You shouldn't refer to yourself as a nut case, you are just a little gullible and confused.
Thank you, I was just including my classification that somebody had given me, to forestall the criticism to come, keep it on topic instead. and yes,
There is, at the moment an element of confusion. I do not claim to have the insight into all these numbers. But imagine if we could discover an exo planet system with similarly repetitive ratios, and thereby predict that the denizen there will have x digits, use
such an such a counting system? ?
I do not believe I am gullible in my belief that the data I am using are accurate, and have a bearing on our deeper, evolving understanding,
I don't think there is anything magical about the meter. The measurement was established after thorough debate of various important considerations.
You are so right, and the post had actually nothing to do with the meter. It would have worked in cubits. but
The interesting fact that an asteroid that is has both water and pre-organic compounds, like the Earth, and a nearly identical rotation, -- has an almost (though unrelated)-- perfect match of 1/10^3 of the
orbital velocity to rotational velocity ratio***. (and Earth rating a 10 in Bode, and 1000 light seconds in orbit diameters). BSW,
This co -incident was presented here only as an odd ball curiosity.
*** (Vo:Vr) x Radius ratio
1:1 for Jupiter,
1:1000 for 10 Hygiea, of the "Jupiter velocities cancel ?" thread