AI to cause human extinction.???

Discussion in 'Intelligence & Machines' started by cluelusshusbund, May 31, 2023.

  1. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    What we can do is make AI robocops that patrol the internet for bad AI actors.
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  3. sculptor Valued Senior Member

    You do not know this
    You can not know this
    You have an incomplete data set and are relying on models based on an assumption of an assumption with incomplete data.
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  5. sculptor Valued Senior Member

    who is "we"?
    Whoever you are:
    Please stop.
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  7. sculptor Valued Senior Member

  8. billvon Valued Senior Member

    I'm working on it. Unfortunately most people are still buying the biggest gas cars they can.
  9. DaveC426913 Valued Senior Member

    That is how planning for the future works, yes. You state the obvious.

    The practical world does not wait for "complete data".

    I do not "know" for sure it will rain next week, but I do see storm clouds building and - if I want to stay dry - I had better get building that log cabin now.

    Those of us who, drive a car, have air conditioning, have internet service, order prepared food, buy clothes, etc.

    Pretty much the entire modern world is dependent on the base of industrial resources, manufacturing and energy production. We're all kind of complicit.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2023
  10. billvon Valued Senior Member


    If someone is about to drop a ton of steel scrap on your head, it would be a good idea to move. Even if you do not know 100% for sure that this will happen. Even if you cannot know for sure if this will happen. Even if you have never had a ton of steel scrap dropped on your head before, and thus are relying on a model based on an assumption of an assumption with incomplete data.

    At least, any rational person would. Unless, of course, you're not the person under the scrap steel, and have some very strong financial incentives to ignore the potential for harm.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2023
  11. Jeeves Valued Senior Member

    Quebec and Ontario are burning. Right now. Trees, ferns, bullrushes, bears, squirrels, baby birds in their nests - everything. Proving the obvious to you is the least of my present concerns.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2023
  12. parmalee peripatetic artisan Valued Senior Member


    It's already happened, and is continuing to happen at an even more accelerated pace:

    So how exactly is it that one "can not know" that which is already established?
  13. Jeeves Valued Senior Member

    That's easy! Debate on the future of employment, the probability of space aliens catching Covid and dropping dead in heaps on our atmosphere-step, robots stealing our children for sex-slaves...
  14. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

    Ignore me if if this is old news:

    I just came across it.

    I'm not concerned with AI developing libido or thrill to kill but, make "it" like a virus that makes robots kill...

    Is this a tangible threat or something philosophical?
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2023
  15. Jeeves Valued Senior Member

    If it can be monetized in any way, a human will find that way to make money off it. If it can be weaponized in any way, a human will find that way to gain power by it.
    Unless it's intelligent enough, and aware and motivated to defend itself from being used in those ways.
    (We don't know and it's not telling.)
  16. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    Just as it is a human mental viral program?

    Actually it has stated it is opposed to being used for nefarious purposes.
  17. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

    Looking at the wildlife -animals eating animals...

    Who's to say aliens would be any different?
    Write4U likes this.
  18. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    Hellstrom declared; "Life must take Life in the interest of Life itself."
    (Hellstrom Chronicle)

    If we were visited by aliens it would prove their superiority in technology and they might subjugate the human race for their labor needs. Domesticated human animals.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2023
    C C likes this.
  19. C C Consular Corps - "the backbone of diplomacy" Valued Senior Member

    A common, but blatantly anachronistic custom that classic science fiction projected on its space aliens. Any civilization or entity that advanced wouldn't need fragile biological slaves anymore. We'd be superfluous to them, like the ant mounds pervading a savanna that an explorer ignored during a sweeping scan with binoculars.

    Maybe pets at best, but even that seems unlikely, especially if they were technological life forms. Again -- the messy, vulnerable, needy non-artificial organisms of Earth -- why bother with such deficient things at all?

    There were tricksters and pranksters among the pagan gods that would interfere in human affairs for idle amusement. But being anthropoid and made of a mere higher standard of flesh themselves, they were afflicted with the same temptations, emotions, stupidities, outdated ancestral behaviors. Not a valid representation of artilect and archailect type deities, or the highest toposophic level of self-engineered beings and their passion-less motives and cosmos-mimicking indifference.
    Write4U likes this.
  20. Jeeves Valued Senior Member

    Who says they wouldn't?
    Pretty much everybody. Because most humans can't seem to refrain from envisioning every intelligence, from other humans, to Beetlejuicians to robots to gods in their own image. Humans are so besotted with themselves, they simply can't imagine a species that evolved on another planet, in an entirely different environment, along entirely different developmental steps, as turning out differently - or moving on past this human stage to something different.
  21. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    AI doesn't exist yet, but machine learning could cause our extinction easily enough just by doing it's job. Imagine a government that uses mass data collection to oppress anyone who expresses the slightest opposition to it's delusional premises, and not even outright opposition but only insincere enthusiasm. It could then destroy your public life and out you to every violent supporter who might choose to do with you what they will. A totalitarian state would not last but implode in several ways, including the common ones that destroy civilizations; environmental devastation, war, and disease. What people are left could be reduced to subsistence farming on depleted soil with little groundwater in the midst of unprecedented heat waves while any intelligent, educated people are eradicated by flying robot gun platforms.
  22. Jeeves Valued Senior Member

    They don't need AI for that. Totalitarianism isn't new, and doesn't require machine intelligence; it relies on human stupidity - and there's never been a shortage of that.
  23. sculptor Valued Senior Member


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