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the hed was right on the money about you tards. the way the good professor was blamed for this shit is sickening.

the justifications provided were irrational and hypocritical. be very ashamed.
holy crap!!!
anu, you have just refuted every argument in this thread in the most seamless way i have EVER SEEN?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
you are my IDOL.
i am ashamed. i am so ashamed i shall delete every one of my posts from this miserable hell hole and never come here again.

WHAT THE HELL!>!>>>????? you cant just come in here, and say he was right, theres this thing we have called REASONING. but dont pick me up on it, im leaving.
Logically Unsound said:
holy crap!!!
anu, you have just refuted every argument in this thread in the most seamless way i have EVER SEEN?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
you are my IDOL.
i am ashamed. i am so ashamed i shall delete every one of my posts from this miserable hell hole and never come here again.
You must be feeling really proud right about now anu. You are now idolised. I think you just made the Unsound one ejaculate from the excitement of reading your seamless refutement. ;)
RosaMagika said:
Merely seeing how long this thread got tells me that something ain't right here.
I mean, Paulsamuel, to write all those replies -- that takes some time and energy.
Which makes me think if two of the most precious things in world, time and energy, were spent for a good reason.
I'm not sure I understand your point.

RosaMagika said:
I think you are making a *big deal* out of this harrassment.
I'm not making a big deal out of it at all. All I'm doing is presenting the facts and asking members what they think of it. Their response is the big deal because they intuitively know that this is not just an individual problem, this is a forum problem, and as members, our problem. Just ask spurious, he got shafted and almost left the forum.
Logically Unsound said:
you cant just come in here, and say he was right,

i can do whatever i want, little man. tell yer what, since you seem to be itching for some pain, i'll make you cry another time, ok? ;)
WellCookedFetus said:
Considering how bad things have gotten,

you guys should make an effort to get along cos this is getting kinda absurd. i find both you guys are ok so so why cant you do the same towards each other? the feud irritates
My policy of getting along now was to ignore him (and he claimed he was going to do the same), that did not work out now did it.
thefountainhed said:
He does not fucking have to explain why the hell he posted a message inquiring what actions he should perhaps take by an anonymous fucking poster of SCIFORUMS!!
You will note I didn't ask him to explain why he posted the message... The idiot only got a call because
1) he's generally a jackass
2) he made his info easily available
His personal information on a forum whose ultimate aim is a meeting place or scientists or others to discuss???
And none of that requires you to divulge who you are... This isn't a scientific journal... and he doesn't treat it as such with the tone of most of his posts.
Paul, if you want to leave your personal information there for those who might have worthy inquiries, fine. If this anonymous caller calls again, follow stryder's advise.
May I suggest you also go to your nearest public bathroom and write the number on the wall. People may have questions for you.

I can see him complaining if someone actually 'did' something with this information. Spurious' case is one of harassment. This is not.

Exactly what negative impact did this have on paulsamuel? Oh no, he lost 30 seconds on the phone. Woe is he. Will the harassment ever end? This is more like a guy whistling at a girl and her screaming rape.

Tune in next time to "Overblown complaints"
You will note I didn't ask him to explain why he posted the message... The idiot only got a call because
1) he's generally a jackass
2) he made his info easily available

I'm glad someone said it as I'm to much of a pussy.
Tune in next time to "Overblown complaints"

You should mean "overblown exoneration". But I prefer to think of it as watching dogs with their tails between their legs.
You're honestly telling me that you consider 2 phone calls, which don't contain anything lued at all (at least that he mentioned) harassment?

Damn, thin skinned are we?

That doesn't make whoever who called any less of a pussy, but that's besides the point.

Look at this another way, if someone walked up to you on the street and asked "Are you so and so?"... and then later they did it again, would you consider that harassment?

The only difference here is that someone looked up his number... which last I checked isn't harassment.

Exactly what negative impact did this have on paulsamuel?

the call is not yours to make

This is more like a guy whistling at a girl and her screaming rape.

which is why guys avert heads and walk the other way. they actually do scream rape

Tune in next time to "Overblown complaints"

not overblown. at present, these are just facts of life. deal with it.

Look at this another way, if someone walked up to you on the street and asked "Are you so and so?"... and then later they did it again, would you consider that harassment?

false analogy pal. the past is always taken into acct when determining facts. a judge will not dismiss the existing enemity as evinced in this case.

the lurid sensationalism that usually accompany these internet horror stories practically dictate that the fetus has to lie in wait for the good professor and stab him too death

hmm, kinda homoerotic.. the teacher and the student...anyway i digress...so naturally the law would try to nip that kinda shit in the bud
Porfiry said:
How do you figure?
well, fetus posted this;

WellCookedFetus said:
it would be hilarious to find out your really who you claim to be, it would mean your really fuck up!

5 minutes later, I get an anonymous phone call at work asking if I post on sciforums and he refused to identify himself (the coward).

5 minutes after that, he calls again asking the same thing and refusing to identify himself (the coward).

5 minutes after that he edited his post to remove the above evidentiary quote.

WellCookedFetus said:
and we can talk about all the people I have given your homepage to and all the spam mailers I have given your emial address to, after 2 year of doing it and espically hard during and after my election as you really pissed me off, its about times its paid off. Now that I got one guy to call you I hope I can find a jerk-off to order you 12 pizza at 3:00am in the morning for you to pay!


WellCookedFetus said:
yes I have, I have direct someone to fight against him, as this person came to me asking if there was anyone bothering me they could "scuff up" so I direct him to paulsamuel membership page here, I did not figure it would come to all this but now that it has happend I am both sorry and pleased. I was expecting him to argue with him here in sciforums not to call him outside of the forum.

which was orignally posted as;

WellCookedFetus said:
yes I have, I have direct someone to fight against him, as this person came to me asking if there was anyone bothering me they could "scuff up" so I direct him to paulsamuel membership page here, I did not figure it would come to all this but now that it has happend I am both sorry and pleased. If this does become a problem for paulsamuel I am will to say who it was.

that's all I have; some circumstantial evidence and a confession.
I can still remeber the first confrontation between paul and WCF. It was a deja vu, because I had been through the same thing before with Fetus, but I guess we managed to work out some unwritten agreement about not bugging or annoying each other so much anymore. I don't know how that really happened. I think I gave up basically on discussing scientific things in sciforums.

Paul, however, is still very much a scientist here. Naturally that leads him into conflict with many people here, who think that their own opinion is the highest form of evidence, proof, logic, and sublime intelligence.

I can't really remember any case in which Paul was wrong in his scientific statements. Although sometimes I slightly disagree with him because I have a different outlook on certain topics because of my development biology background.

In a way Paul has continued fighting for science, whereas I have given up. I am the coward. I couldn't be bothered anymore. The fact that I got harassed because of my scientific opinion at work might also have something to do with this.

Indeed I don't really understand the general hostility towards him on the forum. You all should be happy that someone who understands biology bothers to post here. Maybe you should all try to read what he posts once in a while. If you disagree than back it up with science and not with an attitude.

When I still had my 'encounters' with WCF i noticed that he cannot admit he is wrong although sometimes it is obvious he is. That is how the relationship between Paul and WCF got out of hand, because Paul isn't backing down, because he knows he is right (and mostly is).

I can imagine it is difficult to see for many people who is right in scientific discussion because of a lack of background, but for insiders it is usually obvious. I think this added to the confusion around this matter, because many people here are not really that well informed (many are of course very well informed). Then these discussion become a popularity contest and whoever is most popular is right. It is all very similar to the US voting system.

Anyway...my thoughts of the morning.
paulsamuel said:
Just ask spurious, he got shafted and almost left the forum.

That is right I almost did. And if I had been in the US I might have gotten fired or reprimanded because some wanker decided to brake confidentiality and email the head of my institute and my computer administrator stating that I was abusing their resources.

And now I can't be anomynous because some wanker has posted all my personal data on this and another forum at one point, so all this talk about not giving you personal information is hypothetical, because someone else did.

And I can tell you, the same thing can happen to all of you, because most times it is not that difficult to find the true identity of someone.
gee spurious, thanks, sniff sniff.

but seriously, spurious has an excellent point that I was trying to subtly reveal to you all, i.e. that this invasion of privacy affects us all, and all of us can feel a little less safe (or free to express ourselves in our posts) thanks to WellCookedFetus
spuriousmonkey said:
Indeed I don't really understand the general hostility towards him (paulsamuel) on the forum. You all should be happy that someone who understands biology bothers to post here. Maybe you should all try to read what he posts once in a while. If you disagree than back it up with science and not with an attitude.

Why the general hostility towars him on the forum?
Because of *his* attitude.

If he is to be a scientist, then he should behave like one -- so one expects from a scienist. Remember the Xev thread posted by him? He gets so easily annoyed, so soon bad words begin to fall -- if he weren't a scientist, I'm sure nobody would really mind these bad words. But if he waves around with his PhD, and yet feels free to call people bitches if they don't understand something, then he is thereby discrediting himself.
And if he is discrediting himself this way, no wonder people have a negative attitude towards him.

What WCF did is not right, by no means. But I think that with this harrassment thread, Paul is diverting attention.

I think that the real issue here is Paul's bad attitude, which he is now trying to cover up by diverting attention to the issue of harrassment.
I still don't see why people think I did this?

and no I have said I was wrong on many things before on this forum. But I have found particular offense in paulsamuel behavior here, instead of reacting to people as equals he uses his supposed education as a reason for superiority, when criticizes he will say “
well I’m a scientist, you not, thus I’m right!” this is a appeal to authority, even if he is who he claims that does not mean he cannot be wrong even on a issue inside his field. My biochemistry professor claimed humans did not have lactase, I proved him wrong, he did not flunk me for doing such a thing, in fact he aced me. Also when criticizes paulsamuel will insult others (ad hominem abusive), and if anyone here has never admitted to being wrong it’s him.
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