Valued Senior Member
Beyond the bright lights, Japan's biggest slum is nation's dark secret.There are no slums in Japan. At all. None.
Beyond the bright lights, Japan's biggest slum is nation's dark secret.There are no slums in Japan. At all. None.
Government schooling is a good thing, obviously.michael said:Let me give you an idea. In Japan, 0% of their high school graduate are functional illiterate
The Japanese have concentrations of poverty, homelessness, etc. They're just nicer, cleaner places. Your point?michael said:In Japan, there are no slums.
They simply do not exist.
At all.
In ANY city.
No, we aren't.:"michael" said:Geeee, I wonder why ours of ghettos? I mean, we're doing what they're doing - -
Why are you confusing single payer medical insurance with government-run hospitals? Do you not know the difference, or are you intentionally misleading?michael said:You want single-payer medicine? Okay, then you want to die in a public hospital. Because, I promise to you, our single payer isn't going to be like in Japan, it isn't going to be like in Germany - it isn't even going to rise to the level of Australia (which is an admitted very very low bar). No, our Public Hospitals will be the equivalent of, and as safe as, our Government run Welfare Ghettos
Their immigration policy - which is the problem, according to you - does have major features in common with Reagan's. But nothing mandates foolishness.michael said:Note: Soon Germany will be like us, at this time, they'll be cutting social benefits - you can blame the Ghost of Reagan if it makes you feel better
Only the problems, never the solutions, are similar between the countries of wingnut world.michael said:We're not Japan, we're not Germany. What works and is cost effective in Japan and Germany, doesn't turn out quite the same here.
The dozens of First World countries who have done better than the US have all of them - every single one - reduced the role of market economics in medical care delivery from its peak influence in the US.michael said:Yes, I know, you would like to have high quality affordable healthcare. No shit Sherlock. Everyone would. That's ONLY going to be possible via a free market in medicine - as in, a totally free market. Which is to say, a free society.
None of this crap from you is new - you've been posting various versions of it for years. The basic problem you have is that you never get your facts straight when they're easy to check, so when they are hard to check your readers just assume you've screwed something up again and click on by,michael said:News From The Frontlines:
michael said:(importantly TOWING THE LINE)
And since you have no adequate vocabulary to discuss or think about such situations, you label them all "socialism".michael said:As for our Public Institutions. I have worked in many different countries, and if there's one thing that cuts across culture - it's corrupt, incompetent, boot-licking public 'servants' (LOL) who run billion dollar public institutions who have no clue as to what they are doing. None. Zero. In a free-market, they'd have been bankrupt decades ago.
Not according to your other posts. According to your other posts they have made problems for themselves by having foolish immigration policies, and accepting too many "multicultural" (read: not white and Christian) refugees from war zones.michael said:Sweden and Germany are in the predicaments they are in due to Socialism.
I have read that from you, on this forum - praise for China's adoption of free markets, etc. You are currently by default comparing China's immigration policies, favorably, with those of "socialist" Sweden and Germany.michael said:I heard one suggesting how wonderful it would / will be when things are run like they are in China. - - -
Japan has stricter gun control laws than Germany, and more intrusive police. So is Japan more or less socialist than Germany?michael said:Incidentally, as I understand, gun ownership is shooting through the roof in Germany. I read upwards to close to a million Germans have finished their 1 year training and around 800,000 are now buying guns and loading up with ammo. You know where that doesn't happen? In Japan.
Overall, they're probably about the same. Japan has stricter gun laws. However, you can open a 7 seater bar in Japan out of the back of your house, up a flight of crickedy stairs and serve food. In many ways, Japan has a much much freer market compared to the West. Much of Asia does. Which is why Asia will rise, while we in the West will fall.So is Japan more or less socialist than Germany?
Regulation is not socialism. Regulation is just government.But, yes, Japan is in many ways, your Utopian progressive 'socialistic' paradise. Lot's of free markets where you'd probably think they should be, heavy regulation where you'd probably think there should be. Sure, medicine is massively regulated.
Again, nothing to do with socialism. Gun laws are almost universal - in Japan they go back to the shogunates, not socialism.Japan has stricter gun laws. However, you can open a 7 seater bar in Japan out of the back of your house, up a flight of crickedy stairs and serve food.
Americans work more hours than the Japanese do - have for a long time.Go to Japan. Try to live poor. You'll find life is very tough. People work all day, every day. That's the price required to maintain their social paradise.
Regulating who you can marry IS socialism.Regulation is not socialism. Regulation is just government.
No, it isn't. Not even close. Not even on the same axis of the Political Compass.Regulating who you can marry IS socialism.
Regulating what you can eat IS socialism.
Regulating who you can trade with IS socialism.
LOLLook at what the US corporate powers have set up there: they've got a large fraction of the American public, the Michael's of the country, motivated to get rid of socialized medical insurance because they have been harmed by the cultural impact of imported cheap labor.
You being played for a fool is not a conspiracy theory.You do love your conspiracy theories.
Japan spends less than half what the US spends on medical care, per capita. http://www.oecd.org/els/health-systems/Briefing-Note-JAPAN-2014.pdfIn Japan, it costs 8500 a year for a family to have medical coverage.
There is no shortage of medical care capability and supply, in the US. No such thing was ever created - artificially or any other way.AND you have only yourselves to thank. You Progressives ruined healthcare in the USA. You gave us our fiat currency, our central bank, the never ending regulations and the State mandated medical schools - all of which artificially created a short supply of healthcare.
Not for early stage heart disease. Or third month pregnancy checkups.It should be noted, ANY American can go to the ER and they will be treated.
They had a good run. We should imitate them - maybe we'll get 150 years of their success and then fall back to where they are now. That would be a serious improvement from what we are now.In short, Sweden got their wish, they'll soon be just like us, and for many of the same reasons
How would know? You don't know what socialism is.You don't want 'socialism' iceaura. What you want is free-shit.
OMG - back to this.Japan spends less than half what the US spends on medical care, per capita. http://www.oecd.org/els/health-systems/Briefing-Note-JAPAN-2014.pdf
LOLThey had a good run.
What the US is doing does not work for the US, or anybody else. Why not try something that works for somebody else?We are not Japan.
They are not us.
What works for them - is never going to work in the USA. Ever. Never.
Ending central banking has never worked for anyone. Socializing the central bank has worked for dozens of different countries, including the 30+ that have better and cheaper health care than the US has.The ONLY way we will have affordable high quality healthcare is first by ending the Federal Reserve.
Free market health care delivery has never worked for anyone, ever. Basic economic theory says it can't work, because the necessary conditions for a market are impossible to establish. You tell me it will work, but you are wrong about every other historical event and assertion of political fact you post, as far as I can check them. You base your claims on errors of fact, and little anonymous stories nobody can check.Free markets are the only way to fix this mess. There is no other solution. You don't seem to get it.
Yes, I agree. We need to do what worked for us. What made this nation the richest in the history of the world. And by 'nation' I mean Nation. The first step will be to end the Federal Reserve. Then we eliminate the regulatory agencies and strengthen private property rights.What the US is doing does not work for the US, or anybody else. Why not try something that works for somebody else?
Except we didn't have a central bank for much of our early history and we did just fine.Ending central banking has never worked for anyone.
Total bullshit.Free market health care delivery has never worked for anyone, ever. Basic economic theory says it can't work,