Who killed Seth Rich?

You go ahead and entertain your conspiracy theories, at the end of the day, most Americans couldn't care less who hung out the DNC's dirty laundry.
Uh, dude - you're the guy with the conspiracy theory - the OP, remember? I'm the guy pointing to what things look like without a conspiracy - just the normal decisions made for the apparent reasons the apparent deciders had, right out in the open.
No one cares who and no one cares about your crank CT (which you seem to be adding to by the day I might add).
Then why post nonsense about it? You care so much you make up shit just to provide yourself with some kind of response.

Meanwhile, it's been years since your anti-government, they're all crooks, I'm above partisanship hot air balloon position had anything bad to say about the Republican Party or anything it's up to. The DNC is a mess - but the RNC is in far worse shape, and more dangerous, and more corrupt, and less competent, and in control of the government in real life right now. How does that not show up on your radar - ever?
My guess is, Americans will re-elect Trump in 2020. The country will not tear itself apart, though the Police State will probably be used to crush whatever resistance (right or left) that attempts to tear at it.

We've been in these waters before, it ended in a lot of people dying - but not the Union. While I personally would love to peacefully vote to succeed from the Union, together with a few other northern States, that isn't going to happen. So, it'll come down to a few more elections (say, 10 - 20 years or so) and then we'll elect a POTUS with all the power and trapping of an Emperor - which is what most Americans really want. Finally, change will come to the USA.
Looks like ANON may have an interest in Seth Rich:


And now that Reddit is involved, who knows, maybe they'll deploy the power of autism: REEEEEEEEEEE

You have to love internet culture, the builders are great :D
Uh, dude - you're the guy with the conspiracy theory
Firstly, I'm not THAT interested in this story. I don't watch TV, and haven't in over a decade, so I have no idea what "The Narrative" is, and I don't care.

Secondly, as I understand the only evidence of 'Russian Hackers' comes from a claim from the DNC itself. That's not worth poo to most people in the world. If they want Mainstreet to take their claim seriously, then they should have turned their servers over to the FBI when they were asked to do so last year. They didn't. Instead, Hillary used a Bleachware service to destroy any trace of memory on her HD. This makes them look suspicious.

Thirdly, we know the NSA uses hacks with both Russian and Chinese language embedded in their viruses and malware so that when the software is discovered, it implicates China or Russia. We know this, because of WikiLeaks. Oh, and these viruses are now being deployed by hackers to blackmail idiots who open email attachments - right now, as we speak. Thus, only a retard would think the Russians would use a hack that had the RUSSIAN language in it's coding. You understand that right?

One more time: You'd have to be an utter retard to believe the Russian Government would use a hack with the Russian language embedded in it.

They don't do that.

Thus, the (supposed) evidence the morons that run IT at the DNC claim to have - you know, the supposed "Russian" malware email attachment some twat in the DNC opened up, is in reality, evidence of anyone OTHER THAN the Russians.

Fourthly, there's good evidence Seth provided the files to Wikileaks through an intermediary. That evidence is the 20k Reward from WikiLeaks. It should also be noted, the DNC offered up a big fat ZERO dollar reward. How sweet of them.

Oh, and while I agree the GOP are evil and incompetent War mongering Statists, they're still nowhere near as bad as the DNC - who will, if given half a chance, destroy western society in a mushroom cloud of Progressive Socialism. As an example of what the DNC would do, look at Detroit, Baltimore, Venezuela or Swedenstan. If you want to live in one of those sh*t-holes, vote DNC.

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Firstly, I'm not THAT interested in this story. I don't watch TV, and haven't in over a decade, so I have no idea what "The Narrative" is, and I don't care.
It's your thread. You started it. Nobody else cared enough to start a thread on this conspiracy claim, except you.
Fourthly, there's good evidence Seth provided the files to Wikileaks through an intermediary. That evidence is the 20k Reward from WikiLeaks.
That is evidence of nothing, except that Wikileaks is still in the business of dribbling out accusatory Clinton distractions whenever the Republicans need one. That, and somebody's financing this vendetta fairly handsomely.

Actually, I have no real opinion on who leaked the DNC emails. If it turns out to have been Seth, so what? Is that supposed to mean the Russians weren't involved? Seth getting shot by the Russians to cover up his dealings with them makes as much sense as him getting shot by the DNC - more, actually.
Oh, and while I agree the GOP are evil and incompetent War mongering Statists, they're still nowhere near as bad as the DNC
Nonsense. They are far worse - by everyone's standards who has any. Do you?
As an example of what the DNC would do, look at Detroit, Baltimore, Venezuela or Swedenstan.
Trump and the Reps look and act a lot more like Hugo Chavez and his pals than any Dems I know of do. And if you really believe that the Dems can get Swedish level health care, Swedish level crime rates, and Swedish quality elementary schooling, for the US, you're a lot more optimistic than I am.
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It's your thread. You started it. Nobody else cared enough to start a thread on this conspiracy claim, except you.
It's not a conspiracy that someone murdered Seth Rich. Obviously someone did.

That is evidence of nothing, except that Wikileaks is still in the business of dribbling out accusatory Clinton distractions whenever the Republicans need one. That, and somebody's financing this vendetta fairly handsomely.
It's evidence that Wikileaks had a relationship with Seth. That doesn't mean they did, only this is evidence. I didn't say it was 'good' evidence, just that it was evidence - and it is.

Oh, I thought it was the Russians? Now it's the GOP. That's what I meant by I'm not THAT interested. I'm not interested enough to watch TV so that I can find out what narrative they are spinning.
Nonsense. They are far worse - by everyone's standards who has any. Do you?
Wrong. I agree they are, for the most part, pure evil. They're nowhere near as bad as the DNC. Oh, I'm sure you disagree. Feel free to vote for the DNC, as they say: The Road To HELL is paved with good intensions (and apparently the bodies of DNC staffers).

Trump and the Reps look and act a lot more like Hugo Chavez and his pals than any Dems I know of do. And if you really believe that the Dems can get Swedish level health care, Swedish level crime rates, and Swedish quality elementary schooling, for the US, you're a lot more optimistic than I am.
Detroit was the richest city in the world in my grandfather's day. Thanks to some very bad decisions (50+ years of Democratic rule), it's now a 3rd world sh*t-hole.
Actually, I've been to third world nations, Detroit's' much worse. More like third world sh*t hole in the middle of a war zone.

As for Swedenstan. My guess is, in 50 years time, they'll be worse - by far.
The DNC e-mails, leaked before election, was not a bunch of fake news or lies. It was actual e-mails, that revealed how underhanded the Democrats were willing to be. They rigged the deck against Bernie Sanders. They even rigged the debates through media ties. This is normally hidden from view and can be denied with a two faced lie. But the emails spoiled the normal denial procedure.

The DNC never denied any of the content of these released emails. This tells me, it was an inside job that had witnesses. If the Russians has done this, the DNC could have played the KGB misinformation card. What they did instead was not deny anything but set up a distraction, to shift the blame, as though releasing the truth of treachery, was worse than the treachery, itself. The release of scandal data is normally connected to inside sources and good journalism, but the bulk of the journalists remained silent to a smoking gun, that was never denied by the accused.

This reverse blame game is part of a larger game strategy of the DNC. Seth was the person who released the e-mails, because he felt that sabotaging Bernie was not right. It should have been fair and not rigged. The DNC did not wish his betrayal to Hillary, to divide their team, so they made up the Trump-Russian connection to create a false common enemy, and take the spot light off Seth. Seth should have been given a Pulitzer prize but that would have made the truth he reveled more credible. Instead he was taken out; witness tampering

My guess is the Clintons had the real relationship with the Russians. It is well documented Russian interests gave the Clinton foundation tens of millions of dollars and Bill got $1/2 million for talk to a KGB related bank. This is much better circumstantial evidence, than anything connected to Trump and all his team combined. The blame schema is being reused again and again, to distract from the truth, to create the illusion of worse, elsewhere.

Hillary was connected to a foundation, with Russian money ties, who is also running for president. She uses a private server for email correspondence. She purges half her server contents, even though there was a formal request that she not do this. This is bad stuff, that needed a coverup distraction; Trump and the evil Russians. The media is more than willing to be part of the scam coverup. The main stream media will never investigate Seth, because they were part of that cover up, too.

The new FBI director may be told to look into this, as he should. Media heads may even start to roll when all the cover ups are exposed. It shows pattern of behavior that can't be blamed on honest mistake.
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This reverse blame game is part of a larger game strategy of the DNC. Seth was the person who released the e-mails, because he felt that sabotaging Bernie was not right. It should have been fair and not rigged. The DNC did not wish his betrayal to Hillary, to divide their team, so they made up the Trump-Russian connection to create a false common enemy, and take the spot light off Seth. Seth should have been given a Pulitzer prize but that would have made the truth he reveled more credible. Instead he was taken out; witness tampering
Cool, more alternate facts. I guess it is easy for you to think that Seth was killed for releasing e-mails (which according to all reasonable new outlets is false anyway) because you believe that the Clinton's have killed, like 80 or 90 people. I find it hard to believe they are so active in mass murder when they are also spending so much time with their Pizza/children sex slave resturant chain.

Your a hoot. It seems that for you reality is just an annoyance that can be ignored when espousing your radical politics.

It is interesting to take you off of ignore every once in a while for a laugh [a sort of sad head shaking laugh]...
Detroit was the richest city in the world in my grandfather's day. Thanks to some very bad decisions (50+ years of Democratic rule), it's now a 3rd world sh*t-hole.
Those bad decision were made by the auto makers. They decided to make shitty cars that looked nice and were cheap. In the 70's the quality of the cars decreased markedly. A typical car made in the 70's would last about 50 or 60k miles and it was junk. The Japanese saw an opening and took it. Bye-bye market share. Hello extensive layoffs.

American workers are not the problem it is the idiots running the auto companys.
It's not a conspiracy that someone murdered Seth Rich. Obviously someone did.
This thread, your thread on a topic chosen by you, is a conspiracy theory thread.
Oh, I thought it was the Russians? Now it's the GOP.
? You would trouble reading "Go Dog Go" for meaning, on the evidence here.
Wrong. I agree they are, for the most part, pure evil. They're nowhere near as bad as the DNC.
So you have no standards. Ok.
Detroit was the richest city in the world in my grandfather's day. Thanks to some very bad decisions (50+ years of Democratic rule), it's now a 3rd world sh*t-hole.
Detroit started losing population and prosperity in 1950 - twelve years before the end of Republican administration. The standard explanation is that the Republican administrations after WWII did not invest in education and similar infrastructure as other large and prosperous cities did (Detroit has no venerable University, or even a top rank engineering school to feed the industry that left for some reason http://engineering-schools.startclass.com/d/e/Michigan) - instead, abetting white flight and abandoning the inner city. The last Republican mayor did jail time for tax evasion, and was famous during his stints on the city council for racial bigotry.

Meanwhile, I don't think the Democrats ran General Motors. Or the State of Michigan - especially the executive branch, which directly affected the governance of Detroit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_party_strength_in_Michigan .
As for Swedenstan. My guess is, in 50 years time, they'll be worse - by far.
Do you think they will ever get as bad as the US? That would be a disaster, for them.
This just another among the many thousands of frivolous partisan law suits Republicans file each year. It will be thrown out with all the rest. The whole point of these laws suits isn't to win, but to generate a headline in the press in order to help Republicans fool the fools.
It's evidence that Wikileaks had a relationship with Seth. That doesn't mean they did, only this is evidence. I didn't say it was 'good' evidence, just that it was evidence - and it is.

If Wikileaks has evidence, why would they aid and abet a murder by withholding it? For the sake of Julian Assange's egocentrism?

Honestly, Michael, what, really, do you think the raging, egocentric opinionating bluster of a disgraced expatriate howling his ignorance and hatred from afar is really worth? Over and over and over again the one thing you remind us is that you're an ethical mess.
Read all about the DNC's lawsuit, it's quite funny - hillaryious (LOL): DNC battling class-action suit alleging Sanders was robbed in 2016
from the linked:

Bruce Spiva, a lawyer for the DNC, argued in its motion to dismiss that the party holds the right to select its candidate any way it chooses and is not bound by pledges of fairness.

“We could have voluntarily decided that, ‘Look, we’re gonna go into back rooms like they used to and smoke cigars and pick the candidate that way.’ That's not the way it was done. But they could have. And that would have also been their right,” Spiva argued.

Although the Article 5, Section 4 of the Democratic Party charter stipulates that it will function with total neutrality during Democratic primaries, the DNC lawyer argued the promise was non-binding.

“And there's no right to not have your candidate disadvantaged or have another candidate advantaged. There's no contractual obligation here,” he said.

It would seem that the democratic party is the least democratic party?
from the linked:

It would seem that the democratic party is the least democratic party?
Oh, and where is the evidence to support that one? Every political party determines its own rules. The Republican Party determines its own rules. How does that make Democrats the "least democratic" party? Democrats aren't out there actively trying to suppress the vote as are Republicans. Democrats aren't out there actively gerrymandering in order to disenfranchise voters as Republicans have and continue to do.
Oh, and where is the evidence to support that one? Every political party determines its own rules. The Republican Party determines its own rules. How does that make Democrats the "least democratic" party?

By conditioning people to dualisms and the proposition that reality is merely one among a number of possibilities.

It's entirely possible the Democratic Party has the tighter rules. Maybe they don't.

The fallacy, however, is that this isn't democratic, therefore Democrats are bad, therefore Republicans are good, therefore Republicans must be more Democratic than Democrats, therefore the Democratic Party is the least democratic.

See? Logic.
The DNC e-mails, leaked before election, was not a bunch of fake news or lies. It was actual e-mails, that revealed how underhanded the Democrats were willing to be. They rigged the deck against Bernie Sanders. They even rigged the debates through media ties. This is normally hidden from view and can be denied with a two faced lie. But the emails spoiled the normal denial procedure.

Well, not exactly. Some of the stolen DNC emails were unaltered, but some were altered. Further, there is no evidence the “they rigged the deck against Bernie Sanders”. There is evidence some folks within the DNC favored Clinton. That shouldn’t come as a surprise.

And what “denial procedure” did these emails spoil? Please be specific.

The DNC never denied any of the content of these released emails. This tells me, it was an inside job that had witnesses. If the Russians has done this, the DNC could have played the KGB misinformation card. What they did instead was not deny anything but set up a distraction, to shift the blame, as though releasing the truth of treachery, was worse than the treachery, itself. The release of scandal data is normally connected to inside sources and good journalism, but the bulk of the journalists remained silent to a smoking gun, that was never denied by the accused.

The DNC never validated nor repudiated them, probably because they were released within just a few days of the election making it impossible to validate them. And that was by design. Russia could have released them in several months earlier, but they didn’t. They chose to release them at the last minute, when it would was impossible for anyone to validate them before the election.

This reverse blame game is part of a larger game strategy of the DNC. Seth was the person who released the e-mails, because he felt that sabotaging Bernie was not right. It should have been fair and not rigged. The DNC did not wish his betrayal to Hillary, to divide their team, so they made up the Trump-Russian connection to create a false common enemy, and take the spot light off Seth. Seth should have been given a Pulitzer prize but that would have made the truth he reveled more credible. Instead he was taken out; witness tampering

And your evidence is where? Oh that’s right; you don’t need or want any evidence. You’ve got several conspiracies going on here and zero evidence to support any of them. Unfortunately, for you Trump’s Russian connections are very real. That’s why the FBI is investigating them. That’s why Trump’s closest advisers are now running for cover and one has taken the 5th. Ironically just a few months ago that adviser publicly told people that taking the 5th was tantamount to an admission of guilt.

The unfortunate fact for you is the “Seth incident” is just the latest attempt by Trump and his supporters to deflect attention of from Trump’s Russia connections. The election is over. You need to get over it, and you need to stop using Hillary as a crutch.

My guess is the Clintons had the real relationship with the Russians. It is well documented Russian interests gave the Clinton foundation tens of millions of dollars and Bill got $1/2 million for talk to a KGB related bank. This is much better circumstantial evidence, than anything connected to Trump and all his team combined. The blame schema is being reused again and again, to distract from the truth, to create the illusion of worse, elsewhere.

Hillary was connected to a foundation, with Russian money ties, who is also running for president. She uses a private server for email correspondence. She purges half her server contents, even though there was a formal request that she not do this. This is bad stuff, that needed a coverup distraction; Trump and the evil Russians. The media is more than willing to be part of the scam coverup. The main stream media will never investigate Seth, because they were part of that cover up, too.

Your guess is the Clinton’s had a real relationship with the Russians? I’d say you are right. The Clintons did have a relationship with the Russians. Bill Clinton was POTUS for 8 years. Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State for 4 years. Of course they had a relationship with Russian leaders. It was their job.

But that’s not the issue here. The issue here is Trump’s campaign had an unusual relationship with Russia. There is universal within the intelligence community that Russia intervened in our elections in order to get Trump elected.

Bill Clinton gave one speech to a Russian group for his customary fee: $500,000. That’s not unusual for Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton speaks to groups around the globe for his customary feed of 500,000 dollars. And there is no evidence Russia ever donated money to the Clinton Foundation. And even if Russia did, it would be irrelevant, because unlike Trump their foundation is run by an independent board of directors and the Clintons do not profit from the Clinton Foundation which bears their name. And more importantly, there is no evidence of secret Russian connections, secret meetings with Russian intelligence officers, and no one lying about it as is the case the Trump campaign. Russia didn't intervene in our elections to help the Hillary Clinton. They intervened to help Trump and hurt Clinton.

The fact is Russia intervened in our elections in order to get Trump elected. And Hillary’s private email server has nothing to do with that.

The bad stuff is Russia’s intervention in our election. The bad stuff is all the fake news Russia pumped into our election process. The bad news is people like you who are trying to cover it up. It’s not Hillary’s private email server.

The new FBI director may be told to look into this, as he should. Media heads may even start to roll when all the cover ups are exposed. It shows pattern of behavior that can't be blamed on honest mistake.

I’m positive Trump will tell the new FBI director to look anywhere and everywhere but into his Russian connections. That’s what he has done, and I see no reason why he would stop. He tried to deflect attention by compromising Nunes with his secret White House documents which turned out to be nothing. He tried to deflect the investigation of his Russian connections by making baseless allegations of illegal wiretapping for which he had zero evidence. And most recently Trump fired the FBI director for refusing to swear a personal allegiance to him.

Trump has gone to great and extraordinary lengths to delay and derail the investigation into his Russian connections and the role Russia played in our election last year. That’s prima facie evidence of a consciousness of guilt.
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By conditioning people to dualisms and the proposition that reality is merely one among a number of possibilities.

It's entirely possible the Democratic Party has the tighter rules. Maybe they don't.

The fallacy, however, is that this isn't democratic, therefore Democrats are bad, therefore Republicans are good, therefore Republicans must be more Democratic than Democrats, therefore the Democratic Party is the least democratic.

See? Logic.
Yeah, I think we should all chip in and send all Republicans to a logic 101 class.