Evidence of Paranormal Psi influence -Trump

Quantum Quack

Life's a tease...
Valued Senior Member
Can there be any other explanation for his "self declared success"?

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Can there be any other explanation for his "success"?

Dude! That's like only 40 seconds.

Try and eat through this: http://www.cnn.com/2017/06/12/politics/trump-cabinet-ranked/index.html

Vice President Mike Pence
"It is just the greatest privilege of my life is to serve as the -- as vice president to the President who's keeping his word to the American people and assembling a team that's bringing real change, real prosperity, real strength back to our nation."
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One of the keys to detecting excessive psi influence is blatantly displayed in this session with McCain interviewing Comey...
You will notice certain things that suggest that he is being forced (in real time by unexplainable influences) to speak contrary to his long held views.

and then provides the lame excuse that he stayed up too late the night before watching footy!! I mean to say, such an important and pivotal interview for McCain and he stays up all night watching the footy...
One of the keys to detecting excessive psi influence is blatantly displayed in this session with McCain interviewing Comey...
You will notice certain things that suggest that he is being forced (in real time by unexplainable influences) to speak contrary to his long held views.

and then provides the lame excuse that he stayed up too late the night before watching footy!! I mean to say, such an important and pivotal interview for McCain and he stays up all night watching the footy...

The democrats soon will assign a psychiatrist to analyse Trump .
  • Tillerson calls Trump a moron then back peddles
  • Bannon claims Trump's son as treasonous then back peddles and says "sorry".
  • Mc Cain is hot to trot on the Russian thing and ends up with brain tumors
  • Embassy staff in Cuba end up evacuated after mysterious yet to be resolved mind attacks. ( after surprise opening of relations ( Obama - late) between USA and Cuba.)
Cruz, Ryan and more serious back peddling...

and more...
so uhm ...whats happening do you think?
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What the hell is wrong with y'all? Seriously, too much CNN, or not enough Xanax?

I'll bet Hillary has a small penis as well, but hers suits you better? If I love the insane left, then I love me some Rouhani and the limpdick Trudeau! Jesus Christ, get a grip on something besides your inane moaning about someone you don't like as POTUS.

Big fucking deal. Wait until his term is up and vote him out, if you can muster enough zombies. Until then, cry into your cup and shut the fuck up.
What the hell is wrong with y'all? Seriously, too much CNN, or not enough Xanax?

I'll bet Hillary has a small penis as well, but hers suits you better? If I love the insane left, then I love me some Rouhani and the limpdick Trudeau! Jesus Christ, get a grip on something besides your inane moaning about someone you don't like as POTUS.

Big fucking deal. Wait until his term is up and vote him out, if you can muster enough zombies. Until then, cry into your cup and shut the fuck up.
Do you think Trump will be happy with only two terms as POTUS?
What the hell is wrong with y'all? Seriously, too much CNN, or not enough Xanax?

I'll bet Hillary has a small penis as well, but hers suits you better? If I love the insane left, then I love me some Rouhani and the limpdick Trudeau! Jesus Christ, get a grip on something besides your inane moaning about someone you don't like as POTUS.

Big fucking deal. Wait until his term is up and vote him out, if you can muster enough zombies. Until then, cry into your cup and shut the fuck up.
who is this Hillary you people keep referring to? and why?
Do you think Trump will be happy with only two terms as POTUS?

I reiterate with emphasis: What the fuck is wrong with you?

Do you even vote in America? I'm pretty sure that Beer is in Canada, bless her heart, but have you read our constitution? I have a copy on my desk, with all the amendments, and I'll be more than happy to send you your own if you need it.
I reiterate with emphasis: What the fuck is wrong with you?

Do you even vote in America? I'm pretty sure that Beer is in Canada, bless her heart, but have you read our constitution? I have a copy on my desk, with all the amendments, and I'll be more than happy to send you your own if you need it.
You mean ... that a limited two term presidency is CURRENTLY written in the constitution.
So I ask again... Do you think Trump will be happy with two terms and will not seek to have the limit extended to three or more like other despots have been doing lately...
You mean ... that a limited two term presidency is CURRENTLY written in the constitution.
for the record, and because you're obviously not capable of using google: the POTUS has absolutely no ability at all, whatsoever, to change the Constitution
he can veto a bill, but even Congress can override that with a majority vote

So I ask again... Do you think Trump will be happy with two terms and will not seek to have the limit extended to three or more like other despots have been doing lately...
so, considering the above, reality and more: he cannot get more than two terms

more to the point: bureacracies are not really known for rapid change

but then again, I don't see this being an impediment to your believing he will have three plus terms considering you actually made the following statement
One of the keys to detecting excessive psi influence is...


I reiterate with emphasis: What the fuck is wrong with you?
the study of delusional behaviour does well here, especially considering certain other defenders of the echo.
You mean ... that a limited two term presidency is CURRENTLY written in the constitution.
So I ask again... Do you think Trump will be happy with two terms and will not seek to have the limit extended to three or more like other despots have been doing lately...

You are apparently a complete fool. Do you think that normal people would stand for a blatant violation of our constitution like that?

Maybe if they were unarmed, eh? And all voting democrat?

Piss off. Read history.

Again, do you even have a dog in this hunt? Are you a voting citizen of the USA?
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You are apparently a complete fool. Do you think that normal people would stand for a blatant violation of our constitution like that?

Maybe if they were unarmed, eh? And all voting democrat?

Piss off. Read history.

Again, do you eve have a dog in this hunt? Are you a voting citizen of the USA?

Has not the USA constitution been violated already ?
You are apparently a complete fool. Do you think that normal people would stand for a blatant violation of our constitution like that?
Well..... people have stood for and even encouraged a complete fool of a president so I see no reason to extend their "devotion" and obvious "worship" to allowing Trump to push a change in the constitution.
Afterall he has been head butting it ever since his inauguration.

Article Five
of the United States Constitution describes the process whereby the Constitution, the nation's frame of government, may be altered. Altering the Constitution consists of proposing an amendment or amendments and subsequent ratification. Amendments may be proposed either by the Congress with a two-thirds vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or by a convention of states called for by two-thirds of the state legislatures.[1] To become part of the Constitution, an amendment must be ratified by either—as determined by Congress—the legislatures of three-quarters of the states or state ratifying conventions in three-quarters of the states.[2] The vote of each state (to either ratify or reject a proposed amendment) carries equal weight, regardless of a state's population or length of time in the Union. ~wiki
Given Trumps incredible influence and the extreme intimidation he is capable of applying via means yet to be exposed changing the constitution is entirely likely...

Bannon's uncharacteristic recent back peddle and apology ( and he even losing his job ) is only a small example of the sort of influence Trump can apply if he wishes to.
for the record, and because you're obviously not capable of using google: the POTUS has absolutely no ability at all, whatsoever, to change the Constitution
he can veto a bill, but even Congress can override that with a majority vote

so, considering the above, reality and more: he cannot get more than two terms

more to the point: bureacracies are not really known for rapid change

but then again, I don't see this being an impediment to your believing he will have three plus terms considering you actually made the following statement


the study of delusional behaviour does well here, especially considering certain other defenders of the echo.
just out of curiosity... what's your take on the situation at the USA Embassy and staff in Cuba.