It does
I call stuff as I see it
If you see something ironic in it, that's you
Welcome to explain and I will listen
The Australian BLM movement is powered by Indigenous Australians.
For you, a white Australian male, to whine and to declare that they (Australia's BLM) was set up to "loot and plunder" is, to put it bluntly, obscene.
Given Indigenous death in custody, the continued disregard for their rights, and the history of looting and plundering of their land, culture, identity by white and predominately male Australians, do you really think your whining was appropriate? Something something about your white entitlement goes here, I suppose.
Sorry, not to me it doesn't, and as yet I have not met anyone who has seen it that way.
You deliberately choose to disregard how people feel and instead feel that foisting yourself on others uninvited should be respected and protected.
It's about respecting others. You should try it some time.
That sounds condescending.
"Sorry, not to me it doesn't"
Is that right?

more condescending from you?
Aw maaaayytteee.. Come on now! Why you being such a bloody fucking wuss, mate?
Stop fucking whingeing and grow a pair, mate!
What's the matter? Don't like it when you are treated as you treat others?
Nup, just your uninformed guess.
I disagree.
Do I need one? It was and has been suggested by councils around the place,
You made the claim:
"we have had movements and suggestions schools should not mention Christmas and rather talk of holiday time so as not to offend Muslims"
The article you linked is about a reaction to a fake story that was blown out of proportion in responses to it.
Sure I read it all, and none of it invalidates the part I quoted.
You don't see yourself in what you quoted?
Because it's part of the vocabulary and is a word that was not invented to offend.
I was talking about "nigger".
You admit it's designed to offend. But you keep repeating it.
Why do you do that?
While we are at it....again, went up to the bank a couple of days ago, and was ushered towards a pretty [is that sexist?] female teller around 45 ish, who asked, "What can I help you with Sir" I had a large wad of cash with me, that was the deposit for some home improvements, and to be transferred to another bank. After I informed her of what I was trying to do, she then explained in detail that I was proceeding the wrong way and should approach the bank which was identified by the account number [which she new but I didn't]
Are you aware that the manner in which you keep giving us these little stories about how women are around you just makes you look, well, weird,right?
It's a constant thing with you. It's your go to to attempt to excuse your own at times creepy behaviour (such as when you admitted to lewd suggestions to the poor girl who worked in a supermarket and crowing how she laughed it off, while ignoring she was not actually allowed to call you a creep or pervert)..
Not to mention you just let us know that you don't know how to bank perhaps?
I mean, what is the point of this story? She called you "Sir"? Would you have been more comfortable if she'd said "Oi, dickhead, it's over there"?
Carrying on to Part II of the story:
and put it in that account. My reply, "gee thanks Love, you're a bloody Angel!" Her reaction, "why thank youuuuuu kind Sir, nice to be of assistance and you can come back here anytime!'" all said while happily laughing and in jocular fashion.
Just more confirmation of certain actions/words being the norm and without a skerrick of sexism, racism or any other underhanded insulting meaning/s.
While ignoring she could not tell you to not do that or speak to her that way..
That's what you don't seem to understand.
She responded to you as she is required to respond to you. She's still required to call you "Sir". She is still required to smile through it. She is still required to be polite to you. If she does not, she will either be reprimanded or possibly be out of a job.
Do you understand that part now? You foist your at times creepy behaviour on women while they are working and then crow about how they smile back at you and thank you, without considering that they are not actually allowed to tell you to fuck off for being a creep.
I'm probably slightly left of the political spectrum, and obviously see much of political correctness is correct and desirable. By the same token, some of it is extreme stupidity as per the muslim/Xmas thingy and the use of certain words in everyday banter.
Which was based on a fake story, probably picked up by the likes of Pauline Hanson and the other morons in her party and spread far and wide, scare campaigns often originate from lies and spread by dumb people to even dumber people who are are gullible enough to believe it.
The right wing MAGA hat wearing morons in the US is a prime example of that.
Fijians are notoriously, generally always late, my Mrs being a great example of that. If we are going out somewhere, as usual, I'm always ready on time, while she is still fussing about. My general comment.. Bloody Fijians!! or Bloody Fiji time! [hope that's not too blokey for some here.

Even in Fiji, if you are going to meet someone, somewhere, sometime, they have a saying "Fiji Time" meaning anything around the appointed meeting time, and it can be frustrating for someone from Australia who is always on time.
Although now in a modern society, that perception is changing somewhat...
Ya.. Amongst people you know.
Just a quick comment on that rather paltry remark...
I yam what I yam, and you can take it or leave it!

But if I were to comment on my own style of banter, I would say its similar to our second greatest PM?
You mean the dude who cheated on his wife repeatedly and who told his own daughter to not report the man who raped her multiple times as it would affect his political chances..?
Great person to imitate!