Why do so many pot smokers like Eastern religions?

It is the philosophy of Hindu and Buddhists to find enlightment, which is one of the big arguments in favor of drug use. They seem to go hand in hand.
What weapons are you capable of making?
If you can't make a weapon better than the Natives could can I assume you are stupid?

Anyway. You're on killfile from now on. I will not read anything written by a racist.
It is the philosophy of Hindu and Buddhists to find enlightment, which is one of the big arguments in favor of drug use. They seem to go hand in hand.

But I don't think they meant drugs to get there, did they? Isn't that cheating? I mean, you don't have to work at it then. It seems false.
That's just silly. Obviously, a people's ability to produce weapons is not dependent on any particular person's ability to produce those weapons.
Is it false? Or were these enlightment philosophers inspired by the effects of drugs? Could drugs have created these religions?
Is it false? Or were these enlightment philosophers inspired by the effects of drugs? Could drugs have created these religions?

ummm, maybe scientology...no, definitely scientology.

If you do without food/sleep long enough, you hallucinate. I think they went that route.
The indians weren't stupid, they just had a different way of life, one that didn't revolve around building armies and conquering other lands.

As for enlightenment and drugs, no they don't deliver enlightenment to you. They are just tools that change the way you think and perceive things, maybe that leads you to some form of enlightenment, maybe it doesn't, it depends on you and what you think enlightenment means.

To me enlightenment means understanding, some drugs can lead to a better understanding of whatever it is you're thinking about, some do nothing but cloud your thinking. You can't just lump all drugs into the same group, each has completely different effects.
Indians not stupid? Why would you trust the white man after he screwed you so many times? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
So enlightment is understanding? What kind of understanding? The wisdom of Solomon, or the good naturedness of pot smokers?
Indians not stupid? Why would you trust the white man after he screwed you so many times?
Because the white men had armies and the indians did not? That makes them stupid how?
So enlightment is understanding?
That's how I define it, yes. How do you define enlightenment?
No. It makes them stupid trusting the white man after he screwed them. It makes them stupid for not organizing on a larger scale as soon as the Santa Maria landed.
No. It makes them stupid trusting the white man after he screwed them. It makes them stupid for not organizing on a larger scale as soon as the Santa Maria landed.
So basically, you think they're stupid because they didn't drop everything their culture stood for to fight a war against a nation of people who'd been fighting wars for hundreds of years?
The Indians' culture stood for separatism? What about the Indian empires, like the Aztecs and Incas? The Indians hadn't been fighting wars for hundreds of years, as well? Huh? How do you think these Indian empires were created?
There was no one group called the indians. There were many, many tribes. Some fought each other, some were friends. None recognized the unyielding authority of a leader in the European model. A tribal elder was not a king who's subjects had to obey.