The Trump Presidency

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Deacon Blues
Valued Senior Member
Trump will become the 45th president of The United States of America in just a few days, and his presidency promises to be unprecedented on a number of fronts. He begins his presidency with a 40% approval rating.

"Trump will enter the Oval Office on Friday with his image upside down. Just 40 percent say they have a favorable impression of him, and 54 percent view him unfavorably -- with 41 percent saying they have a strongly unfavorable impression of him. That's starkly different from current views of President Barack Obama, whose favorable rating is at 61 percent."

In comparison:

Obama had a 84% approval rating
Clinton had a 67% approval rating
Bush II had a 61% approval rating

Unfortunately, I think it only gets worse from here. Republicans in Congress appear to be in disarray and confusion. No one seems to understand Trump's healthcare plan. Neither the CBO or congressional Republicans know what it is. There is confusion at home and abroad. That's not a good thing. Foreign leaders are fearful and confused, Putin excepted, and Trump's own party is in a state of confusion.

I've never seen anything like it. You can't believe anything Trump says. No one knows what he means. Trump's advisers are fond of telling people that they shouldn't believe everything Trump says, but they should take him seriously. This is a very strange, silly, and dangerous world we live in.

This thread is intended as a forum to discuss the Trump presidency. Below is a SNL skit. It's funny as they always are, but there is some truth in it too.
I tend to think the international community may very well crack it and refuse to do business with the USA until Trump is removed from office. His promises to pay debts are not to be trusted...he may be considered a high risk debtor because he flip flops on his position continuously.
NATO may indeed be dead in the water with out the USA however the EU is not entirely with out resources.
The hidden cost to the world so far ( including Russia) due to his impulsive BS must already be significant. Lost opportunities, deteriorating relationships etc...
Just thinking about Trumps latest BS stating off the cuff that NATO was obsolete.
He may not realize the significance of the Treaty signed in 1949 and feels no obligation to adhering to it. Nor does he seem to realize the enormous investment that has been made.
The amount of money invested in NATO must be huge, not only by the USA but by all participating countries.
A supposedly 2% of GDP since inception is an awful lot of money. An awful lot of infrastructure and commitment.
And he has the stupidity to become the greatest threat to NATO since the beginning of the Cold war by publishing some sort of seriously arrogant superior and deluded "NATO is obsolete" opinion.

The big d*ck that the he thinks the USA has only exists because others allow it to.
He is promoting like Putin does "Might is right " instead of "right is might"
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I tend to think the international community may very well crack it and refuse to do business with the USA until Trump is removed from office. His promises to pay debts are not to be trusted...he may be considered a high risk debtor because he flip flops on his position continuously.
NATO may indeed be dead in the water with out the USA however the EU is not entirely with out resources.
The hidden cost to the world so far ( including Russia) due to his impulsive BS must already be significant. Lost opportunities, deteriorating relationships etc...
I think Congress may crack first. Even though Trump's party controls Congress, Trump has struggled with part unity. I think it likely, that if Trump continues down this path and becomes less and less popular, there may come a time when his party, the Republican Party, says enough. And with the support of Democrats, they may be able to impeach Trump and remove him from office.

There is also the possibility that Trump is found to be unfit to serve by his cabinet. Trump may be thrown out of office by his vice president and cabinet. I truly believe Trump is mentally ill and that is grounds for removal. Trump's popularity rating is at an historical low: 40%. No president in modern history has had a rating that low upon entering office. Obama's approval rating was 84% at this point in his administration.

Below is a link to a recent SNL skit. In it Trump says Pence will be the next POTUS in 2 months. That's a joke, but there's some truth there too. If Trump continues to be so erratic, he might be removed by his cabinet or Congress.
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I think Congress may crack first. Even though Trump's party controls Congress, Trump has struggled with part unity. I think it likely, that if Trump continues down this path and becomes less and less popular, there may come a time when his party, the Republican Party, says enough. And with the support of Democrats, they may be able to impeach Trump and remove him from office.

There is also the possibility that Trump is found to be unfit to serve by his cabinet. Trump may be thrown out of office by his vice president and cabinet. I truly believe Trump is mentally ill and that is grounds for removal. Trump's popularity rating is at an historical low: 40%. No president in modern history has had a rating that low upon entering office. Obama's approval rating was 84% at this point in his administration.

Below is a link to a recent SNL skit. In it Trump says Pence will be the next POTUS in 2 months. That's a joke, but there's some truth there too. If Trump continues to be so erratic, he might be removed by his cabinet or Congress.

As long there is a good cabinet and a reasonable vice president even a gorilla from the zoo can be a president . I think , Bush junior was a case
As long there is a good cabinet and a reasonable vice president even a gorilla from the zoo can be a president . I think , Bush junior was a case
He was a disaster. So was Reagan. So is Trump. Get used to it - it's coming.
As long there is a good cabinet and a reasonable vice president even a gorilla from the zoo can be a president . I think , Bush junior was a case
I don't thin relying on a constitutional crisis is a good strategy . If the 25th Amendment option were to be invoked, it would in deed become a constitutional crisis. A constitutional crisis in itself can cause significant damage to our economy and our security and to world security. Never before in the history of the United States has a president been forcibly removed from office, and that's what we are talking about here.

I do hope those around Trump can control him, but thus far they have done a piss poor job of doing so. They were able to take away his tweet toys for a few weeks during the election, but his handlers need to do much more than that. Since the election they haven't even been able to control his tweet madness.
NBC/WSJ released a poll yesterday showing Trump's approval rating is 38%. That's jaw dropping. Historically job approval ratings go down from here. They don't go up. Obama entered office with an 80% approval rating and he is leaving with a 60% approval rating.
NBC/WSJ released a poll yesterday showing Trump's approval rating is 38%. That's jaw dropping. Historically job approval ratings go down from here. They don't go up. Obama entered office with an 80% approval rating and he is leaving with a 60% approval rating.

When you are down the only way is UP
Obama greased up the military machine , now Trump have a long project ; build the great wall in the USA along Mexico a historical repeat as the great wall in China .
When you are down the only way is UP
Obama greased up the military machine , now Trump have a long project ; build the great wall in the USA along Mexico a historical repeat as the great wall in China .

I'm curious as to your point about how "Obama greased up the military machine" is supposed to work in the context of your larger point.

That is, yeah, and when you're up like he was coming into office, the only way to go is down. As to a long project, well, maybe Trump can find a downward spiral.

I mean, if President Obama's warring policy had driven his numbers up, that would be one thing.
When you are down the only way is UP
Obama greased up the military machine , now Trump have a long project ; build the great wall in the USA along Mexico a historical repeat as the great wall in China .
Just because you are down, it doesn't mean the only way is up. We've got graveyards filled with people who aren't getting back up comrade. Trump has got 4 years, maybe less to fix his act, and building a great wall will do nothing to help him. In fact, it could hurt him. Trump has made promises he can't keep. At this point, I'd bet Trump is hoping people will forget about his great wall.

How well did China's great wall work out for them? It didn't keep the barbarians out. Trump's great wall was a stupid idea from the very start. It's expensive to build and expensive to maintain. Trump's wall has gone from a wall, to a fence, to sensors in the ground. Trump's Department of Homeland Security nominee testified before Congress that a wall would be ineffectual. The wall is a political ruse.

I don't know what you mean when you say Obama "greased up the military machine". Obama's job approval rating was 80% at this stage, before he was sworn into office. Obama didn't have the ability to "grease up" anything beyond his car and perhaps a few doors in his home.

Obama ran on a platform of military restraint. He promised to draw down troops and end foreign wars and he did. Military spending under Obama was very restrained owing to Republican demands for fiscal austerity. So you assertion just doesn't make sense.
Jobs: (for figurative sculptors)
Well, first, we have to outlaw 3 d printing.
Funny you should mention this - I was thinking much of The Donald's "job creation" strategy might revolve around similar concepts. For example, perhaps he could outlaw self serve gasoline fueling (à la Oregon and New Jersey)...

Think of the jobs created! It would be YUUUGE!!!
I'm curious as to your point about how "Obama greased up the military machine" is supposed to work in the context of your larger point.

That is, yeah, and when you're up like he was coming into office, the only way to go is down. As to a long project, well, maybe Trump can find a downward spiral.

I mean, if President Obama's warring policy had driven his numbers up, that would be one thing.

My point is in what state the outgoing president lives the economy and the yob production . Military equipment are disposable item , so after Bush- Cheney war there were produced large number of military equipment and much of the equipment was abandoned in Iraq and Afghanistan as scrap . but thas equipment have to be replaced . Than we have created ourself a lot of enemy , because of getting involved into other nations affair, so we had to create jobs ( security jobs ).

I don't think the grading is of much meaning , it depends who is doing whre is doing and how is doing .We in reality don't know which way will the economy heading . But because the liberal media is pouncing an criticizing, the poled people might be swayed and a disfavor Trump.
Funny you should mention this - I was thinking much of The Donald's "job creation" strategy might revolve around similar concepts. For example, perhaps he could outlaw self serve gasoline fueling (à la Oregon and New Jersey)...

Think of the jobs created! It would be YUUUGE!!!

When?if the jobs come back, they will be different jobs........
3d printing can't match my mythofigurative stuff
Isis rising from her dream of Osiris with the conception of Horus
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