What is wrong with this world...

It was cursed by God...it is inhabited by evil people (no one excepted).

IF the world is cursed by god, god is what's wrong with the world. Regardless of that, IF an omnipotent god created the universe, the universe, including Earth & humans, is what that god created it to be. If there are evil people, they have no choice but to be what they are until your lazy irresponsible god changes them.
I am not evil & I'm confident many others are not. You habitually claim things about strangers that you cannot possibly know.
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The media makes its money by selling advertising. Programming is designed to get an audience, who then has to sit and watch adds. It is easier to sell adds and peddle products to people, if they are less critical and cynical about marketing manipulation; critical thinking skills.

The media needs to do their part beyond just posting ads. They need to help condition people to be receptive to dubious reality, to allow themselves to be stimulated in a passive way. Football is exciting, with you not having to do anything, but sit and watch. I like to watch football because it is stimulating with ups and downs of emotion if your team is playing a close game.

There is a sex analogy to all this. Entertainment and ads are analogous to having the audience lying on the bottom, passively, being done by these top men. The bottom person will ooh and ahh without having to do anything. Education is more active and requires you be on the top, reacting, changing speed and rhythm to stay ahead of the action. Ads directly appeal to sexuality and/or insecurities, with marketeers needing to be the top man and you the passive gal, in a symbolic sense.

And that my friend is a great description of the Republican entertainment complex which permeates the nation's radio waves and explains Fox News. Republican entertainment is entertaining, but that is all it is. Repeated academic studies have found listeners of conservative media to be consistently less informed and more misinformed that those who watch or listen to no news at all.


Most of the main stream media tend to support the Democratic party. The democrats are more feminized and appeal more to emotions more to logic. This is like the foreplay that makes the job of media and marketeers easier. Money is the real connection, not common ideals. If people got used to more analysis based on data and logic, they will expect these things from the ads. A mascot or jingle will not be enough. This makes it harder to sell, since you can't have two top men without an intellectual fight.
LOL, said the pot to the kettle. Facts, evidence and reason are slaves to no political party. Unfortunately, Republicans find themselves on the opposite side of evidence, fact and reason more often than not. And that is why they find themselves needing an endless array of scapegoats (e.g. the main stream media).
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To your TV programming statement , agreed , and I'm tired of it

I'm fed up with a doc. telling me that a female lion hunts and that a polar bear is white

We have become ...........simple

I gave up cable TV 5 years ago and use that same amount of money to go to a climbing gym that is open late at night. I thought I might miss some TV but I haven't missed it at all.

There are ways to watch the occasion TV program over the internet. I've learned that the internet is much more interaction and the information is much more readily available than what passes for documentaries this days (and you allude to in your post). "Shark Week" is a lame as regular broadcast TV.
IF the world is cursed by god...If there are evil people, they have no choice but to be what they are until your...god changes them.

Also, you are correct I cannot possibly know such things--unless...what? He chooses to reveal such things.
I gave up cable TV 5 years ago ...I thought I might miss some TV but I haven't missed it at all....

I had a friend who was a drunk. Wrongly convicted of his parents murders, he had a chance to detox before being released.
A couple years later, "he fell off the wagon" (he thought that he might be missing something) and went back to his favorite bar wherein he saw: 'The same people sitting on the same stools telling the same stories". That convinced him, and he climbed back up "on the wagon".
Also, you are correct I cannot possibly know such things--unless...what? He chooses to reveal such things.

I am correct, regardless of any unless. No 1 has revealed to you that I am evil, no matter how much you need to believe or pretend. Stop lying about strangers.
When has it ever been about anything other than $$$ and power? Since when does the smartest finish first? Nope, contrary to popular belief, the President is not the smartest person in the country. He may be considered to be the one that got the most votes, though (via money and power).

Sometimes I wonder if candidates must take a test to ensure they're stupid enough to be President.
IF the world is cursed by god...If there are evil people, they have no choice but to be what they are until your...god changes them.

Was that a tyop or can you not handle the truth.

IF the world is cursed by god, god is what's wrong with the world. Regardless of that, IF an omnipotent god created the universe, the universe, including Earth & humans, is what that god created it to be. If there are evil people, they have no choice but to be what they are until your lazy irresponsible god changes them.
Sometimes I wonder if candidates must take a test to ensure they're stupid enough to be President.
With some exceptions, I think many candidates, if not most, are not stupid. But they are often compelled to say and do stupid things because their base demands it (e.g. Mitt Romney). It's more the case that they lack moral fiber.
The attraction for entertainment over science, has to do with culture having migrated from masculine to feminine; from conservative to liberal. In tradition, masculine is more about the mind while feminine is about feelings. Conservative and masculine is more based on the cause and effect of long term traditions, like science. Science is very conservative with its foundations changing slowly. Traditionally, the male had to provide and protect, against unpredictable changes and perturbations, so he needed good data and good intellectual skills for self reliance against unknown change; science.

Of course, that's why males are the majority consumers of sports entertainment over 'science.' The entertainment industry was pioneered and is still run mostly by males. The only reason why males prefer sports as entertainment vs women is because it's actually less complicated, cut and dry and based on simple competition. It has nothing to do with feelings since everyone has them.
Of course, that's why males are the majority consumers of sports entertainment over 'science.' The entertainment industry was pioneered and is still run mostly by males. The only reason why males prefer sports as entertainment vs women is because it's actually less complicated, cut and dry and based on simple competition. It has nothing to do with feelings since everyone has them.

Men , have been dumbed down

women aren't really that complicated

treat them well , they treat you well , wonderful circle
In all this time that you have been on this site, youreyes, and we have disagreed on just about everything, this is the best response and post you have ever made on this site.

Well played, youreyes. Well played.