Email password cracking

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Why not, he took advantages of her, why can't she do the same to him?

Because "SOME" of the people here are better then revenge, or getting even. or even getting upset about what happened LOL :rolleyes: What do they say..ummmmmmm 2 wrongs don't make a right!! bullshit

They must be robots with no feelings, because nothing would affect them. :rolleyes:


Sometimes I think Marx and Engels all got it wrong. It's not the economic repressive system that needs a revolution, but the turbulent emotional social life of the oppressed mob.

I suggest we use this thread as the blueprint for the new social revolution: Neocommunism.

We will not make decisions on our social and emotional personal life alone any more. Quite the opposite. We abolish the personal life altogether!

Comrades, join us in the future of mankind; join us on a road to social bliss and progress.

We will decide all relationship issues by committee. The committee consists out of any member of the local social commune. This can mean your neighbour, but also your friends on facebook/myspace, or a passerby.

The committee will jointly decide on issues of love, engagement, marriage, frequency of sex, gifts to be bought for the mother-in-law, time-outs, adultery, affairs, level of passion, and let's not forget appointments with friends and the nature of said appointments.

Our mind will be liberated from the stress of making difficult decisions that could possibly ruin our life, and the responsibility for those decisions will be shared by all.

The combined wisdom of the entire social network will prevent serious mistakes, or introduce unexpected bonuses to your personal life, such as an affair you never imagined could have existed, because you don't even know the guy, and to be honest, you don't even like him, but still, since the committee in all her wisdom decided you should have this affair, you must have it.

We will turn our society from a collection of emotionally damaged individuals to a collective of healthy comrades!



12 october 2007
I was telling my partner about this thread last night over dinner.

Maybe it's wrong, but I sometimes half-jokingly tell her how much I'd like a new girl. Which is kind of true. Someone new to spicen up the whole sex thing :D She is of the mind that all men are like this and that's why men are of a lower species of human than women :eek: We're more like an animal.
Maybe she has a point.
Regardless, men in general do want a new girl after awhile of being with only one girl. Not all men - but most men.
She once said to me: Go for it. Which totally took the wind out of my sails, I mean half of the fun is just the mental challenge of "fooling around" right???

Anyway, she passed on a bit of advice to Sonic. She said she'd sue him for all of the costs of the wedding. Stick it to his wallet where it will really hurt the most.


if you would like a new girl why not go swinging the both of you
Hi again
well, recent developements.. I got woken up on sat morning by my stupid ex SINGING in the front garden :eek: he had flowers & chocolates & was singing
'I cant live without you'
WTF?? Why doesnt he just leave me alone. Hes not going to get me back, EVER!!!!!!!

I told him that but he still doesnt get it. Stupid singing & flowers doesnt magic everything ok again does it? I dont care if hes sorry, if he loved me that much he wouldnt have cheated in the first place :mad:
I told him Id get a restraining order unless he leaves me alone.
New guy is a good idea, lol, but am not going to be ready to even THINK about dating for some time.. :(
Guess Ill go to the police if he tries any more stupid stunts.
What on earth goes on in his stupid mind - 'oh if I get some chocolate & sing a song then she'll get over the fact I screwed my ex 3 weeks before our wedding day' ???? Stupid **** :mad:
I told him Id get a restraining order unless he leaves me alone.
New guy is a good idea, lol, but am not going to be ready to even THINK about dating for some time.. :(
Guess Ill go to the police if he tries any more stupid stunts.
What on earth goes on in his stupid mind - 'oh if I get some chocolate & sing a song then she'll get over the fact I screwed my ex 3 weeks before our wedding day' ???? Stupid **** :mad:

I wouldn't be surprised if it's because he's lost you and knows the 'Ex' cheats or doesn't want him (namely why thats 'Ex').

Some women usually don't get tied down into families until they get older (30+) of course there is then the whole bit on fertility and birth defects that the press trumped up, however that discussion is obviously separate from this thread.

Tieing yourself down now (mid 20's) in life obviously could been a serious mistake, as people at a young age usually find they get bored with one another easily (Since there is only so much to talk about over a comparatively short life time, especially if you originally moved in the same circles.)

What I'd suggest is concentrate on living your life, do things you want to do, perhaps concentrate on a career for a bit but for the most thing gain Anecdotes and experience of life, then you have something to both reflect on and of course share with a prospective partner in the future.

Just remember to take is slow and easy if you do decide to look for someone, go on dates, have dinners, go the theatre/cinema or gigs, go on holidays etc.
Just make sure that your relationship is based more on your company than your sex, after all it's not the best thing to base a long term relationship on, as time wears on so do people physiologically.

(Btw, feel free to get your mind off the subject by joining in some of the other discussions on the forum.)
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