The Post Whatever Thread

I started laughing from the sink on. You could be skeptical but who cares. :rolleyes:

James R can also be seen in this video.

Had to download an image than upload as it was to much info all at once.


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I just saw an interesting statistic, of the top 100 largest companies by market cap, 64 were headquartered in the U.S., 14 were headquartered in China, 7 in the EU, 7 in India, 3 in Canada and none in Australia.
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What about the 5 you left off your list?
I posted an interesting (to me) fact, tried to member the top countries and that's all that you can come up with?

How about "That's interesting that the US has 64 and China has 14?".
It just seems strange that you talked about the top 100, but listed only the top 95.

Also, it strikes me as strange that you singled out Australia for mention as having none. Surely, with 150+ nations in the world, most of them have none.

Why did you single out Australia, in particular?
It just seems strange that you talked about the top 100, but listed only the top 95.

Also, it strikes me as strange that you singled out Australia for mention as having none. Surely, with 150+ nations in the world, most of them have none.

Why did you single out Australia, in particular?
Why are you so "suspicious" about everything? I watched a YouTube video and it scrolled though the 100 largest companies by market cap and gave a few statistics.

Initially I just remembered the numbers for the U.S. and China and then I queried ChatGPT about other large countries and added the EU, India and Australia.

It is "interesting" that the U.S. has 64, China with many times the population has 14 and the EU with roughly the same population (I think?) has 7. I just added India due to population and Australia due to the English speaking population that would also be on here.

Is your point (in general) to censor all discussion on here, or is there some other motive?
Why are you so "suspicious" about everything?
What? Where did you get that idea? Did They tell you? :eek:
I watched a YouTube video and it scrolled though the 100 largest companies by market cap and gave a few statistics.
Okay. It's no big deal. I was just wondering where those remaining 5 companies were based and why you didn't mention them, like I said.
Initially I just remembered the numbers for the U.S. and China and then I queried ChatGPT about other large countries and added the EU, India and Australia.

It is "interesting" that the U.S. has 64, China with many times the population has 14 and the EU with roughly the same population (I think?) has 7. I just added India due to population and Australia due to the English speaking population that would also be on here.
Thanks for explaining.

The US is the epitome of a capitalist economy, is it not? It is also a world superpower, for reasons that have a lot to do with "market capitalisation". Under the circumstances, I don't find it particularly surprising that lots of large corporations are based in the US. Do you?

China is a more interesting case. I assume the biggest companies based there are run by the state. Is that correct?

Maybe providing a list of the companies you are talking about would spark further interest in your discussion topic. What do you think?
Is your point (in general) to censor all discussion on here, or is there some other motive?
What discussion have I censored? I happen to be the only person who has engaged with your topic, so far, apart from yourself. I haven't censored it. Everybody can see it. Anybody can contribute to it.

What's your problem?
What? Where did you get that idea? Did They tell you? :eek:

Okay. It's no big deal. I was just wondering where those remaining 5 companies were based and why you didn't mention them, like I said.

Thanks for explaining.

The US is the epitome of a capitalist economy, is it not? It is also a world superpower, for reasons that have a lot to do with "market capitalisation". Under the circumstances, I don't find it particularly surprising that lots of large corporations are based in the US. Do you?

China is a more interesting case. I assume the biggest companies based there are run by the state. Is that correct?

Maybe providing a list of the companies you are talking about would spark further interest in your discussion topic. What do you think?

What discussion have I censored? I happen to be the only person who has engaged with your topic, so far, apart from yourself. I haven't censored it. Everybody can see it. Anybody can contribute to it.

What's your problem?

What's my problem? 40 warning points. 9 more and I'm effectively censored. One wrong word and I'm "trolling". That's what my problem is. What is yours?

Do you really think a list of the names of the 100 biggest countries would really change the nature of my post? Apple was number 1. I'm sure you can more or less guess the rest, can't you?

I don't find it surprising that there are a lot of large companies based here. I find it surprising that the EU only has 7.
What's my problem? 40 warning points. 9 more and I'm effectively censored. One wrong word and I'm "trolling". That's what my problem is. What is yours?
This thread is the wrong venue to complain about receiving an official warning for trolling. If you have questions about the warning you received, please send me a personal message and I will try to clarify things for you further.

Otherwise, I'd simply advise you not to repeat the recent behaviour you were warned about. Really, I would have expected you to get the message with the first warning, but then you repeated the same behaviour that got you warned in the first place. Why would you expect a different result from the same behaviour, second time around? You do understand the purpose of official warnings, don't you?
Do you really think a list of the names of the 100 biggest countries would really change the nature of my post?
I thought it might be interesting. But you started the conversation. It's totally up to as to where you want to take it from there (if anywhere).
Apple was number 1. I'm sure you can more or less guess the rest, can't you?
I thought the point of interest lay in which countries had which companies headquartered there. If only the raw number of companies in each country interests you, that's your prerogative, I guess.

I'm not so interested that I'm going to try to squeeze blood out of a stone on this.
I don't find it surprising that there are a lot of large companies based here. I find it surprising that the EU only has 7.
Fair comment. Personally, I'd still be interested to see the actual list. How many of the companies are big tech companies, for instance?

You don't need to answer. I can find out for myself. I just thought, this being a discussion forum and all, that maybe you wanted a discussion of some sort on the topic you raised.
I don't find it surprising that there are a lot of large companies based here. I find it surprising that the EU only has 7.
It's not all that surprising, even if the EU does have 450 million people compared to USA's 330 million.
For most of history they have been individual markets, each preferring their own rather than import. The single market breaks down some barriers, but most will still prefer stuff from their own country.
When it comes to big tech, for example, the US has the advantage of having a governing body that welcomes it, whereas the EU is anti-big. They prefer smaller, and more equally distributed. If power isn't concentrated it makes it harder for any one to have dominance. And Europe has an unfortunate history of people trying to dominate. ;)

Also, according to, Australia has 1 in the top 100: BHP Group, at number 62.