Does God care about atheists

Oh yeah, all you did was post a blog so it's more you didn't even try discussing anything...

Just sayin' is all.

At least it's a starting point.
We need have a good comprehension of the context of your enquiries.
Just say at least what you think about the blog, and why. Discussion starter right there if you want.

Or alternatively, you make a start. Tell my why you think people would go to a hell for eternity, simply for not believing in what they regard as God.

I think we need to focus our discussion on God, and how relate to God. If we can get passed that point, then we will be in a better position.

I'm guessing you've never really looked into this subject matter. I'm guessing you are basing your fears off mainstream religions.

Am I correct?

god the great unknown

However religion stuffed it up by allowing the practitioners to
  • Anthropomorphise the unknown
  • Worship the anthropomorphised unknown
  • Claim the anthropomorphised unknown created us
  • Claim the anthropomorphised unknown cares for us
  • Claim the anthropomorphised unknown will reward or punish us depending on our behaviour
  • Etc etc etc. I'm sure you get the drift
  • Looks at what happens in the Universe
  • Questions why it happens
  • Begin to test the conditions under which it happens
  • Checks what changes occur in the conditions to
  • Cause the happening to change
Do they find ANYTHING which they cannot explain?

  • What do they say? "That happening is unknown”
  • What do they DO? Get to work to explain it "We're working on it"
You can be sure EVERYTHING which is is unknown is currently being tested to find out WHY it happens

You can also be sure atheist are not worshipping the unknown

Religion STOPS at “the anthropomorphised god did it - no need to look any further”

I hope this was a joke.
You may now relax and laugh as for I was indeed making a joke but when done take time to worry that I made the joke to make fun of probably an unhealthy number of fools out there who would no doubt have responded that way and no one can laugh at that situation.
But although I have kept my views on the existence of a soul secrect let me now say I think the notion is absolutely stupid with no basis in reality.
I reject the notion of a soul.
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There was a experiment to weigh a soul

However as no one has even seen one let alone actually put one on scales or performed any other measurements

Considering the numbers of dissections which must take place around the world every day and not ONE soul has turned up.

They do not exist

You cannot know that.


Yep you are correct. Like god I cannot know souls do not exist

I will continue in my ignorance of souls not existing until someone taps me on the shoulder and offers to show me one

Until that happens I will continue to put forward my view they don't exist

Be very very clear I am not shifting the burden of proof by asking those who claim souls exist to prove souls exist. I don't care if they exist or not

I am happy to be proven incorrect if you care to provide proof but that is a free will choice only you can make

Good luck

Yep you are correct. Like god I cannot know souls do not exist

I will continue in my ignorance of souls not existing until someone taps me on the shoulder and offers to show me one

Until that happens I will continue to put forward my view they don't exist

Be very very clear I am not shifting the burden of proof by asking those who claim souls exist to prove souls exist. I don't care if they exist or not

I am happy to be proven incorrect if you care to provide proof but that is a free will choice only you can make

Good luck

Please do not react as if I claimed souls exist.
It is 1 thing to have & express a view. It is another to make a flat statement which 1 cannot know to be true or false.
Why can we not simply say "I do not know"?

I tried to get across to an arrogant fanatic that most atheists do not claim there are no gods. Shortly after, several atheists here said "There is no god".
Maybe I should stop claiming that. Maybe most atheists believe & claim things they cannot possibly know.

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Please do not react as if I claimed souls exist.

My bad

Why can we not simply say "I do not know"?

I agree. Unfortunately "I don't know (insert here particular defect of knowledge)" ='s (in many people's minds) you know nothing

I like to be as firm, well perhaps not as extreme, as those who claim god exist

I feel my claim souls don't exist has a bit more substance in that the soul supposedly has a home - the body. However exploring the home has not turned up a soul

Another aspect to consider is concessness (which is a process) being a candidate for the soul. Giving the PROCESS a physicality - somewhat like equating love with the heart - helps to fix the idea of a real soul

Having been present at the dismantling of a few bodies I never did ask about the soul but I was shown everything else I was required to learn about

Maybe I should stop claiming that. Maybe most atheists believe things they cannot possibly know.

This is me from another forum

Fully paid up atheist here. Nope I do not actually believe I can prove there is no god. I am so so so sure I cannot do it, prove there is no god, I'm not even going to try

Mythical god, seems to me, to be doing a bang up job all by his mythical self

Anybody like to guess how many prayers have been wafted up to mythical god? Anybody?

OK. Anybody like to guess how many have been answered?

Actually I know this one. According to the church 100%. How about that 100% prayers answered

What's that Johnny? He never answered your prayer? Ah you see your not paying attention. When god doesn't answer that's just his way of saying NO. You really must learn to ask for easy stuff

Try praying to win Lotto. I'm sure millions of Lotto ticket buyers do that. You just might win, well in fact you are certain to win on the day god picks your prayer to answer and ignore (his way of saying no) the other thousands of ticket buyers

I really don't need to prove god does not exist. I just proved he's a arsehole. I'll let everybody else decide if they want or care if he exist

Perhaps proving gods are arseholes would be more effective????

I agree. Unfortunately "I don't know (insert here particular defect of knowledge)" ='s (in many people's minds) you know nothing

Unfortunately, many theists see the statement that there is no god as good ammunition for them. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

I feel my claim souls don't exist has a bit more substance in that the soul supposedly has a home - the body. However exploring the home has not turned up a soul
Having been present at the dismantling of a few bodies I never did ask about the soul but I was shown everything else I was required to learn about
That is begging the question.

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It is 1 thing to have & express a view. It is another to make a flat statement which 1 cannot know to be true or false.
Why can we not simply say "I do not know"?

I suppose there was a time where I would say "I dont know" if there is a God however I became a little harder in my position because theists will not make such a statement. ...they will not accept an each way bet and so being met with a refusal to even, if only for a moment, consider there may be no God I though well why should I conceed an inch.

More over if asked you think there is an easter bunny, a mythical rabbit with magical properties unevidenced in reality, would one say " I dont know". Of course not.

Some things clearly do not require an each way bet and so I am entirely happy to say there is no God and to say maybe would be the same as saying maybe there is an easter bunny.

Why should we say maybe when the is nothing to support the existence of a God any more than there is nothing to support the existence of a magic rabbit called the easter bunny.

To say I dont know would simply be wrong because clearly the notion of God is as fanciful as the notion of an easter bunny.

Why give the the notion of a God any breathing room by saying I dont know unless you dont say the same of the easter bunny and a long list of imaginary characters that are clearly mythical.

Raining here. The mythical god made me get up to pee at 3:30
What's your excuse at 5am?

I have been up all night processing some data I captured last night after my ten hour drive back to the city.
It finally finished and so am I. Going to try and sleep now.
I suppose there was a time where I would say "I dont know" if there is a God however I became a little harder in my position because theists will not make such a statement. ...they will not accept an each way bet and so being met with a refusal to even, if only for a moment, consider there may be no God I though well why should I conceed an inch.

More over if asked you think there is an easter bunny, a mythical rabbit with magical properties unevidenced in reality, would one say " I dont know". Of course not.

Some things clearly do not require an each way bet and so I am entirely happy to say there is no God and to say maybe would be the same as saying maybe there is an easter bunny.

Why should we say maybe when the is nothing to support the existence of a God any more than there is nothing to support the existence of a magic rabbit called the easter bunny.

To say I dont know would simply be wrong because clearly the notion of God is as fanciful as the notion of an easter bunny.

Why give the the notion of a God any breathing room by saying I dont know unless you dont say the same of the easter bunny and a long list of imaginary characters that are clearly mythical.

It is not a matter of what I am happy to say & it is not a matter of breathing room.
I do not say maybe. I say I do not know & often add that I have no reason to think they know. I even doubt they truly believe it.
Despite many theists' seeming inability to understand it, when they make a claim, it is their responsibility to support it. When I make a claim, it is my responsibility to support it. I cannot support a statement that there is no god so I cannot make that statement. While it would be nice if theists would think & talk more rationally, the lack of that is no reason to take up their way.
There is a long list of things which we have no evidence of yet may someday find if humanity lasts long enough. There is a very long list of things humans long had no evidence of yet we now reasonably know to be true.

I often equate belief in a god or gods to belief in Donald Duck, partly because there is no more evidence for 1 than for the other & partly because each seems equally silly & childish. Until I have proof, I cannot believe in either & until I have proof, I cannot believe in the nonexistence of either.
The simple fact is I do not know & I have enough reason to think you do not know. I cannot make the claim. Why do you?

I also do not know whether souls exist or whether there is an afterlife. Neither necessarily requires the existence of a god. So I equally cannot say there is an afterlife or there are no souls.
I do not know whether there is life elsewhere in the universe & I do not know whether aliens have come to Earth. IF they are here, perhaps someone knows. IF they are not here, it would take very advanced aliens to know that. Or maybe a god. I do not know whether we are in an artificial simulation. I do not know whether there are 4 dimensional beings we cannot perceive watching & mucking about with us. I do not know whether there is a Multiverse. I do not know whether there is life on Mars. I do not know whether humanity will colonize planets outside our solar system. Currently, it seems impossible to do & it seems improbable humanity will last that long but I do not know.

There are many things we do not know & it is just as unsupportable & irrational to claim 1 side as the other if we do not know.
Why not set a better example for theists & do not give them cause to say we have irrational beliefs.

We have many much better arguments for theists than being like them & claiming to know things we cannot know.

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You are having a dig I can tell.

I'm not. You were the one who boasted that you only deal with facts.
As you claim that the soul is a man-made concept, I assume, based on your boast, that you have some kind of facts to back up the claim. However, if it is just lip-service, don't worry, I knew all along.

Certainly the soul figures in most mythology according to wiki. ..certainly not limited to the religions in the bible.

Only insofar as it is the essential aspect of human beings, and the part that belongs to God. The material body is nothin but a material manifestation, which like all other things, are bound by the laws of nature. Try and understand the concept itself, then we'll tackle how and why it is mentioned in the bible.

But to say the question is pointless sortta brushes aside the importance of christianity really.

Why is Christianity particularly important?
Again, a question you should seriously try and answer.

Does not worry me we can discuss where the idea started its history even how it fits into your world view.

There is no ''history'', it is what it is. Understand the concept, then you will know what I mean.

You suggest otherwise I guess so go on as if I "aquired" my body.
I will try to understand even if I dont agree. ..thats the game you suggested earlier.

It's not a game, Alex.
Why don't you agree?
If it's due to lack of evidence, please explain what you would regard as suitable evidence.

I have no problem being good because I am an atheist...we are exceptionally good people...but you know that already.


What does it matter, if you're good or not?
You say you act the way you act because it makes you feel good. Is that the reason why you do good?
If yes, then if a rapist feels good raping women, why isn't he a good person?

I tried to get across to an arrogant fanatic that most atheists do not claim there are no gods. Shortly after, several atheists here said "There is no god".
Maybe I should stop claiming that. Maybe most atheists believe & claim things they cannot possibly know.

There are two ways of viewing that.

1 The atheist does not sense that there is a God, but that does not necessarily mean that there is no God. So the atheist is so, because he sees no evidence of God (not that they would know what constitutes evidence), and is by default, atheist. A thoughtful approach.

2 There IS no God, as far as the atheist is aware, despite their thoughtfulness. So the atheist is atheist, whether or not the atheist thinks he/she is. This one goes across the board, there is no need for explanation, or for anyone to know that. It is a blunt fact.
