Email password cracking

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I think you are being silly and foolish and may end up losing your fiance over your suspicions.

How can you say that? You don't live with the guy, and know nothing about him. You don't know if he is acting strangely.

If she has suspicions she could be right. She could be wrong who knows.
I don't think its foolish though. Women that I know that suspected something was going on, and did some investigating and checking found out exactly that "CHEATING" while all along hearing that exact thing "you are being paranoid"
Sure and what if she finds out he is cheating?

Then dump him.

Sonic...but what if he DID find out. How would you explain that to him? There are many "old fashioned" ways to tell if he's cheating without resorting to violating his privacy.
this is really harsh! :eek: Ive been with him for 6 years, I know him well, I know when things are not quite right. When you know someone really really well, you notice things that may seem small but they are significant, slight behaviour changes that are weird
Like he now always has his mobile phone off when its not glues to him. When he is in shower, phone goes off, when he goes to bed, phone goes off
he used to just leave it laying about all over the place, but not anymore
so why the change??

Don't listen to SAM........when your with someone for that long, YOU KNOW when something isn't right! I agree. If I was that suspicious I would try to find out what I could too. You need to be creative in your investigating;)
Yep, I have to be openly restrictive about advertising The Dark Arts.
No, no, no you misunderstand. It's Plazma, he doesn't like me playing with the new recruits. I can be a bit heavy-handed sometimes and, without meaning to, I sometimes break their dollies.

I likes breaking their dollies. :(
this is really harsh! :eek: Ive been with him for 6 years, I know him well, I know when things are not quite right. When you know someone really really well, you notice things that may seem small but they are significant, slight behaviour changes that are weird
Like he now always has his mobile phone off when its not glues to him. When he is in shower, phone goes off, when he goes to bed, phone goes off
he used to just leave it laying about all over the place, but not anymore
so why the change??

Maybe he has other problems: health, economic, worried about wedding, adjusting to change in single status permanently. Maybe he's trying to protect you. Your espionage could make things worse, not better.

If you know him so well, then you need to figure out if he's the unfaithful type or if he still has feelings for his ex. In any case, spying on emails is petty behaviour and does not bode well for your future relationship with him.

Be direct. Talk to him, tell him you are worried about him, about your relationship, you feel uncomfortable because his actions create suspicions in your mind. Ask him if he is still committed to you and the relationship. Then either trust him or take a break to work out what you want.
I have tried to find out anything I can but nothing concrete. I find his possesiveness about his phone very strange, but cannot get records of calls as he is Pay As You Go & so there are no bills:mad:
I do try to get into his phone but he never leaves it switched on and unattended. I mean if we are in a restaurant & he goes to the bathroom he takes it with him!!??
When I asked him he said it was in case he missed any important 'work calls' or calls from family regards the wedding
I really need to get into his email, i know its bad, but Im running out of time & if he is a cheater Id rather know now than when Im married to him!! :bawl:
Well, TBH. Fooling around with an ex-gf is common and its not like cheating because men figure it is one more time. i fooled around with my ex for years after we broke up, it was great too:p
No, no, no you misunderstand. It's Plazma, he doesn't like me playing with the new recruits. I can be a bit heavy-handed sometimes and, without meaning to, I sometimes break their dollies.

I likes breaking their dollies. :(

Ah but do you like breaking their dollies because your mean, or because you want to learn about what makes their dollies tick?
I have tried to find out anything I can but nothing concrete. I find his possesiveness about his phone very strange, but cannot get records of calls as he is Pay As You Go & so there are no bills:mad:
I do try to get into his phone but he never leaves it switched on and unattended. I mean if we are in a restaurant & he goes to the bathroom he takes it with him!!??
When I asked him he said it was in case he missed any important 'work calls' or calls from family regards the wedding
I really need to get into his email, i know its bad, but Im running out of time & if he is a cheater Id rather know now than when Im married to him!! :bawl:

I think he would be lucky to get away from you. You sound like a paranoid freak. :crazy:
It could make things better for find out either way now.

How do you go about figuring out if he is the unfaithful type?:shrug:
^ Sam you are really harsh!
What do you suggest I do? Bury my head in the sand & pretend everythings cool?
Marry a cheater & find out 10 years down the line! Its better to know FOR SURE isnt it??
I dont know if he is the unfaithful 'type' I mean he has no track record, with me anyway. But his ex is a manipulative piece of work and is always turning up at places where we go with friends & I just think its a lot of temptation for a guy whos young & about to marry!
^ Sam you are really harsh!
What do you suggest I do? Bury my head in the sand & pretend everythings cool?
Marry a cheater & find out 10 years down the line! Its better to know FOR SURE isnt it??

SAM spends all her time Moding on Forums. I doubt she has a man!
I wouldn't pay any attention to her.

I guess all the women that found out their partners cheated on them
were just paranoid freaks too.

Considering how many members here have talked about being cheated on, how is this so far fetched?
crazy? paranoid? impossible?
^ Sam you are really harsh!
What do you suggest I do? Bury my head in the sand & pretend everythings cool?
Marry a cheater & find out 10 years down the line! Its better to know FOR SURE isnt it??

Consider your options:

1. You are right. He is having an affair. Time to go

2. You are wrong, he is not having an affair. So, you misread him and this will be a pattern in your relationship. Not looking rosy.

3. You are insecure in your relationship, because you have reason to be. Past infidelities?

edit: okay no track record.

What about health, economics, family.

How is everything there? Is he the chatty, share his emotions type, or the strong silent type?
You said you have been with him for 6 years, has he cheating on you in the past?
If you are this concerned that he is doing something that makes you distrust him then just stop seeing him. Why go through all of this crap only to find out that you are right, then what will you do?
If you are this concerned that he is doing something that makes you distrust him then just stop seeing him. Why go through all of this crap only to find out that you are right, then what will you do?

Feel vindicated. :)

That is why most people do such things, imo.
Ok. He is a normal, chatty guy. Everything else is cool in his life- work, his family etc. No probs with anything, that I know off.
I am suspicious, because
1) His ex has recently got in touch & she is known to be a man eater & flirt.
2)He has suddenly got very guarded about his phone
3) He changed his email password very quickly after telling me it
4) He never checks his email at home any more
5)General slightly 'odd' behaviour that I cant put my finger on, but I know & just feel something is amiss
If I find out and he is cheating then Ill dump him
I dont think that the predominant feeling of ending a 6 year relationship and throwing away my wedding and future, will be one of 'vindication' :mad:
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