Let's talk about your conspiracy video next.
I watched the first few minutes of it, then I skipped through and watched some other random bits of it, to get a feel for the entire thing without having to dedicate an entire hour of my time to it.
Early on, the narrator - who I assume is also the maker/author of the video - suggests that his viewers look up the words of another guy. So, I figure the narrator agrees with that other guy's views, and I look him up. Turns out he is best known as a reactionary against "political correctness", with a particular interest in "debunking" feminism, affirmative action and the like.
We are defined, in part, by the company we choose to keep. So I start wondering about the motives of the video narrator guy. His argument seems to be that he's in favour of "free speech", except for certain types of speech which he really can't abide, like anything to do with feminism, "political correctness" and similar liberal causes. For those things, he plays the Hitler card, and likens them to 1984-style Orwellian oppression and so on, which takes him a full hour, apparently.
After working out what the point of the video is, I then moved on to working out what the video means to you, at this moment. I think that some of the themes of oppression chime with you. But I also think that you're looking for an excuse to attack the messengers rather than to face up to the actual topic of this current discussion we're having.
I think that you'd rather believe that paddoboy was bullied out of this forum, with myself being mostly to blame for that, than to face up to his actual stance in the current discussion. I also think that you're looking for reasons why his sexist opinions ought not to be condemned, and that you like the "slippery slope" idea that if we start addressing sexism of the paddoboy kind then the next step will be people up against walls and blanket censorship of all media.
The video plays on your fears of persecution and tries to make its targets the bugbears of the lie it is spinning.
I post a video that you have not watched in total and you can make such an assessment that I have had my perception of reality distorted and radicalised....James you really are full of it..perhaps if you were specific rather than jumping to unsupportable conclusions.. tell me specifically exactly how my perception of reality has been distorted and radicalised...come on back it up.
See above.
You have been lied to by the narrator of that video. Suppressing feminism, for example, is far worse than promoting it. I want to promote it. Your video wants to suppress it. If you want to know why feminism is good, there are plenty of people here who can help you understand. But judging by the experience you have reported to us, you ought to know why it is good, without us having to tell you. It follows that you're capable of seeing what's wrong with the video you posted, too.
you certainly fit the videos call by constructing a reality that fits your purpose which is the point of the video.
No. The point of the video is for its narrator to convince you to but into
his version of reality, which is a distorted and harmful one.
Where exactly...and how could you be unbiased if you already regard the video as a waste of time..
Hate is always a waste of time.
If you want to play the " condecending" card go ahead but your lack of sincerity makes it a senseless clearly are not better than those in the video..
The video plays on fears of fascism, communism, autocracy and mind control. The video wants to compare me to Hitler because I don't think it's a great idea for men to address young female shop assistants as "luv". Are you buying that?
I can see why you will not watch it...whatever critism you may have of the video can not take away its sheer precision when stereotyping.
You're right that it is very precise in choosing who it attacks and stereotypes. The author has a goal. You just need to work out what it is, and not be fooled by the superficial message.
There is no chance of that but the video really describes your behaviour rather well..just coincidence I expect.
Which aspects of my behavior does the video really describe well? Be specific.
you have appointed yourself as the thought police but have even taken it to the unimaginable level where you tell folk what they are thinking...and you dont see a problem there ..this attitude of yours is what makes you the stereo type in the video that you wont watch.
You're being brainwashed by the video.
I'm just a guy posting messages on an internet forum. I'm not policing your thoughts. I am urging you to critically examine some opinions that apparently you have taken for granted for a very long time - to interrogate your own opinions, for yourself.
I have no power to put you in jail, to subject you to thought control, or any of those techniques from "1984". Obviously.
As far as knowing what you're thinking, I can only read what you write, ask question and read your answers and the other parts of your posts. I have never claimed I can read your mind, other than in the usual ways just mentioned.
Suggesting to you that maybe calling women "luv" isn't a great idea doesn't make me Hitler. I'm not burning your books, or subjecting you to torture, or sending you to fight a war, or telling you to kill people. Get some perspective.
And I should regard you as knowing arrogant sod..what makes you think you are in a position to dictate to others their behaviour and of course lately even tell them what they are thinking...there is no place in reality for thought police let all alone mind readers.
It would be silly of me to imagine that I'm in a position to dictate to you, or to anybody else here, what to think.
You are here by choice, Alex. You are free to come and go as you please. I have no hidden video cameras watching your every move. I only see what you choose to post here. That's all. I certainly can't read your mind by magic.
The video has made you paranoid, or else contributed to a pre-existing paranoia. I don't know which. You need to get some perspective.
what is offensive to some is not offensive to others..what you are saying is"I have judged the situation and declare that from now on what I say will be so".
It's not working out too well for me so far, is it? These declarations of mine about what will be so, once I say it.
Get a grip, Alex.
You have already just about killed free speech by sitting on your hands as moderator and not calling out abuse and bullying and even though I reference it every post you ignore the abuse and it ok to use abuse and bullying when you are supporting your view.
Excuse me?
sciforums is one internet forum among many. It is not even a major media platform. How on earth do you think I'm killing your free speech? You haven't even been stopped from speaking freely
here, let alone anywhere else on the internet or in the outside world. Not about the topic of this thread, anyway.
I don't recall ever abusing you, Alex, or standing by while others abused you.
You always have the choice here to participate or not to - to defend one position against another or not to. People who disagree with you aren't automatically bullies. You ought not to expect that everybody will be partial to your views all the time, or deferential to them. That's not how the world works, never mind sciforums.
One other thing: if you find it difficult to cope with some kinds of questioning, or you feel pressured to respond to defend views that you have chosen freely to express, that's largely on you, not me or somebody else. It doesn't make me a bully to ask you to try to justify your position.
Do you think that I bullied paddoboy out of the forum with my nasty words? Tell me: to what extent is
he responsible for his own behaviour, and for his decisions? Like you, he had the freedom to choose at all times whether to post and what to post. I do not believe I ever misrepresented his views, and I don't believe I have misrepresented yours, either. When in doubt, I ask questions. If you or paddoboy finds it difficult to find satisfactory answers, that's on you, not me. Maybe there's a flaw in your rationale.
You like giving unsolicited advice so let me return the favour...instead of getting all upset just ask yourself why someone like me could draw the link that I is not critism I just think you could learn and grow.
I did ask myself that. I watched enough of the video to understand what might appeal to you about its dangerous message.
I have no desire to "grow" by buying into a toxic internet conspiracy theory.
this is where the video clicks in again...your proven propensity to fabricate a non reality.
Point to ONE thing I have said that is "unreal", a fabrication, that does not reference the "real world" circumstances we have been discussing. If you can.
It's easy for you to accuse me of inventing a fantasy version of reality. But I don't think you can actually point out to any substantive evidence that I've ever done anything like that, other than in a clearly-flagged hypothetical example or similar.
The video..the it says ordinary folk think they can talk to those who are the subject of the video rationally but meet this barrier of non reality...what part of my reality causes you such difficulty?
You're deep in the rabbit hole. Can you pull yourself out? It's not too late.