If it's not an inside job, people on the inside certainly know what really happened. And it sure as hell didn't have anything to do with OBL, Afganistan, Box Cutters, Radical Islamic Fundamentalism, etc.
If it's not an inside job, people on the inside certainly know what really happened. And it sure as hell didn't have anything to do with OBL, Afganistan, Box Cutters, Radical Islamic Fundamentalism, etc.
I sometimes wonder if it's fear that drives people like you to these fucking absurd conspiracy theories. I mean, it's scary to think that a group of fundamentalist scumbags on the other side of the planet can do something so horrible. But there's nothing extraordinary about what they did. Carrying boxcutters onto an airplane? Easy. Hijacking an airplane with those boxcutters and false threats of a bomb? Easy. Flying them into buildings? Nothing that some lessons at a flight school or two couldn't take care of. It's pretty incredible that the buildings fell down, but it's certainly easier to see that happening than to imagine a scenario in which several buildings were wired for detonation with no one being the wiser. That's akin to saying the earth rotates because God spun us like a top.
Nor would such an extreme have even been necessary to facilitate the support for war. It makes no sense on any level whatsoever for the United States government to kill off over 3,000 of its citizens for the sake of starting a war, when staging a much smaller event would have accomplished the same thing. Hell, knocking the towers down at night would have given them much of the same newsreel, the same scenes of panic, and without the insane death toll. I keep hearing how this is just an American Reichstag, but do you know how many people died in that fire? None!
I think I get it, though. I think understand that we retreat to these nonsensical fantasies because it's better to assume that something so terrible is only possible when it comes from within. There's a sense of invincibility gained when one decides to believe that we are the only ones capable of hurting us. It's comforting to think that we can't be touched by something so low. But we can, and we have. 9/11 was the result of Islamic fundamentalism, as well as a bit of carelessness and inattention by our top officials. But to suggest that it was perpetrated by those officials is insulting, and stupid, and most of all absolute bullshit. And to then have the gall to say that all "intelligent, well-informed adults know" that it was an inside job is fucking mental. It's beyond the pale. It's taking the gold in the Intellectual Dishonesty Olympics.
Nor would such an extreme have even been necessary to facilitate the support for war. It makes no sense on any level whatsoever for the United States government to kill off over 3,000 of its citizens for the sake of starting a war, when staging a much smaller event would have accomplished the same thing. Hell, knocking the towers down at night would have given them much of the same newsreel, the same scenes of panic, and without the insane death toll. I keep hearing how this is just an American Reichstag, but do you know how many people died in that fire? None!
Right no such thing as Operation Northwoods or Mongoose.
Who said that? I simply said that there would be no need to kill three thousands Americans to achieve that goal. Operation Northwoods speaks to that point, because it proposes operations that amount to no actual casualties.
I'm not sure what Operation Mongoose has to do with this, though.
I sometimes wonder if it's fear that drives people like you to these fucking absurd conspiracy theories. . . .
But to suggest that it was perpetrated by those officials is insulting, and stupid, and most of all absolute bullshit. And to then have the gall to say that all "intelligent, well-informed adults know" that it was an inside job is fucking mental. It's beyond the pale. It's taking the gold in the Intellectual Dishonesty Olympics.
I would imagine starting riots, sinking ships, blowing up planes would inflict a few deaths,
and Mongoose was similar actions to blame Castro and take control of Cuba.
Now I don’t necessarily believe that the US government caused 9/11 but I do think ANY government would kill their own civilians for the betterment of themselves. Nations have done that for thousands of years.
I don't recall anything about starting riots, but the boat sinking and plane crashing was meant to be simulated. The object was to create the appearance of Cuban terrorism, not to actually kill American citizens. But even if they did lose some lives, nobody behind that project suggested knocking down skyscrapers and killing thousands of people. You must be able to see the difference between the two.
Whatever. I've had the debates too many times already. Your verbal abuse doesn't make you "right" or correct. Indeed, it only shows how increasingly desperate the other side of this issue on this debate is getting. I am here for the young, the curious, the open minded and people who wish to know the truth. I am not here for people who have been indoctrinated by government compulsory education, state schools, establishment universities, CFR corporate controlled media, and our party controlled political system. All of which have an interest in the current "preemptive" war making policy, reduction in civil liberties, and security fascist state that grew out of 911. These all protect the interest of big business and the global financial system.
What I am interested in are facts. This is a science forum, we should be interested in facts, and the facts are on the side of truth, not the government's conspiracy theory. I don't care if you view the documentary that Carcano posted, and I don't care if you view the documentary that I posted. The point here is that the facts are posted now for the intellectually curious to find out the truth. Even if you yourself wish to be among the knowledgeable instead of slinging accusations, insults and feigning incredulousness, now is your opportunity instead of acting like a child.
Most adults, and experts who know how realpolitik work will tell you it is far more likely that Mossad and the CIA were instrumental in making sure that those planes got through strategic air command's air defenses, rather than it just being a colossal blunder. That just doesn't happen. If you want to live in your fantasy world, go ahead. If you want to get educated, watch the videos, do some of your own research, and stop listening and watching corporate media. Hell, even foreign media that isn't connected to the global network knows the truth.
No, you're here for the suckers, the saps, and the credulous. Your argument relies on misinformation and majestic claims you support only with assertions that it would take an idiot to disagree, or some variation on that trope. You spout pseudo-scientific nonsense that has been thoroughly debunked for years, and shut yourself off from logic and reason by dismissing every argument as being made by "the indoctrinated." You epitomize intellectual laziness. Even your style is familiar, obviously copy-pasted from the endless "Truther" websites which in turn do nothing more than regurgitate rote from the Loose Change flicks and Truther loons cashing in on a tragedy by selling books to the suckers, the saps, and the credulous who write the websites in the first place.
It's all one big circle of stupid.
Who said that? I simply said that there would be no need to kill three thousands Americans to achieve that goal. Operation Northwoods speaks to that point, because it proposes operations that amount to no actual casualties.
I'm not sure what Operation Mongoose has to do with this, though.
(Some fifty years later when asked about the plot by journalist David Talbot, Robert McNamara drew a blank. "I have absolutely zero recollection of it. But I sure as hell would have rejected it," McNamara said, adding, "I really can't believe that anyone was proposing such provocative acts in Miami. How stupid!"
Isn't this thread just going to be killed?
Not anymore, Stryder lifted the ban on 9/11 threads. How have ya been psikey? Long time, no see. You ever figure out how much steel and concrete were used in the towers?![]()
I sometimes wonder if it's fear that drives people like you to these fucking absurd conspiracy theories. I mean, it's scary to think that a group of fundamentalist scumbags on the other side of the planet can do something so horrible. But there's nothing extraordinary about what they did. Carrying boxcutters onto an airplane? Easy. Hijacking an airplane with those boxcutters and false threats of a bomb? Easy. Flying them into buildings? Nothing that some lessons at a flight school or two couldn't take care of. It's pretty incredible that the buildings fell down, but it's certainly easier to see that happening than to imagine a scenario in which several buildings were wired for detonation with no one being the wiser. That's akin to saying the earth rotates because God spun us like a top.
Suppose we had the north tower intact and could magically remove 5 stories, 91 through 95. That would leave a 60 foot gap with 15 stories in the air without support. They would fall. They would take 1.9 seconds to hit the top of the lower 90 stories and be travelling at 42 mph or 62 ft/sec on impact.
Those 90 stories would be about 1080 feet tall. If the falling 15 stories could maintain a constant velocity while crushing six times as many stories . . . .
But Dr. Sunder of the NIST told NPR in a podcast that the north tower completely collapsed in 11 seconds.
OK. To maintain a constant velocity then the stories being crushed would have to support exactly the same weight that they would have when they were intact. Do you think that it is reasonable to expect a building to be just as strong after being hit by hundreds of thousands of tons of falling concrete and steel as it was while it was intact? If so, nothing about structural failure will make any sense to you.
Exactly. It should have taken 9.2 seconds if somehow the structure of the rest of the building had been magically "blown away" by secret demolition charges or something. That didn't happen, and thus the remainder of the structure provided some (but not a lot of) resistance to the collapse.
...9/11 is the biggest farce of physics in history of science. ...