Everyday sexism

I have two more observations to make before I finally leave this den of iniquity.....In my opinion there are others here that although of the same opinion as yourself, [Dave, Billvon and wegs] have conducted themselves admirably while still essentially disagreeing with me. It is only you and James that has taken this into disgusting territory. All three have admitted that while they may disagree with my everyday casual banter, they understand that I am not a sexual predator or harasser.
To be clear: I have never suggested you are a sexual predator, which would be somebody who stalks women for the purposes of committing sexual crimes.

Sexual harassment is another matter. That is not necessarily about your intentions. It is about the perceptions of your victims.

Sometime in the past - a year or two ago, maybe - you may well have been able to argue that you weren't aware that certain behaviours by men are generally not welcomed by women and are considered sexist, offensive and/or sleazy. You can no longer run that argument. Now, every time you engage in such behaviours, you are knowingly acting in an immoral way. Those behaviours were not excused by your ignorance in the past, either, but now you're ramping the whole thing up to a different level because you're choosing to continue them while conscious that what you are doing is inappropriate.

Nobody has argued that calling somebody "luv", or asking for the extra virgin oil with a wink and nod, is equivalent to rape or physical assault. But those behaviours contribute to creating a culture that condones the kind of disrespect and objectification of women that makes those crimes more likely. Along the way, they make life uncomfortable for the women who put up with them, day in and day out, regardless of whether they ever register any formal complaint about them. That you're apparently fine with this makes you a bad person, paddoboy, regardless of what you'd like to think about yourself. There are plenty of worse men than you, but there are also plenty of better men than you, in this regard. You could be better, but you choose not to be. Why is that?

Is this why you have on a few occasions now Bells, seemingly locked yourself in with wegs? You know, to add something to your baseless claims and accusations, because wegs has conducted herself like a Lady?
wegs is telling you the same thing that Bells and I are telling you. She is just being somewhat less confrontational about it. You're better disposed towards her than you are to Bells because you perceive wegs as conforming more closely to what you believe a women "ought to" be like. Which only means that you're seeking to impose your sexist values once again. You find it difficult to cope with a woman who will stand up to you forthrightly and tell you what is wrong with you directly to your face.

Your animosity towards me comes from a different place, which I think for you is a battle for alpha male status. You refuse to listen to me because your ego won't allow you to be lectured by me, even when you're clearly in the wrong. You'd probably feel a lot better, ultimately, if you just admitted I have a point and moved on with your life. The women who are obliged to interact with you would also appreciate that, I assure you, so it would be a win all around. Instead, we get this.

Bells, one thing is certain. You want me banned. That is a fact.
Either of us could ban you at any time. That's a fact. But you're still here. That is also a fact. Deal with it. Consider the possibility that there might be a better outcome here, for everybody, than banning you would achieve.
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Okay, Michael. Here's a hint: if you want to discuss human rights issues, as they pertain to African countries, that could be a good discussion for a different thread. This one is about everyday sexism. The focus here is on paddoboy's habitual behaviours. If you want to catch up, start from the opening post and work your way through.
Okay, Michael. Here's a hint: if you want to discuss human rights issues, as they pertain to African countries, that could be a good discussion for a different thread. This one is about everyday sexism. The focus here is on paddoboy's habitual behaviours. If you want to catch up, start from the opening post and work your way through.
Post was in relation to the subject being everyday sexism in another country

That's quite a crew you picked there as your support on this, paddoboy. Are you sure you want to tie your boat to theirs?
All that's missing from his female heroes are Miranda Devine, Pauline Hanson and Kelly-Anne Kennerly.

The unholy union of bigotry...
Post was in relation to the subject being everyday sexism in another country

I think that the death penalty is a bit of a step removed from the kind of sexism I have been focussing on here.

Alex keeps complaining that nobody wants to discuss domestic violence against women, but for some reason seems reticent to start a separate thread on that topic. Since you're obviously concerned about it too, maybe you can help him?
Alex keeps complaining that nobody wants to discuss domestic violence against women, but for some reason seems reticent to start a separate thread on that topic. Since you're obviously concerned about it too, maybe you can help him?
Since you're obviously concerned about it too, maybe you can help him?
Saw a fair bit working in hospitals and during the times I worked in Emergency Room

Here are some local Australian Stats

Dec 2, 2020 — Of all domestic homicide victims, 55% (100) were female. Of all female victims of domestic homicide, 73% (73) were killed by an intimate partner. ... Of the 142 victims of family and domestic violence homicide, 53% were female and 24% were aged 0–19 (ABS 2019). See Causes of death.


Michael 345:

Clearly you haven't got the message about what this thread is about.

Hint: it is not about domestic violence, or wives cheating on their husbands.

If you want to discuss those things, start a separate thread.
Humanity is mostly garbage.

Why can't we all get along nicely and treat each other with love and respect? All humans do every time is hurt and be mean to one another.

Personally I never had hope to begin with in this world, we are already falling into a black void so I don't give a ѕhit what happens to us anymore.

All I know is that we humans are past our prime at this point and it would be a big favor to all of us if we all died in a nuclear explosion.
Michael 345:

Clearly you haven't got the message about what this thread is about.

Hint: it is not about domestic violence, or wives cheating on their husbands.

If you want to discuss those things, start a separate thread.
Sorry I posted the incorrect link

Thought this link was one where the man was hailed as a stud but the wife was labelled as a slut
