Staff member
You are still not making much sense.Emphasis not in the original post
There are to many oddballs to list them all so instead of trying to list them all and being accused of leaving out some particular oddball I thought I would use a generic term to cover them ALL
It's a better way to allow you to pick your own group of who you think are oddball and to concoct your own senerios without being spoon-fed mine
The point should stick more firmly in your mind after you learn and are not mearly taught
You seem to think that others who are not "confused" as you put it or who do not have a legitimate reason to be confused.. As though it is only those with an XXY chromosome, for example, who have a legitimate reason..
And the whole taught and learn argument you are leaning towards..
Do you think we are taught our genders? In other words, do you believe that one's gender is what we learn or are taught?
How, exactly, would a paedophile find someone who is transexual, for example, advantageous?More from MY post
Think of the oddballs who would seek to exploit the freedom to choose their gender
I will name one type of oddball
who would be on the top of my list
Hope that clarifies my stand and answers your concerns
How does paedophilia even enter the equation?
You have not really clarified your stand or answers. You have just created more confusion and more bizarre arguments.
Not to mention your whole oddball thing now also includes paedophilia, as though if one does not have a legitimate reason, they somehow fit into the oddball group, which includes paedophiles. Perhaps this is not what you intended, but that is how you are coming across.
Why do you say "genuine"? Do you think that there are those who are not genuine?As I understand it around 2% of the population have genuine problems with their gender assignment
It's not exactly a choice. They know what gender they truly are. And sometimes it does not fit with what they are born with. It's not as though they one day wake up and go 'oooh I think I'll be a different gender from now on'..Help from experts in the field help those with genuine problems to come to their own decision about which gender they wish to be known as
In an ideal world, society would mind its own business.Society does not get a look in
Who are the experts?The experts will also provide them with the tools to cope with problems they will confront in the world outside of the understanding experts
I don't exactly know how this is obvious to anyone but you.Anybody else want to comment on this which should be very obvious?
If no one comments I will respond later