You know, we can stop this round of "more examples of paddoboy's sexism" any time you like. All you have to do is stop responding.
I made a valid one-line comment on a sexist remark you made in a different thread. You decided to make a song and dance, once again going out of your way to make excuses for the inexcusable.
You know how this has gone for you in the past. You can continue digging that hole if you want to, or you could make the wiser choice to just stop here. Given your tendency to take a bull-at-a-gate approach when challenged, I don't expect you'll stop, but don't say I didn't warn you if this doesn't end well for you, once again.
I haven't been around here much for the past few months. In that time I see you have been targeting various people with your usual scientism crusade. Not necessarily bad thing in itself, but I also see you've also been getting away with trading insults back and forth and generally engaging in time-wasting one-upmanship with some people who really don't deserve your continual attention. There are rumblings from other moderators as to whether it wouldn't be easier for us just to bid you farewell. At the least, it would reduce the workload in fielding all the complaints about you. Anyway, I say this just to put you on notice that the moderators might not be inclined to give you a third chance if, at some point, you decide to fly off the handle again. So choose carefully.
Are you that petty when you see the myriad of adds that stereotype men as well as women of course.
Two wrongs don't make a right. Other people's poor behaviour doesn't excuse yours.
No I am not sexist or a mysoginist James, and whether you want to fabricate banter to appear that I am, I don't really care to much James, but will continue to refute your precious tactics.
As you know, I have never fabricated anything in order to attack your for sexism. I have only ever quoted your own words and commented on what you have written.
And never once are you able to explain why the banter I use, is used back? That would burst your bubble James, correct?
How many times have you said to a woman "Ah, you women! You can never make up your minds!" and then she has said back to you "Oh, you funny man, paddoboy! What you say is exactly true. I'm hopelessly unable to make up my mind about anything! I'm just a bit of a ditzy fool. I'm so lucky I have men like you around to help me do my thinking. I'd be incapable of ever making a decision on my own."
How many times have you called a man "love"? Never? If not, why not? Why is it okay for you to address women as "love" but not men?
And you have never heard me referring to myself as an old fart, or old bastard? or tell jokes at the expense of men? Reminds me of q-reeus again!
Self-deprecating comments are your own prerogative. We're discussing appropriate behavior when referring to other people here, paddoboy.
Do you care if a woman doesn't find your "jokes" amusing? I guess you'd advise her to lighten up and get a proper sense of humour.
No holes to dig James, and yes some funny banter on both sides and great that troubling for you James? or are you simply doing what supports your questionable agenda.
We had a great time as I said, and the two girls really loked after us, so much so, I e-Mailed the CEO the next day and complimented them with the highest praise.
Check it out..I'm also a life member there and fairly well known.
The problem here is that, once again, I'm only hearing your side of the story. The "two girls" who "really looked after us" aren't here to give their version of the story. Who knows what their perceptions might have been?
Do you realise that they were doing their jobs in being polite to you? Do you realise that if they
weren't polite to you, they might lose their jobs? Can you see any problem with a power imbalance there?

Wow James, take a disprin and have a good lay down and try to honestly assesS whatever I have told you with some honesty, OK?
Frigid? Have I ever used that word James?
I have no idea whether you have ever used that word. I was merely showing you an example of the sort of everyday sexism you might have seen. I wonder whether you think there's anything problematic in that sort of exchange.
Wrong way round was me that got a slap on the bum from a beautiful blonde many years ago. Got it?

And yes, as a young hairy arse man, I enjoyed it.
We already discussed your proud bum-slap behaviour in the other thread (linked above).
Your many emojis here just confirm that you still don't have a clue about what might be wrong with your habitual behaviours in regards to women. To you, apparently, it's all a bit of harmless fun.
Perhaps I should also have reported the Ambulance staff that treated the Mrs when they called her darling, and me Love.
That would have been a shitty thing to do in the circumstances, I would imagine.
Do you understand that by the time it gets to the stage where somebody is justified in filing a report, things have usually long gone past the point where the behaviour in question should have stopped?
Most women put up with everyday sexism from men, for all kinds of reasons. If they filed formal complaints every time a man like you made an inappropriate comment or used an overly familiar form of address, they'd spend their whole lives litigating small claims. It's just not worth the time and effort. It's far easier just to avoid those men as much as possible. Unfortunately, that also means those men get away with things when they really need to be taught how to act like decent human beings.