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Registered Senior Member
Fascinating place, no?

I'm simultaneously captivated and repelled by the mountains of money being spent there. Having completed construction of the first of the three 'Palm Islands'...


and with work on the the 300 artificial islands (with purchase prices of between 6.2 and 32.7 million dollars) that make up 'The World' expected to complete in 2008...


work on the Burj Dubai, scheduled to be the world's tallest building, has recently reached level 116, with the height currently standing at 406.5 m (1,335 ft).


See here for more incredible ongoing and future projects. Be sure to check out the Hydropolis (a $500/night underwater hotel, assembled entirely in Germany) and the tasty-looking Ski Dome.

From the Burj Dubai website:

The goal of Burj Dubai is not simply to be the world’s highest building. It’s to embody the world’s highest aspirations.

Burj Dubai looks different depending on where you’re standing. For those living nearby, it is a shining accomplishment – tangible proof of Dubai’s central role in a growing world. For those standing in other global capitals, it is a shining symbol – an icon of the new Middle East: prosperous, dynamic, and successful.

In fact, Burj Dubai is both. It is a fact – an unprecedented example of international cooperation – and a symbol – a beacon of progress for the entire world.

It is not by chance that it is being built in Dubai. In less than thirty years, this city has transformed itself from a regional center to a global one. This success was not based on oil reserves, but on reserves of human talent, ingenuity and initiative.

A vision this bold requires visionaries. Creating the centerpiece for a new world capital attracted the world's most esteemed designers, developers and builders. One of them is the tower's architect, Adrian Smith.

As a consulting design partner at Skidmore, Owings and Merrill - the global leader in creating supertall structures - Adrian Smith has had a hand in several of the world's tallest buildings. With Burj Dubai, he - and the world - will surpass them all.

So, what do you think? Is the amount of money being spent here obscene? Do these projects, which represent the leading edge of man's ability on the architectural front, make the world a better place? Is this a vision of what the Middle East can be?

Big article in National Geographic a few months ago on the waterborn artificial isthmus in Dubai. Interesting. But not an option in hurricane/typhoon areas, I wouldn't think.
I wonder when we will build underwater?
Fascinating place, no?

I'm simultaneously captivated and repelled by the mountains of money being spent there.

Me too. Its awesome to think of the possibilities of imagination and yet depraved to spend so much money on architecture. I'm torn, its beautiful and decadent.
i think it is great, in some way's it is some kind of gift to humanity. even if 99.9% of the population (future ones too) will never physically see it. i would assume you could'nt just walk up to it in bermuda shorts wothout being interrogated.

it beat's cocaine, hookers and gaudy palaces though.
I'm not torn. This money should be spent on the people; or on suitable social gains elsewhere. What a bloody monstrosity.
I stopped at Dubai airport on way to/back from India. It looks to be a very modern architecturely defined place.
I'm not torn. This money should be spent on the people; or on suitable social gains elsewhere. What a bloody monstrosity.

Hmm bet you never spend any money on art, cinema, Christmas decorations and other such cultural hangovers. Give it all to charity, I bet.:p
I spend a modicum on those things; but not $32.7 million dollars. My evil paymasters in Jerusalem simply won't front the cash.

This is a ridiculous example of overweening capitalism. Appalling.
I spend a modicum on those things; but not $32.7 million dollars. My evil paymasters in Jerusalem simply won't front the cash.

This is a ridiculous example of overweening capitalism. Appalling.

You haven't seen the amount of money women spend on cosmetics then.:D
I've seen; it is not encouraging. Natural beauty is best. Within reason of course.
It's all the vile, distasteful, fake glitz and shimmer of Las Vegas and Beverly Hills on steroids.

It makes me want to retch.

Not even because of the vulgar display of wealth gained in the parasitic capitalist system, and, what's more, wealth that was gained in the foul oil trade business.
Put aside, also the destruction of natural barrier reefs to build it.
All that aside - even if it did not cost a dime, and ever worker willingly volunteered time, it is still foul.

I prefer natural beauty. and this is about as far as you can get from it.
This is the Pamela Anderson/Paris Hilton version of architecture and landscaping.
It disgusts me on every level.

So, no... I'm not torn at all.
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Dubai is disgusting city, the water there is horrible. And yes they spend money on useless junk like those man-made islands.
It perpetuates the romanticisation of wealth and glamour and capitalist monetary noise making. It's a deliberate attempt on the psyche of the bourgeousie and the proliteriat to get them clamouring and yammering for this "experience" this bought "specialness" that 'they, too, could have...if only they climbed a little harder'. Artificial islands, I ask you.
Wait, what was that about Pamela Anderson again? I mean, come on, let's not get crazy here.
Yes, Pamela Anderson and Dubai.

It's fake.
It's trash.
It's plastic.
It's pathetic.

The only worth it has is superficial (and I don't even think THAT is pretty).
It is an attempt to escape nature, life and reality by living in a sugar coated, world on a constant high.
It's Prozac, Valium, Viagra and Silicone.
It's the American fucking dream.
Yes, Pamela Anderson and Dubai.

It's fake.
It's trash.
It's plastic.
It's pathetic.

The only worth it has is superficial (and I don't even think THAT is pretty).
It is an attempt to escape nature, life and reality by living in a sugar coated, world on a constant high.
It's Prozac, Valium, Viagra and Silicone.
It's the American fucking dream.
I don't know why u hate it so much, when its both an architectural and psychological feat. Waste of money? probably yes, but what else is money used for if not waste. You should know by now that rich people literaly live in Paradise city, any place as far away from reality and peasants as possible. I like the Palm Island, its amazing we can occassionaly go out on the limb and do somethings like.
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