What do girls want?

Girls wants go from A to Z... just like boys.!!!

I have a niece who sometimes wants to be a Doctor... sometimes a dish washer... an sometimes a tornado.!!!
But still wants good parents , in the end .

Which apparently you seeem to be .

I ant a parent... i just know all about it.!!!

Kids want attention... an they need a parent/parents/care-giver who is good at providin positive attenton .!!!
I ant a parent... i just know all about it.!!!

Kids want attention... an they need a parent/parents/care-giver who is good at providin positive attenton .!!!

I'm not a parent either , but I've babysat childern , they do want attention .

Positive attention , sure . But within reason .
Kids gravitate to the parent with whom they identify and can more closely relate. My daughter has always been close to her mother because they share the same interests--girl stuff. If you're a father, encourage her to do her best in school. Warn her about the dangers in life. but don't let her fear life. Remind her how you feel about her efforts to do good. When it comes to the really personal aspects of being female, it's best to let the wife take the wheel. Girls want love, but who doesn't?
Kids gravitate to the parent with whom they identify and can more closely relate. My daughter has always been close to her mother because they share the same interests--girl stuff. If you're a father, encourage her to do her best in school. Warn her about the dangers in life. but don't let her fear life. Remind her how you feel about her efforts to do good. When it comes to the really personal aspects of being female, it's best to let the wife take the wheel. Girls want love, but who doesn't?

Who doesn't indeed .
Who doesn't indeed .
Since entering her teens, there has been a boy in her life, hence the above videos. But from a parental point of view, encourage effort on their part to do good/ The most revealing moment in our relationship was when I told her she made me proud. Her reaction was very telling. All kids are different. I was blessed with a daughter who has always been focused and hardworking. We did everything within our ability to help her along the way. She's done her best to make the most of it.
Since entering her teens, there has been a boy in her life, hence the above videos. But from a parental point of view, encourage effort on their part to do good/ The most revealing moment in our relationship was when I told her she made me proud. Her reaction was very telling. All kids are different. I was blessed with a daughter who has always been focused and hardworking. We did everything within our ability to help her along the way. She's done her best to make the most of it .


If you want to sneak into a building past security you walk tall and fast and look busy like you're important and going some place important and just walk straight past them.

This is equally true for gaining access to a woman's pants. They want an important ambitious guy who is busy achieving things and going places. So many guys are confused because its so extremely different to what attracts us to them. Ugly guys just give up, hot guys are frustrated and confused about why girls aren't knocking their door down. Guys who are pursuing careers and passions are swimming in girls effortlessly.

People think its "money" but its not that simple, even starving artists are up to their gauge ear piercings in poontang. Rich lazy wimps maybe can get a girl's attention but they can't hold it for long.

The one thing all forever alones have in common is they aren't doing anything with themselves.
If you want to sneak into a building past security you walk tall and fast and look busy like you're important and going some place important and just walk straight past them.

This is equally true for gaining access to a woman's pants. They want an important ambitious guy who is busy achieving things and going places. So many guys are confused because its so extremely different to what attracts us to them. Ugly guys just give up, hot guys are frustrated and confused about why girls aren't knocking their door down. Guys who are pursuing careers and passions are swimming in girls effortlessly.

People think its "money" but its not that simple, even starving artists are up to their gauge ear piercings in poontang. Rich lazy wimps maybe can get a girl's attention but they can't hold it for long.

The one thing all forever alones have in common is they aren't doing anything with themselves.
I think such facile generalisations about half the human race are rather pointless and demeaning, to be honest. Different people look for different things. A talent? Energy? Humour? Social ease and grace? Looks (itself a huge, varied and unpredictable subject)?

When I talked about girls with my teenage son, I came down on two qualities above all that seem to be valued: personal reliability and taking an interest in the other person. You would not believe the number of interactions between the sexes I have witnessed in which the man is not really interested in who the woman really is or what she thinks.

From this last point it follows that anyone who just thinks in terms of "gaining access to a woman's pants" is doomed. My final piece of advice would be a saying of one of my brothers: "Don't let the little head do the thinking for the big head".
What do girls want?

It depends on the girl, dumbass. People are different. It ain't that difficult....
You would not believe the number of interactions between the sexes I have witnessed in which the man is not really interested in who the woman really is or what she thinks.

From this last point it follows that anyone who just thinks in terms of "gaining access to a woman's pants" is doomed.

Exactly. It's demeaning, disrespectful, dehumanizing/sick and it's gross. I've noticed people like this are unevolved basically. Honestly, half a step from lower primates. It amazes me how many males exist out there who do not know basic respect, etiquette or how to even hold a decent conversation which doesn't even have to contain an inkling of intellectual content.