There IS No New World Order

Have you read the whole article and all the links? Please read them before you make a judgement.
Ed Ward's dispute is with the editors of Wikipedia’s article on nanothermite, not me. As I have said before, that article, in part, states:

Potential uses
Historically, pyrotechnic or explosive applications for traditional thermites have been limited due to their relatively slow energy release rates. Because nanothermites are created from reactant particles with proximities approaching the atomic scale, energy release rates are far greater.[2]

MICs or Super-thermites are generally developed for military use, propellants, explosives, and pyrotechnics. Research into military applications of nano-sized materials began in the early 1990s.[3] Because of their highly increased reaction rate, nanosized thermitic materials are being studied by the U.S. military with the aim of developing new types of bombs several times more powerful than conventional explosives.[4] Nanoenergetic materials can store more energy than conventional energetic materials and can be used in innovative ways to tailor the release of this energy. Thermobaric weapons are one potential application of nanoenergetic materials.[5]
Weaken the steel and cause it to collapse after the fire burned long enough to heat the steel. And - what do you know? - the WTC's collapsed after the fire burned long enough to weaken the steel.
You're just playing makebelieve like Read-Only. That buffoon thinks that he's an expert on everything but he obviously has difficulty just reading. Just tell me what makes you and MacGyver1968 think that you're experts in structural engineering? Also, if you think that you're defending the official government conspiracy theory, then you better shut up. You're not supposed to communicate a clear understanding of why WTC 7 collapsed because that would "jeopardize public safety."
Have you read the whole article and all the links? Please read them before you make a judgement.
A pattern is beginning to emerge. All the deniers have embraced the pretense of having an advanced understanding of structural engineering and chemistry. I see the debate as being a clash between independent professional architects, structural engineers, chemists, physicists, and demolition experts versus pawns of government power. And when the contrast is made between John Gross, the Lead Engineer of the NIST Report, and the Firemen and First Responders that were actually present at the Twin Towers and WTC Building 7 on 9/11, the actual truth becomes apparent. There is a contradiction which is easily resolved. It's obvious that John Gross is lying and all the Firemen are telling the truth.


And for those that believe that there are demons on the side of the masters of mankind, please note that Read-Only, who is the most intolerant hater of 9/11 Truthers that I have ever encountered, most fiercely denies the right of Firemen, i.e., true professionals, that were actually present at the Twin Towers and WTC Building 7 on 9/11, to speak about the explosions they heard that day. Since explosions are a common occurrence in fires, we should assume that Firemen are qualified to speak about the explosions they heard on 9/11. Demons and Read-Only, obviously, don't want you to believe that.
So, you refuse to read it?
Explain why my opinion about nanothermite is more important than what the editors of the Wikipedia article on nanothermite have assembled. If you think that Ed Ward, MD, has any relevant information on nanothermite, then why aren't you trying to add it to Wikipedia's article? Being an editor to Wikipedia is just as easy as signing up for this forum. Add that information over there, then I'll read it.
You don't need it on Wiki. You have the link.
Look through the telescope.
Or are you afraid to read it in case it changes your opinions?

Added later.
When you say that posting on wikipedia is easy, is that an unfounded opinion,
or have you got experience of posting articles on the website?
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When you say that posting on wikipedia is easy, is that an unfounded opinion, or have you got experience of posting articles on the website?
I do have experience being an editor on Wikipedia and I've made a few contributions. It's as easy as I said it was. Although you'll find that most editors are squatters, i.e., they're satisfied with existing articles as they already are and will revert all modifications you make to the way the article appeared before. But then you can fight it out with them on the discussion pages.

Here is an accurate parody of Wikipedia editing:


The biggest problem with Wikipedia is that you can't use primary sources, they all have to be secondary.
You don't see how all these variables could foul a plan in advance?
it's obvious to me that the government is increasingly expressing worry about more and more people doubting the government's version of the conspiracy theory. The 9/11 Truth Movement is increasing strength. I signed the petition this morning. So this false-flag operation has failed.

Didn't you say the fires weren't that intense to cause a collapse? So which was it?
As I said, the fires were a cover for the demolition by explosives.
You should check out David Icke's forum. You'd be welcome there. Or if your feeling your oats...join the JREF forum, and take on the debunkers there.
Just tell me what makes you and MacGyver1968 think that you're experts in structural engineering?

Don't know about McGyver. I'm not an expert; just an engineer. I clearly don't have your understanding of Satan though so I guess I will defer to you in that department.

Also, if you think that you're defending the official government conspiracy theory, then you better shut up.

I'm not defending anyone's conspiracy theory - and I won't shut up. But keep posting; I am very entertained by the latest "Satan did it" theory of yours.

You're not supposed to communicate a clear understanding of why WTC 7 collapsed because that would "jeopardize public safety."

Sorry, I am going to anyway. If you feel you are being put at risk by that, by all means, hide beneath your desk.
Thanks Bill...I'm totally in league with Lucifer....I'm sacrificing a goat to him tonight for New Years. Who want's bbq'ed shank?....and no...I'm not a structural engineer...but I am an engineer than can smell bullshit from a mile away. :)
I'm not an expert; just an engineer.
But wait; that means you actually passed exams covering problems in structural engineering. At a minimum that makes you a qualified expert, far better equipped to comment accurately on the science involved than just about anybody posting here. And even if there happened to be person here better informed than you, it wouldn't matter, since all of the subject matter here is technically far too shallow to make any difference. By that standard you are indeed an expert best qualified to characterize the evidence on both sides of the argument.

I clearly don't have your understanding of Satan though so I guess I will defer to you in that department.
It's almost always religiosity or superstition of some kind that drives the antagonism against expert opinions such as yours.

I'm not defending anyone's conspiracy theory - and I won't shut up.
It would be the reader's loss if you did. Especially good are your clear and correct posts on all kinds of science topics - certainly in matters of mechanical engineering, and esp. as it applies here. Of course to some people, the movement to wipe out illiteracy through education amounts a conspiracy -- at least that's how their defense mechanism want to characterize it.

But keep posting; I am very entertained by the latest "Satan did it" theory of yours.
That's a new one on me although it's the predictable answer of last resort for religiosos. When we get to the bottom of what they're feeling so defensive about, then all the real skeletons will come out of the closet. No doubt it's a deep state of denial so there's a lot of gnashing of teeth and rending of garments until they exorcise their demons.

Sorry, I am going to anyway. If you feel you are being put at risk by that, by all means, hide beneath your desk.
It's mainly engineers and other professionals that have desks, usually accompanied by a piles of technical material unless they've finally gone paperless. The antagonists are probably operating from their kitchen table, limited to a passing knowledge of pop fiction and sci-fi as their ultimate reference library.
Thanks Bill...I'm totally in league with Lucifer....I'm sacrificing a goat to him tonight for New Years. Who want's bbq'ed shank?....and no...I'm not a structural engineer...but I am an engineer than can smell bullshit from a mile away. :)

So far your demons are turning out to be mellow, at worst harmless pranksters. It seems the folks who are tortured by their own are the ones who keep guilt-tripping the rest of the world. Notice how your curiosity in the WTC CT led to your discovery of all of these technical details? Somehow that asset has been twisted into a liability. For one or two readers, no more. If a general poll could be taken, you'd have won by a landslide. Of course the whole world is laboring under the delusions that (the Pod People?) are spreading, so go figure . . . (smilie for ripping one's hair out needed here . . .)

Enjoy your cabrito you Big-Tex/robot/technical-guy/satan-worshipper you. The rest will have to eat crow.