That's the only way.
Which is why it doesn't matter who we elect.
In the meantime, let's watch the Trump vs WarHarpy Show. It's quite interesting, particularly these WikiLeaks. Wow, I mean, these are really quite hilarious. I love the part where the DNC talks about dumbing down an already moronic voting public. Yes, GiverMint Schools, getting one thing right
Note: Soon Germany will be like us, at this time, they'll be cutting social benefits - you can blame the Ghost of Reagan if it makes you feel better