Evolution [Debate Proposal]

Sarkus said:
Shuffle a deck of cards and then deal them 1 by 1 - face up - recording the cards as you do so.

Then look back at what you have just done.

Did you know that the probability of dealing those cards in that EXACT order is nearly 1 in 10^68.
And yet you did it!
Go figure!

It is amazing how many statistics are represented by using that type of logic.
Pi-Sudoku said:
The debate we have will not be anywhere but here. It started here and it will finish here.

Look, I don't know why you're backing out of this. That forum is for debating. Many personal comes on that forum, such as lawyers doctors ect, ect. This forum is full of wannabe intellectuals.

Its set up for debating, and I think we should debate on there. If you have a look I have already made the first post here: http://www.gdebate.com/showpost.php?p=182&postcount=2

Don't back out now. Am not doing the debate here, for simple reasons. That everyone will post in the topic and destroy the debate. I want to have a one-on-one debate with you.
Muslim, it's incredibly dishonest to present somebody else's words as your own. When you quote another person's work, you must include a reference.
Laika said:
Muslim, it's incredibly dishonest to present somebody else's words as your own. When you quote another person's work, you must include a reference.

Where? :confused:
Wannabe intellectuals

I'm a lawyer, and I know of at least one Medical Practitioner in here. Muslim you seem to assume that anyone who says things you don't understand must be an idiot. Sounds a bit like transference.
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TheDodge said:
I'm a lawyer, and I know of at least one Medical Practitioner in here. Muslim you seem to assume that anyone who says things you don't understand must be an idiot. Sounds a bit like transference.

I understand everything very well. Its funny how you say you're a lawyer and then use terminology associated with psychology :rolleyes: what was it found psychology too difficult and then decided to switch to be a "lawyer" :rolleyes:
Muslim said:
I understand everything very well. Its funny how you say you're a lawyer and then use terminology associated with psychology :rolleyes: what was it found psychology too difficult and then decided to switch to be a "lawyer" :rolleyes:

At the risk of sounding like a wanker (as opposed to a sabbatarian maniac) - you cross-examine enough Psychologists and you learn stuff. Learning might be a novel concept to you, though.
TheDodge said:
At the risk of sounding like a wanker (as opposed to a sabbatarian maniac) - you cross-examine enough Psychologists and you learn stuff. Learning might be a novel concept to you, though.

Learn is onething, trying to sound an expect on a subject you don't have a clue of is another thing. I bet your lawyer skill are as subpar as your psychology skills.
Dodge, Muslim doesn't represent Sciforums. He's quite young too and should just be ignored. Like me, he probably googled 'transferance' when seeing it used unusually, but then attacked you because if he didn't understand it casually - there's no way you could have done!
Blue_UK said:
Dodge, Muslim doesn't represent Sciforums. He's quite young too and should just be ignored. Like me, he probably googled 'transferance' when seeing it used unusually, but then attacked you because if he didn't understand it casually - there's no way you could have done!

Actually, I know what 'transference' meant. And I also know what he was trying to get at. He said, something to the extent that when I don't understand something I suppose the other person is an idiot. So when he used the word 'transference' in the same paragraph I clicked on as to what he was trying to suggest. And me being young has nothing to do with anything.