Everyday racism


What I wrote about your choice of language was "Your use of the phrase 'keeping us lubricated' there is sleazy, too, just so you know."

Now you know why, if you didn't already know (which I think you did).

Either you will stop using that kind of sexual innuendo in future, or you won't. Either way, you can no longer claim to be ignorant of why it might offend. From now on (at least), you are being offensive deliberately and knowingly when you use that kind of language.

What I wrote about your choice of language was "Your use of the phrase 'keeping us lubricated' there is sleazy, too, just so you know."

Now you know why, if you didn't already know (which I think you did).
What you think is your concern.
Probably pissed his pants with laughter


You might like this also Mick...Had a mate around yesterday and we decided to go to the Churchill Bar at Kingsford, a pub I havn't been to for years...been done up a bit with some handy memoriabilia of the great Clive Churchill....Anyway walked up to the bar, and the bar assistant said, "What would you like sweety" ME: two schooners of VB thanks Luv: Me: That's a lovely Irish accent you have there! HER: Laughing "Why thank you sweety! Me; Laughing with my mate: And what part of the Emerald Isle are you from Luv? HER: Laughing jovially, County Cork sweety, to be sure, to be sure...
Just one more Mick to show what real life and real people and real interactions are all about!
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You might like this also Mick...Had a mate around yesterday and we decided to go to the Churchill Bar at Kingsford, a pub I havn't been to for years...been done up a bit with some handy memoriabilia of the great Clive Churchill....Anyway walked up to the bar, and the bar assistant said, "What would you like sweety" ME: two schooners of VB thanks Luv: Me: That's a lovely Irish accent you have there! HER: Laughing "Why thank you sweety! Me; Laughing with my mate: And what part of the Emerald Isle are you from Luv? HER: Laughing jovially, County Cork sweety, to be sure, to be sure...
Just one more Mick to show what real life and real people and real interactions are all about!
Why is this in a thread about racism?
Why is this in a thread about racism?
Because she was Irish and about my "fetish" in able to pick someone's nationality by their accent...pretty good at it actually!
But really James, you don't think you are being just a touch too picky...considering the mixed stuff that has already occurred in this thread, page 8 as a quick example and post 222 as another.

But I get your point, and will certainly leave this thread to those pushing pure racism.
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It's not just me, though. Take a poll if you doubt me.
Just two points....
yes obviously so please do not attempt to shove your pretentious cause/model down my throat...At this time, I'll stick to, and my community will stick to, what I and they see, as everyday reasonable interactions in all arenas I have expressed my views.
On your second silly suggestion, this forum is not the be all and end all of society standards and of course most do not want to face the wrath of James. :rolleyes:
Why do you keep repeating yourself over and over, paddoboy? You have already made the point abundantly clear that you intend to keep acting immorally no matter what. Give it a rest.
Why do you keep repeating yourself over and over, paddoboy? You have already made the point abundantly clear that you intend to keep acting immorally no matter what. Give it a rest.
I'm not acting immorally despite your many attempts to paint me that colour. You just need to get it into your head that this "unofficial" movement/cause or whatever you are pushing, might make you feel warm and fuzzy, but it is totally rejected by myself and the vast majority of society, and polls reflect that.
Perhaps you need to have a good hard look at yourself and your attempted bullying of me in recent times.
It won't work.
this "unofficial" movement/cause or whatever you are pushing, might make you feel warm and fuzzy, but it is totally rejected by myself and the vast majority of society, and polls reflect that.
That wasn't the issue.

The question was not whether a lot of people act as you claim to act in your posting here, believe as you believe about such actions, and so forth. That was assumed, here in this thread.

This thread is in fact based on the assumption that such is the case - that the behavior at issue is "everyday", socially normal behavior. That's in the thread title: "Everyday Racism".

You keep insisting that your behavior, as you describe it, is everyday behavior. Consider that claim settled, at least on this thread - as far as I can tell you have persuaded everyone here that your behavior is normal and common and "everyday" behavior in your society.
That wasn't the issue.
There were two issues that got intertwined...racism and sexism.
And extreme views on both were pushed as apparently the norm.
That claim by me of everyday behaviour is settled at least in this issue according to you. I thank you for that, but add that it is settled on both issues as far as I am concerned, and in fact, has never really been an issue until PC and extremism started to be taken too far.
I'm satisfied with my everyday interactions on both issues, and that is borne out by the wider community and society I have ventured into in my time on Terra firma.
I'm not acting immorally despite your many attempts to paint me that colour. You just need to get it into your head that this "unofficial" movement/cause or whatever you are pushing, might make you feel warm and fuzzy, but it is totally rejected by myself and the vast majority of society, and polls reflect that.
The movements and causes to which you refer are known as "affirmative action" and "feminism", just so you know.

I know you reject them. That's why I'll mostly try to restrict my interactions with you to correcting your errors and to moderating you as necessary, from now on.
I thank you for that, but add that it is settled on both issues as far as I am concerned, and in fact, has never really been an issue until PC and extremism started to be taken too far.
So everyday racism is not an issue for you - only a "PC" or "extremist" type could possible object to the normal behavior of whatever society they found themselves in.

So this thread has no reason to exist, in your case, and you have no reason to bother with it - everyday racism on the part of normal people like you is somebody else's problem, somebody else's issue, not your concern.

That seems consistent, to me. It's a common US stance as well, in certain regions and demographics. Republican voters below the Mason Dixon Line, for example.

Although the "normal" in the US - what was everyday until the PC and extremist folks made too much of a nuisance of themselves - might be a bit different from a foreigner's expectations. I have noticed that when talking about the US non-US posters here will occasionally get categories like "extremist" mixed up, going so far as to categorize Trump's tweets and such as "extremist" even though they have made it clear elsewhere that it's the complainers, not the perps, who are the extremists when objecting to such normal and accepted everyday behavior by others.
The movements and causes to which you refer are known as "affirmative action" and "feminism", just so you know.

I know you reject them. That's why I'll mostly try to restrict my interactions with you to correcting your errors and to moderating you as necessary, from now on
Yes, I reject the extreme edges of those movements certainly, and while you need to correct my errors, I will also correct yours.
Just try and not be too picky OK James?:p
So everyday racism is not an issue for you - only a "PC" or "extremist" type could possible object to the normal behavior of whatever society they found themselves in.
It is an issue of course, even in our country, and it is an issue I am concerned about, and have in many ways acted on, rather then useless talk and allegations...not particularly referring to you by the way.
So this thread has no reason to exist, in your case, and you have no reason to bother with it - everyday racism on the part of normal people like you is somebody else's problem, somebody else's issue, not your concern.
The thread certainly has no reason to exist and was fabricated for other reasons. The racism concern is everyone's problem, but when taken to extremes, is like sexism allegations...all nonsense.
People need to laugh at themselves.
Besides having many idigenous friends, [4 or 5 I see often and drink with] I have an Irish buddy who tells the best Irish jokes ever.