Doing the Numbers on No. 1

Just about everybody on this thread has pointed out your tunnel vision.
assuming that that is so, at least there is light at the end of such a tunnel, which can not be said about those that bring up and thereby have have put themselves under mole piles.
Being fixed visioned on the 10s on No. 1 and being called out for it is actually kind of a badge of honour. Some, not able to cope with it, have decided to block it from their field of vision. Which is kind of sad, because the last word has not been said on these numbers.
The one with the limited field of vision is you. You can't see beyond 10.
which is better than a mole, that, from below, can not even see the top of it's puny hills. but, no, looking further, and far. 1000 light seconds, 1/10 000 of "c "
see the OP.
really, the numbers speak for themselves.
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Not to be outdone, the Moon, No.1's companion has an orbital velocity of 1.022 km/s, was not planned that way. and
The ratio of sizes and velocities of Earth and Moon , when applying the (Vo:Vr)xR formula to both Earth and Moon, to show hug each other.
Size and speed matter. (see "Jupiter--cancel" thread in the amateur astronomy, no.3 forum.)
Earth, a place just begging you to do science on.
there are more, add them please.
The Fibonacci Sequence, also known by the scientific name Phi.
Phi is the basis for the Golden Ratio, Section or Mean
The ratio, or proportion, determined by Phi (1.618 …) was known to the Greeks as the “dividing a line in the extreme and mean ratio” and to Renaissance artists as the “Divine Proportion” It is also called the Golden Section, Golden Ratio and the Golden Mean.
Leonardo Fibonacci discovered the sequence which converges on phi.
In the 1202 AD, Leonardo Fibonacci wrote in his book “Liber Abaci” of a simple numerical sequence that is the foundation for an incredible mathematical relationship behind phi. This sequence was known as early as the 6th century AD by Indian mathematicians, but it was Fibonacci who introduced it to the west after his travels throughout the Mediterranean world and North Africa.
Recent appearances of Phi in math and physics
Phi continues to open new doors in our understanding of life and the universe. It appeared in Roger Penrose’s discovery in the 1970’s of “Penrose Tiles,” which first allowed surfaces to be tiled in five-fold symmetry. It appeared again in the 1980’s in quasi-crystals, a newly discovered form of matter
Phi as a door to understanding life
The description of this proportion as Golden and Divine is fitting perhaps because it is seen by many to open the door to a deeper understanding of beauty and spirituality in life. That’s an incredible role for a single number to play, but then again this one number has played an incredible role in human history and in the universe at large
Not to be outdone, the Moon, No.1's companion has an orbital velocity of 1.022 km/s, was not planned that way.
So... kilometres are some special unit to the universe?

The universe - despite being almost 14 billion years old - magically prefers European metric units of measurement to American SI units? Or Egyptian cubits? Or Gamoan thigh-bone units?

That is some darned impressive (and highly biased) foresight on the part of the universe, wouldn't you say?
So... kilometres are some special unit to the universe?

The universe - despite being almost 14 billion years old - magically prefers European metric units of measurement to American SI units? Or Egyptian cubits? Or Gamoan thigh-bone units?

That is some darned impressive (and highly biased) foresight on the part of the universe, wouldn't you say?

Well the French started it all, by trying to make the meter a fraction of the size of the Earth, and then use that length, a tenth of it, to make a litre of water a kilo. Swedish: boiling H2o at 100, freezing at zero, clearly more universal than having an inch as the width of Henry the xyz's thumb.
Agree, the workings- out are uncanny though, and it was not planned that way, just panned out thusly.
PS : watch the km show up in the zero velocity theorem.
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So... kilometres are some special unit to the universe?

The universe - despite being almost 14 billion years old - magically prefers European metric units of measurement to American SI units? Or Egyptian cubits? Or Gamoan thigh-bone units?

That is some darned impressive (and highly biased) foresight on the part of the universe, wouldn't you say?

You should know Kilometre just IS

So, yes you are.

The key 10 fingers and he 10 position in the Bode Sequence have nothing to do with kms. and how about this, taken from the "equal velocities Jupiter" thread?:

Earth: VO 107 200 km/hr : VR 1674.4 km/hr = ratio of 64. x radius 6371 km = 407 890 km Moon apogee 405 400 km 99.3 %
Moon: VO 3 979 km/hr : VR 16. 657 km/hr = ratio 220.75 x radius 1738 km = 383 366. 35 km.Moon semi major axis 384.399. 99.7%

would probably get the same results, ratios, in cubits and watches, if inserted into the (Vo : Vr) x Radius formula.
here the Earth size and velocities and Moon size and velocities give each other positions.
But there is no magic. If the metric system using our 10 digit number works, it shows we are on the right track. right?
There is something special about this place, No 1, life, consciousness, surely.
did Kepler, Bode know anything about the km?
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Now here this: elevating the km measuring to new heights, more precisely to the carbonaceous asteroid 10 Hygiea , with a rotation period of 27.6 hrs, 1/4 of the normal 7 hrs, close to Earth's 24 hours, an orbital velocity of 60 336 km/hr and a rotational velocity of 60.32 km/hr , so a ratio of 1/1000. (10^3)
Earth- like in many ways. Pseudo & numerology for nut cases, but fitting.
I don't think there is anything magical about the meter. The measurement was established after thorough debate of various important considerations.
As the metre is defined in terms of the second and the speed of light is constant for all observers, the terrestrial metre appears to change in length compared to the "planetary metre" on a periodic basis.
The metre is defined to be a unit of proper length, but the SI definition does not specify the metric tensor to be used in determining it. Indeed, the International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM) notes that "its definition applies only within a spatial extent sufficiently small that the effects of the non-uniformity of the gravitational field can be ignored".[20]
As such, the metre is undefined for the purposes of measuring distances within the Solar System. The 1976 definition of the astronomical unit was incomplete because it did not specify the frame of reference in which time is to be measured, but proved practical for the calculation of ephemerides: a fuller definition that is consistent with general relativity was proposed,[21] and "vigorous debate" ensued[22] until August 2012 when the IAU adopted the current definition of 1 astronomical unit = 149597870700 metres.
You shouldn't refer to yourself as a nut case, you are just a little gullible and confused.
Thank you, I was just including my classification that somebody had given me, to forestall the criticism to come, keep it on topic instead. and yes,
There is, at the moment an element of confusion. I do not claim to have the insight into all these numbers. But imagine if we could discover an exo planet system with similarly repetitive ratios, and thereby predict that the denizen there will have x digits, use such an such a counting system? ?
I do not believe I am gullible in my belief that the data I am using are accurate, and have a bearing on our deeper, evolving understanding,

I don't think there is anything magical about the meter. The measurement was established after thorough debate of various important considerations.

You are so right, and the post had actually nothing to do with the meter. It would have worked in cubits. but
The interesting fact that an asteroid that is has both water and pre-organic compounds, like the Earth, and a nearly identical rotation, -- has an almost (though unrelated)-- perfect match of 1/10^3 of the orbital velocity to rotational velocity ratio***. (and Earth rating a 10 in Bode, and 1000 light seconds in orbit diameters). BSW,
This co -incident was presented here only as an odd ball curiosity.
*** (Vo:Vr) x Radius ratio 1:1 for Jupiter, 1:1000 for 10 Hygiea, of the "Jupiter velocities cancel ?" thread
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Stumbled on Another of Newton's shiny gravity pebbles on the beach: the Gravity acceleration near Earth surface is ~ 10 metres/sec x sec. within less than 2% (missing Moon mass) and most at the equator.
Stumbled on Another of Newton's shiny gravity pebbles on the beach: the Gravity acceleration near Earth surface is ~ 10 metres/sec x sec.
Perhaps it could be a perfect 10, if the Earth would be a perfect global sphere. because as a more qualified senior member posted with proof,-- any deviation from the equal radii, toward the bigger or smaller, -- while keeping the same volume and mass, --will result in a reduction of the surface acceleration, so
The oblateness of the Earth is what causes her reduced, - to be lower - in gravity, a 9.8 rather than the perfect 10 m/s^2, one would expect from No 1 's previous scores
Numerology+ at it's finest.
So... rubbish.
sideshowbob, can you not detect satire when you see it.?
These are real numbers, not pulled out of a clown's hat, like in a side show.
The perfect Earth size globe has an surface acceleration of 10 m/s squared. believe it or not: Ripley's side show. bob.