Scientifically, according to objective measure, or pandering to subjective feelings?
My feelings aren't hurt by transgender using bathrooms, Syne. That's your issue. And it is the conservative's feelings that they demand be placated by demanding that transgender women not be allowed to use the women's bathroom and making up scenarios about paedophiles while failing to actually provide evidence for any of their claims or scenarios. That one's on you and your feelings. An objective measure would look at the biology of transgender, and then look at the evidence and the risk assessment. Thus far, you and others who believe like you have completely and utterly failed to provide any evidence to support your claims of paedophiles pretending to be transgender men to sexually assault young girls in public bathrooms being so prevalent that transgender women must be barred from the women's bathroom. Instead, we get the panicked response and desperate handwaving based on 'what if'.
You are the one who brought up DNA, remember? You are the one who brought up using bathrooms, remember? When confronted with science, you try and change the subject and keep demanding links that were already provided.. Case in point:
Again, where? Please quote and link the relevant passage. Things like "A 2010 study of 121 transgender people found that 38 per cent realised they had gender variance by age 5." doesn't mean that they were scanned as children. You seem to be conflating your biased hopes with the actually findings, and even contrary to you own, earlier assertion that "
New technology in scanning is expected to show these changes in children aged from around 3 years of age."
Perhaps you should have read past the first four paragraphs of what
I linked previously. Because here is what it says in the article, that you clearly did not read, despite my linking it and you kept saying was not there..
Had you read what was linked, you'd have found:
In a study published in 2014, psychologist Sarah M. Burke of VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam and biologist Julie Bakker of the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience used functional MRI to examine how 39 prepubertal and 41 adolescent boys and girls with gender dysphoria responded to androstadienone, an odorous steroid with pheromonelike properties that is known to cause a different response in the hypothalamus of men versus women. They found that the adolescent boys and girls with gender dysphoria responded much like peers of their experienced gender. The results were less clear with the prepubertal children.
This kind of study is important, says Baudewijntje Kreukels, an expert on gender dysphoria at VU University Medical Center, “because sex differences in responding to odors cannot be influenced by training or environment.” The same can be said of another 2014 experiment by Burke and her colleagues. They measured the responses of boys and girls with gender dysphoria to echo like sounds produced by the inner ear in response to a clicking noise. Boys with gender dysphoria responded more like typical females, who have a stronger response to these sounds. But girls with gender dysphoria also responded like typical females.
Overall the weight of these studies and others points strongly toward a biological basis for gender dysphoria. But given the variety of transgender people and the variation in the brains of men and women generally, it will be a long time, if ever, before a doctor can do a brain scan on a child and say, “Yes, this child is trans.”
In my previous post, I linked to studies where they discussed testing children and new imaging technology is expected to be able to see these differences in children that are below 5 years of age.
So can you please explain why you keep demanding evidence, despite said evidence having been provided repeatedly?
It's simple English. If you can pass as a man, you look like a man to the degree that NO ONE would question it...just like it has always been. If you genuinely look like your chosen sex, you use the bathroom of that sex and no one objects...because no one would think to.
Are you suggesting that this is only based on looks?
The bathroom laws are clear. You must use the bathroom that the sex you were born with corresponds to. Looks don't come into it. This means that transgender men, who were born with female sex organs, are required by law to use the women's bathroom. They don't want to use the women's bathrooms because they are not women. But the law demands that they use the women's bathroom. And now we have you saying that if you look like a man, no one will question a man using the men's room. Legally, those men are not allowed to use the men's room and are required by law to use the women's bathroom. For example, meet James:
James is transgender. James is legally not allowed to use the men's room and the law stipulates that because he was born "female", he must use the women's bathroom. This is Michael:
Michael is a transgender male. The law demands that he uses the women's bathroom.
The law does not take appearance into account or consideration.
Who said it was "within their control" or "something they are choosing"?

Mental illness is not a choice, is, by definition, beyond the sufferer's control, and usually does subject the sufferer to some bad external reactions. Now you can debate whether it's a mental illness, but you're intellectually dishonest if you persist in the straw man that it's a choice.
You are arguing that it is a choice.
Read what you're responding to again. Did I say anyone flashes their junk or that there have been instances of predators exploiting it?
And read what I was responding to.
And if you can't pass as your chosen gender, it's only an issue if you are prone to flashing your junk around.
Are these not your words?
And I also addressed your comments about predators exploiting it. Why are you trying to misrepresent what I said and what I was responding to?
And who said "predators" was limited to pedophiles?
Oh you mean that hasn't been the
prevailing argument of conservatives?
Have you ever been followed by a creepy guy? Have you ever tried to lose one by going in the women's room? Have you ever used a public shower, like at a gym? Would you really worry about other women taking surreptitious pictures with a phone? What about a man who identifies as a woman that day (and is straight)?
Our public showers, even at the gym, have doors.. Perhaps you should try that sometimes..
And I would worry about anyone taking photos of others in public showers, regardless of their gender.
Your hopes for new technology are not relevant unless they one day come to fruition, and until they do, you cannot make assertions about the brains of children that go beyond simple neuralplasticity. I've read everything you've offered, only without the bias you obviously apply.
And yet, the studies show differently.
LOL! Thank you for making the case for my argument. Of course you cannot teach a genetic male to be female. That does nothing to make your argument.
Except you fail to note what was actually important in that story.. Your "lol" aside, something I notice people do when they don't have a leg to stand on.. The reason he could not identify as female was because biologically, in his brain, he was always male. Which kind of puts your neuralplasticity argument away, doesn't it? His experiences of being brought up as a female, failed to turn him female.
His brain was always male. Just as transgender brains show that they are biologically the opposite sex.
What this means is that no, you cannot teach or force children who are transgender, to not be transgender, such as when you started going on about children being confused all the time and how society should not 'placate' them. They will be what their brain identifies them as being.
Understand now?
Wait, you just got done saying, "
New technology in scanning is expected to show these changes in children aged from around 3 years of age." If you already have these results, where are they?

If you're talking about scans of adolescence, you're talking about evident of neuralplasticity.
Reading and comprehension is an issue for you, isn't it?
Read what I said again.. And then read the links I provided.