Avatar, username, user title

The guy on the cover of the(at the time)new album of Disturbed, entitled "Indestructible."

Betrayer0fHope is the name I used on other forums, and the zero makes it easier to google for me :p. The Betrayer of Hope, Ishaemel, is a Forsaken One in the fantasy epic "The Wheel of Time," considered by many the best fantasy series every written, surpassing Tolkien.

The user title is an homage to the first Mafia game I've ever played. :)
My username, is my nickname, Macgyver..cause I fix shit. 1968 was the year I was born

My avatar is me, drunk off my ass at a pool party.

My tag line is my motto in life.

nice. i love you tag line, its awsome.

My name as you can see is stupid and needs no explanation, ut I will grant it anyhow. It comes from my random thought process while watching an old martial arts movie. Plus I am the Qi master able to move mountains with the thrust of my pinky.

Avatar is Craig from southpark, obviously I chose it because how can you not find that episode funny.

Quote is from Southpark again "Faith +1" episode when cartman is singing about jesus. "I wanna get down on my knees and start pleasing jesus, I wanna feel his salvation all over my face". thats funny even if your the retarded pope who I think maybe even died some time ago.

God rest his soul.


I saw that episode, fuckin hilarious!

anyways. my turn.

camilus: the roman version of my real name, camilo.

avatar: me.

title: author the of the Book of Rebelations. Im Saint Camilus of Patmos.
My avatar is a painting of a 1940s Chinese Air Force P-40 Tomahawk, decorated with a grinning tiger shark nose design and the ROC insignia. Its supposed to be a Flying Tigers fighter plane

My user title "Save a cow, eat a vegetarian" is off of a bumper sticker I saw, and I though it was funny. I dont dislike vegetarians, I just think theyre silly.
Tell us about your avatar, user name, and user title.

My avatar is none other than the late great Hunter S. Thompson.
User title is a quote from H.S.T.
User name is a gross misspelling of my name

Do share

Several members who happened to exchange PMs with me asked me, why do I change my username (from Inzomnia to Amethyst), so I thought that I would bring up this thread.

My avatar is an amethyst. It is a violet quartz which is often used as an ornamental stone in jewelry. It is my kind of favorite accessories.


An amethyst.

My username, Amethyst08, is from Amethyst and 2008. Somebody else has taken the Amethyst ID, so I put the 08.
My user title (inzomnia) is my former username.

I changed my username for a personal reason (which I can't tell here). However, in the sock puppet hunt game, my identity was revealed (actually I revealed myself T_T). However, I started to enjoy using this new username, and I thought that I'll continue with this one. Maybe after every 3000 posts I'll switch my username to the old one back and forth (???).

From now on, you can call me Amethyst/Ammy. Please get used to it :eek:
Inzomnia Ammy,

I still don't know exactly what your avatar is supposed to be. When I first saw it, I thought it was a purple gremlin wearing headphones. I think that says more about me, than it does about your avatar. :bugeye:

Will do Inny

Who are you talking to? :confused: lol

Inzomnia Ammy,

I still don't know exactly what your avatar is supposed to be. When I first saw it, I thought it was a purple gremlin wearing headphones. I think that says more about me, than it does about your avatar.


Purple grem...what?! :bawl: I guess that I have to change my avatar. Sorry I'm replying slow, my firefox don't support multi-quotes button, so I had to switch to IE. Actually I am suppose to finish some work right now, do you guys actually trying to sabotage my work? :bugeye:

p.s.: Skaught, please..... T_T
Ah that's better :D

Hi Inny :wave:

Hi, Enmos :wave: Sorry, I'm replying late, I have a lot of phone calls from my German professor who will depart to Vietnam and then to my country to meet my former professor in Uni, it hurts my head T_T German people, they are very organized, they think of everything in details. Don't mind me, lol.
Several members who happened to exchange PMs with me asked me, why do I change my username
You didn't change your username. You created an alt. If you want to change your name, you can ask a moderator to change it for you. Like last year when I changed my name to lixluke. I had to put in a request for it.
You didn't change your username. You created an alt. If you want to change your name, you can ask a moderator to change it for you. Like last year when I changed my name to lixluke. I had to put in a request for it.

Thanks. Actually it was like this... about a week ago, there was this catfight between member X and member Y, and I consider both as my friends because they're always nice to me. They fight also about PM tracking. If I was online, I was afraid that I will get PM from both of them, and I would feel uncomfortable because I didn't want to pick a side :D. So I made a new user name and keep posting. Does that make sense? :D The fight was over and I revealed my new name :p But because I was already getting used to this one, I continue using this one, and I put my former name on the user title.
I was afraid that I will get PM from both of them, and I would feel uncomfortable because I didn't want to pick a side :D. So I made a new user name and keep posting. Does that make sense?
No it doesn't make sense. You could have just waited to find out for sure if you will get a PM from any of them, and deal with it. Welcome to the adult world. Thus, instead of creating an alt, you could have simply changed your original name, and continued posting as your real self instead of as a second-rate alt.
My avatar is a heart that I used as an MSN display pic last summer when my GF and I were still together, plus it's cool looking :p.

My name is just my school user I.D.

and my user title is the unfortunate truth.
My Avatar is Chuck Norris, My username is Flamer of anor 5 it's based off of flame of arnor from lord of the rings, and my title, well it's basically saying that science is taking over our culture. As is the media. And lucifer's Angels.
My avatar - one of the best classical guitarists in the world - Ana Vidovic in age 5. I am guitarbeginner, and hope to become good.
My username - my real name Zarina.
And my title - my real first and second name.
My Avatar is Chuck Norris, My username is Flamer of anor 5 it's based off of flame of arnor from lord of the rings, and my title, well it's basically saying that science is taking over our culture. As is the media. And lucifer's Angels.

Chuck Norris is the only man to have survived an abortion.


Chuck Norris joke out of my system..


Syzygys is a special execution style of 3 female prisoners (thus the 3 Ys), when they are lined up behind each other and killed by a single bullet, for economy's sake.Now you know...

I keep changing the username and title...
My avie is a picture of me. My username is a code that some of the smartest people were even too dumb to figure out what it means. Anybody can solve it.
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