
I wish Customer Service would be a lot...well...BETTER! So things actually get done...And NOT be on the phone for 8 damn hours.
I wish Customer Service would be a lot...well...BETTER! So things actually get done...And NOT be on the phone for 8 damn hours.

granted..your service call was exemplary, you got in on the first ring any the operator actuall sound like shes not reading it out of a book..she determines that your device has a bad part in it and she will send you another bigger better product for free and pay you for your time..the last thing you hear before getting disconnected was 'your product will be there in 3-4 years'..

i wish for a never ending supply of chocolate..
(come on..give it some original..)
i wish for a never ending supply of chocolate..
(come on..give it some original..)

Granted: You get your never ending chocolate. The only bad part is that after a year you become obsesivley obese. After having a heart attack you get a surgery preformed and end up having a belly flap like Adam Sandler did in "Click". Alas you can no longer get females.

I wish I didn't have to type so much.
i wish for a never ending supply of chocolate..
Granted. You have one single bar and a severe allergy to chocolate.
Since you can't eat it, it will last you forever. :p

I wish the weather was cooler.
but you have to hand make a time machine for everyone, and each takes a million years to build :D

I wish for chocolate rain :D
I wish for chocolate rain :D

Too bad the geographical region you live in does now allow for it to rain chocolate. And because of the popularity of living in a place where it rains chocolate, the real estate costs are astronomical. And every time you visit these places it never rains. Bummer...

I wish I didn't have to leave every night at 10pm.
Too bad the geographical region you live in does now allow for it to rain chocolate. And because of the popularity of living in a place where it rains chocolate, the real estate costs are astronomical. And every time you visit these places it never rains. Bummer...

I wish I didn't have to leave every night at 10pm.

Granted -- no you have to leave at 10:00 pm anyway.

I wish I could fly through the air like superman
The flight is at Mach 10 with no protection, that means your burn up :D

I wish I knew what to wish for.
I wish I didn't have to leave every night at 10pm.

i know..out of turn..but i couldnt resist this one..

A) granted..but you were fired..
B) granted..cause you found out her husband is at your house with your wife..
C) granted..cause all the doors are locked and you can't get out..

i wish for a website that plays movies currently at the theaters that doesn't look like someone snuck in a camera..
Granted, it only shows chick flicks.

I wish YouTube would load faster!
Granted: It will now load and play so fast that you will be unable to hit the pause button or other controls before the video ends.

I wish that there shall be no more corruption of wishes, under any circumstances, for anyone, ever. Never. Ever.
I wish that there shall be no more corruption of wishes, under any circumstances, for anyone, ever. Never. Ever.

granted! to bad the earth exploded tho huh!

I wish.... that I don't have this retarded beer headache when I wake up!!
*I ask whatever pops into my head at that particular time haha!*
Granted. Instead of a headache, you have the most horrendous explosive diarrhea, and your friends won't spend time with you anymore because you shat yourself while talking to them in the supermarket and sprayed shit all over the walls.

I wish for some heavier dumbbells, and a long barbell of my own...