Give me your top five

because we will have No insulting other people's choices! They are strictly opinions and therefore are totally acceptable here. but gay artsy-fartsy movies like Clockwork Orange or The Thin Red Line and a hole array of other crap is not allowed, even if I don't agree.
if i was me and not you i would do as i would do and post what ever i like but only if im not you
Swedish Fish. Lumping trilogies is against the rules, there is not trilogy where all three of the movies are equally as good. I do appreciate your willingness to follow the rules, unlike all of these other buffoons who just run around without any sense of decency or order. Perhaps thats why a lot of them are terrible grammaticially and phonetically. Perhaps that is also why so many of them seem to like childish movies, such as "Monty Python" films, and that other kid who said he liked Air Bud and any Steven Segal movie.

1.Crimson Tide
Can't even remember it. Isn't that some tom clancy book based flick? One of those throw away paperbacks.

2.A Few Good Men
A typical hollywood flick

3.The Rock
That was bad. The only good thing about this movie was Sean Connery. He is not American apparently.

4.Return of The Jedi
Carrie fisher looked nice next to jabba the hutt.

5.The Last Samuri
The japanese cast did some decent acting. Why does tom cruise has to have a japanese woman in this movie? She doesn't fit in. She looks to much like a model. She was out of place. Tom cruise is supposed to be a 'warrior'. Let him fart and rampage. Possibly visit the prostitutes when the urges get too strong. But not this.

And to the young man who tried to downplay my favorite movies, I feel like a retort is in order:

1. Crimson Tide
It WAS based on a BEST SELLER by Tom Clancy and featured GENE HACKMAN and DENZEL WASHINGTON, two grammy award winners and actors whom I consider masters of their art.

2. A Few Good Men
This was most certainly NOT a typical Hollywood flick. This had some of the best acting I have ever seen. It even spawned famous quotes such as "You want the Truth? You can't HANDLE the truth!" The cast was a dream team and the movie was put together flawlessly.

3. The Rock
All you say is "that was bad" and the only good thing about it was "Sean Connery". Well I guess that grammy award winners Nicholas Cage and Neil Harris aren't good actors at all, noooo, they aren't british like Sean Connery, only people born in that part of the world can be good actors right? This movie was great because it had intelligent dialogue, believable situations, and ingenious, suspenseful, unpredictable action scenes.

4. Return of The Jedi
Carrie Fisher looked nice next to Jabba the Hutt? A 20 year old classic that set records in the box office and all you can say is "Carrie Fisher looked nice next to Jabba the Hutt"? Gee, you really are sounding like a guy whose opinions I would trust.....not.

5. The Last Samuri
Here again you demonstrate your small-minded bigotry by saying only the japanese actors did a good job. What the hell problems do you have with American actors? Tom Cruise is an outstanding actor and I would strongly question the taste of anyone who says otherwise. Just because his teeth aren't screwed up like ya'lls are doesen't mean you should hate his acting. Another thing. In case you didn't notice, PAL, Tom Cruise never had sex with this woman. He loved her and returned to her after the battle, but it never took over the entire tone of the movie. Get your head out of the clouds.

actually never mind, you're just too easy a target. It's like pushing a five year old around, too simple and not funny.
buffys said:

actually never mind, you're just too easy a target. It's like pushing a five year old around, too simple and not funny.

Oh yeah? Gee, I wonder how many five year olds you pushed around before you came to that realization?
Frisbinator said:
Oh yeah? Gee, I wonder how many five year olds you pushed around before you came to that realization?

lol, I wondered if you'd say that!

Frisbinator said:
And to the young man who tried to downplay my favorite movies, I feel like a retort is in order:

34 years old I am... kiddo...(I'm so intellectual that I can put references to two movies in on short

Frisbinator said:
1. Crimson Tide
It WAS based on a BEST SELLER by Tom Clancy

I've read most books of our dear Tom. He is not the next dostojevsky. But I am probably not allowed to read this kind of books either.

Frisbinator said:
and featured GENE HACKMAN and DENZEL WASHINGTON, two grammy award winners and actors whom I consider masters of their art.

A good actor doesn't make a good movie.

Frisbinator said:
2. A Few Good Men
This was most certainly NOT a typical Hollywood flick. This had some of the best acting I have ever seen. It even spawned famous quotes such as "You want the Truth? You can't HANDLE the truth!" The cast was a dream team and the movie was put together flawlessly.

'You want the truth, you can't handle the truth', a literary masterpiece.

Frisbinator said:
3. The Rock
All you say is "that was bad" and the only good thing about it was "Sean Connery". Well I guess that grammy award winners Nicholas Cage and Neil Harris aren't good actors at all, noooo, they aren't british like Sean Connery, only people born in that part of the world can be good actors right? This movie was great because it had intelligent dialogue, believable situations, and ingenious, suspenseful, unpredictable action scenes.

You have to be fucking kidding me: intelligent dialogue, believable situations, and ingenious, suspenseful, unpredictable action scenes? Believable situations? They call in an ex-prisoner that supposedly escaped once from the rock to get in the rock?

Frisbinator said:
4. Return of The Jedi
Carrie Fisher looked nice next to Jabba the Hutt? A 20 year old classic that set records in the box office and all you can say is "Carrie Fisher looked nice next to Jabba the Hutt"? Gee, you really are sounding like a guy whose opinions I would trust.....not.

You can apparently not say much more about the movie either than that it set records in the box office. It must have made a lasting impression on you. At least I remember that carrie stood next to jabba theking of drewl.

Frisbinator said:
5. The Last Samuri
Here again you demonstrate your small-minded bigotry by saying only the japanese actors did a good job. What the hell problems do you have with American actors? Tom Cruise is an outstanding actor and I would strongly question the taste of anyone who says otherwise. Just because his teeth aren't screwed up like ya'lls are doesen't mean you should hate his acting. Another thing. In case you didn't notice, PAL, Tom Cruise never had sex with this woman. He loved her and returned to her after the battle, but it never took over the entire tone of the movie. Get your head out of the clouds.

That is exactly my point. He never had sex with her. Is that very believable? Was she believable as a character?
I enjoyed this film, but not because it is great. It was entertaining. One of those things you will forget about in a year.
And don't worry about Tom having no flaws such as crooked teeth. He has flaws in other areas; he his tiny.
"Jedi" is not even the best film in the Star Wars series, by a long shot. Teddy bears do not a warrior race make.
about those Teddy bears. I saw the exact same bears used in another movie. also sci fi, also they tried to be mighy warriors. It was on some planet, a girl's family was slaughtered, she ran to the Teddies (which were being enslaved by the same torturers) and then they tried to battle the evil aliens, the girl found one shipwrecked old human on that planet, who helped their cause and in the end to escape that planet.
Those were the exact same Teddy bears
anyone remembers the movie?
I still want to know what albums/songs Gene Hackman and Denzel Washington won those Grammys for .....
chunkylover58 said:
I still want to know what albums/songs Gene Hackman and Denzel Washington won those Grammys for .....

let us guess and see if we are right

Gene hackman must be for 'country'...

Denzel is definitely for 'jazz'.
Avatar said:
about those Teddy bears. I saw the exact same bears used in another movie. also sci fi, also they tried to be mighy warriors. It was on some planet, a girl's family was slaughtered, she ran to the Teddies (which were being enslaved by the same torturers) and then they tried to battle the evil aliens, the girl found one shipwrecked old human on that planet, who helped their cause and in the end to escape that planet.
Those were the exact same Teddy bears
anyone remembers the movie?

5 more.....

The Gods Must Be Crazy (part 1)

Forbidden Planet

The Yellow Submarine

The Magic Christian

The Mechanic