Are they claiming not to have this list? Nope!We need the list, which we will get tidied up, but who to accuse of lieing should be easy..those who claimed to have a list when what they had was not what they claim...
Did they make a promise to display that list for public perusal? Probably?
Did they promise to never remove that list or edit it to make corrections? Nope!
As I stated I doubt very much that a state University would lie and threaten their reputation.
Nor would the 5 scientist that have published their names at the top of the web page.
- William J. Ripple,
- Professor of ecology at Oregon State University in the Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society. Published >100 peer reviewed papers
- Christopher Wolf,
- Research, Oregon State University >46 research items 1092 citations.
- Thomas M. Newsome,
- University of Sydney > 117 research items 1866 citations
- Phoebe Barnard,
- PHD Full affiliate professor - Washington University.
- William R. Moomaw
- Professor Emeritus of International Environmental Policy at the Fletcher School, Tufts University.
What happens if the list comes back with >20,000 scientists names on it?.... ( it is an online survey/poll after all and could grow in to the millions... for all we know)