9/11 was an inside job

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No one needs to accept blame unless they are guilty to their own love.

I heard the Indonesia disaster was an inside job set up by Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman. He got hold of a Saudi earthquake weapon and dropped it in the sea.
master conspirators typically resort to ridicule to distract and divert attention to their own heinous and insidious activities
really, geoff!
who do you think you are fooling?

What, do you know Omar? Then how can you say better than me? I heard it on like five chatboards already.
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth has finally come out in the last few days with their complete documentary on the engineering problems inherent in the official explanation.


Thank you. I think intelligent, well informed individuals already know that it was an inside job. The only questions now are; How was it accomplished? What organizations were involved? and Why did they do it?

Truly it can be said to be an American coup by the global elites.
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth has finally come out in the last few days with their complete documentary on the engineering problems inherent in the official explanation.


A two hour argument from authority, and everything I heard has been debunked. More of "I want to believe". One of the architects even says he would have expected the building to fall over sideways...he obviously didn't understand the internal design of the WTC towers.
Thank you. I think intelligent, well informed individuals already know that it was an inside job. The only questions now are; How was it accomplished? What organizations were involved? and Why did they do it?

Truly it can be said to be an American coup by the global elites.

I think its part of a much bigger plot.
A two hour argument from authority, and everything I heard has been debunked. More of "I want to believe". One of the architects even says he would have expected the building to fall over sideways...he obviously didn't understand the internal design of the WTC towers.

. . . . as I already stated before, intelligent, educated, well informed individuals already know. . . .

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.

~Joseph Goebbels

If you care to refresh my memory how NIST "debunked" the free fall of WTC 7 (video minutes 34 to 38 roughly). NIST admits its error without reworking the physics. It is a fundamental flaw in their reasoning. Their lies may work on the general public, not to those who are paying attention.
While I believe that the US deserved to get hit, due to our meddlesome foreign policy, I don't believe it was an inside job. Actually I'm starting to frame my views on foreign policy this way: "If Israel doesn't like it or is threatened by it some world event, then it's probably a good thing."
While I believe that the US deserved to get hit, due to our meddlesome foreign policy, I don't believe it was an inside job. Actually I'm starting to frame my views on foreign policy this way: "If Israel doesn't like it or is threatened by it some world event, then it's probably a good thing."

Please go on.
As long as you don't break forum rules we would all love to know more about how you think and feel.
As long as you don't break forum rules we would all love to know more about how you think and feel.
A summary. The US support of Israel in all things and the lack of support of the Palestinians has lead to much grief in the Middle East and throughout the world. Now, back to September 11, 2001 as an inside job (snicker, snicker).
A summary. The US support of Israel in all things and the lack of support of the Palestinians has lead to much grief in the Middle East and throughout the world. Now, back to September 11, 2001 as an inside job (snicker, snicker).

The United States, Israel, and Palestine all have one thing in common. None of them are taking us in the right direction.
While I believe that the US deserved to get hit, due to our meddlesome foreign policy, I don't believe it was an inside job. Actually I'm starting to frame my views on foreign policy this way: "If Israel doesn't like it or is threatened by it some world event, then it's probably a good thing."

You may criticize our Israel policy, but nothing we did there deserves the death of 3,000 of our civilians. That's a reprehensible thing to say.
You may criticize our Israel policy, but nothing we did there deserves the death of 3,000 of our civilians. That's a reprehensible thing to say.
I've said worse. Better shut your eyes little girl or view the world thru your rose-colored glasses. I find the support of Israel reprehensible. So there.

BTW, can you tell me how many innocent civilians the US has killed in the Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan wars? I think you'll find that it is a couple orders of magnitude more than 3000.
I love people that get all indignant about Americans being killed but can't look beyond their noses at how many innocent civilians the US kills. Maybe they don't know? They can't be bothered to find out? Or they know and don't care?
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