Action Notes v.1.R

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Closure & redirect

"What is 'moderate Islam'?"↗ — Closure and redirect.

Note: While there is certainly room for controversial topics, including those controversies escalated by ignorance and other human frailty, known bigoted sources with history including falsification just don't make for the best topic starters, and should probably be avoided, generally speaking, as any manner of resource other than an example of its own problem.
Closure & redirect

• "Religion" — Thread closed, xfer to Cesspool.

Notes: Provocateurist threats blaming the world are a dime a dozen, these days, and getting cheaper with each sunrise. You're not worth our time.
Thread Merge

"Christmas Wishes"↗ — Redundant threads merged ("Christmas Wishes 2").

(Update): A third episode made the point; the "Christmas Wishes" thread is now closed and filed appropriately in the Cesspool. (18 Dec. 2019, 11.46 PST)
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