The first experimental measurement of God; to a 2-decimal point accuracy

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Can you send me a physical fractal? I'd love to have one. I'd take good care of it!
How do they proliferate? Fractal sex?

[GE Hammond MS physics]
... Fractal geometry is kid stuff compared to "3D binary egg cleavage" in human embryology which actually causes God !
... How does it cause God? Well let me show you:
... The above "cubic model of the brain" is entirely accurate, the 3 orthogonal (Cartesian) cleavages of the brain causing this cubic structure are known as the "Central, Rolandic, and Transverse " fissures of the brain. This is a "cubic" brain structure, and it is well known that a "cube" has exactly 13-symmetric rotational symmetry axes, and these are shown in the diagram to the right.
... Okay, the next fantastic EXPERIMENTAL fact is that a worldwide army of psychometry researchers using desktop computers for 50 years testing millions of people with Personality and IQ tests have discovered that the data contains "exactly 13 eigenvectors" and that these 13 eigenvectors are 13 PERSONALITY TYPES which have been conclusively identified by Hammond as the "13 Olympian gods" of antiquity (or more interestingly as the 13 modern "gods" of Disneyland known as "Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Porky pig, Bugs Bunny, etc. etc."
... And most importantly, a factorization of this 13 x 13 correlation matrix ultimately yields one, single, lone, TOP eigenvector which has been dubbed by psychologists as the "general factor of psychology" (GFP).
... AND FINALLY: Hammond has shown that it is supremely obvious to even a casual observer, that because the 2nd order eigenvectors are clearly the "legendary gods of antiquity", that the top final eigenvector is clearly none other than the "God of the Bible" !!
...IOW the world's first scientific proof of God (SPOG) has been discovered based on the "axiomatic 3-axis Cartesian geometry of the brain" !
... Now in view of this, and that this is the title of this thread, I simply don't think that we should have to sit here and listen to a tedious OFF TOPIC discussion of "the amazing wonders of fractals" !


And especially since he's making it up as he goes along.

[GE Hammond MS physics]
... Really? Notice that this diagram says "copyright George Hammond 1998".
That's 24 years ago! That's a hell of a long time to allegedly be "making stuff up" for chlrissakes, far more likely in my opinion that it is a bona fide case of original scientific discovery!

[GE Hammond MS physics]
... Really? Notice that this diagram says "copyright George Hammond 1998".
View attachment 4658
That's 24 years ago! That's a hell of a long time to allegedly be "making stuff up" for chlrissakes, far more likely in my opinion that it is a bona fide case of original scientific discovery!

Far more likely been making stuff up for far more longer

Define Fractals to you , never mind me or any body else .
OK. a fractal pattern is a naturally forming self-similar pattern that repeats in a mathematical manner.
It is a pattern by which spacetime itself becomes manifest.
IMO it is the demonstrable proof of the inherent mathematical nature of spacetime.

Causal Dynamical Triangulation is a viable hypothesis that meets all required standards necessary for an orderly unfolding quantized spacetime fabric.

Causal dynamical triangulations
For a long time people have been looking for a fully quantised theory of gravity. Causal dynamical triangulations (CDT) is one of the candidates to fulfill that role. It is a non-perturbative theory that already has promising results in dimensions d = 2, d = 3 and especially in d = 4.[1, 2]
Each triangulation represents a different way of building up discrete spacetimes with small building blocks of Minkowski space. With these building blocks, expression 2 can be seen as a summation over all universes. In 2 + 1 dimensions1 these building blocks are tetrahedra, see figure 1.[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] These forms have multiple great benefits, but mostly they are simple to use

Figure 1: Two different forms a tetrahedron can have in 2+ 1 dimensions. The space coordinates make a surface into the paper, whereas the time coordinate goes upwards

houthoff causal triangulation set theory - Search (

Assuming that there is no irreducible complexity, the tetrahedron is the simplest 2D + time configuration possible at all magnifications.
IMO, there just can be no simpler repeatable "volume" measurement that allows for the formation of a perfectly compatible contiguous 3D dynamical spacetime volume.


houthoff causal triangulation set theory - Bing images

Platonic Solid - Geometric Properties - Radii, Area, and Volume.
A Platonic solid is a convex regular polyhedron in three-dimensional Euclidean space. Being a regular polyhedron means that the faces are congruent (identical in shape and size) regular polygons (all angles congruent and all edges congruent), and the same number of faces meet at each vertex

Another virtue of regularity is that the Platonic solids all possess three concentric spheres: the circumscribed sphere which passes through all the vertices, the midsphere which is tangent to each edge at the midpoint of the edge, and face centers respectively.
This is: The volume is computed as F times the volume of the pyramid whose base is a regular p-gon and whose height is the inradius r.
The following table lists the various radii of the Platonic solids together with their surface area and volume. The overall size is fixed by taking the edge length, a, to be equal to 2.
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Far more likely been making stuff up for far more longer

[GE Hammond MS physics]
... Listen Michael 345, this material has been published in the PEER REVIEWED LITERATURE, by me in New Ideas in Psychology a globally distributed prominent academic journal published by the world's largest scientific publisher Elsevier Scientific Ltd in 1994. They do not publish "made up stuff". And here are some of the illustrations contained in that "peer reviewed" publication:

Peer reviewed publication:
Hammond G.E (1994) The Cartesian Theory, in New Ideas In Psychology, Vol 12(2) 153-167 Elsevier Scientific Ltd.. Online copy of published paper is posted at:Elsevier Scientific Ltd. 1994
also a full length free research only copy is located here:

The following illustrations hand drawn (if not otherwise cited) by me may be seen there:



... All of these images are contained in this PEER REVIEWED PAPER published by me in a prominent academic journal by the world's largest scientific publisher (Elsevier Scientific Ltd.). And all of them relate directly to the "cubic cleavage of the brain" that I illustrated in my previous post which you claimed was "made up stuff". This world-class Journal and world-class publisher do not publish "made up stuff" in their peer reviewed journals!
... Cut the crap Michael, this paper was peer-reviewed by 4 PhD's including the editor, Richard Kitchener. These authorities DO NOT PUBLISH "MADE UP STUFF". You're a heckler, and have scant or next to no scientific credentials! Don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean I don't like you, but quit posting false statements about my work, it annoys the hell out of me!

this material has been published in the PEER REVIEWED LITERATURE, by me in New Ideas in Psychology a globally distributed prominent academic journal published by the world's largest scientific publisher Elsevier Scientific Ltd in 1994. They do not publish "made up stuff". And here are some of the illustrations contained in that "peer reviewed" publication

Elsevier Scientific Ltd are a doggy money making mob set up to publish behind paywalls copyright material they have no permission to do so

Illustrations showing aspects of made up stuff are made up to show made up stuff

this paper was peer-reviewed by 4 PhD's

How many of those peers who reviewed your paper AGREE with your findings?

[GE Hammond MS physics]
... Really? Notice that this diagram says "copyright George Hammond 1998".
View attachment 4658
That's 24 years ago! That's a hell of a long time to allegedly be "making stuff up" for chlrissakes, far more likely in my opinion that it is a bona fide case of original scientific discovery!

I don't understand all the mathematics, but I can certainly agree that humans are formed in a mathematical pattern and your descriptive illustrations may well be mathematically correct.

After all, Leonardo Da Vinci created this illustration.

Everything in the universe has mathematical patterns and mathematical patterns even emerge from pure chaos.
This is why human mathematics work so well and are logically demonstrably true. It's all mathematically arranged.

However, that does not prove mathematics are human. I proves the Universe and everything in it are mathematical constructs and mathematics are the guiding force in all relational interactions.

So, is it possible that even as your mathematics are correct, it does not necessarily prove anything other than that humans are atoms and molecules arranged in mathematical patterns and attaching an extra-ordinary meaning is perhaps wishful thinking, even as the mathematics are correct?

Is this not a similar argument used by theists proposing "intelligent design"?
Elsevier Scientific Ltd are a doggy money making mob set up to publish behind paywalls copyright material they have no permission to do so
Illustrations showing aspects of made up stuff are made up to show made up stuff
How many of those peers who reviewed your paper AGREE with your findings?

[GE Hammond MS physics]
1. – Your outlandish opinion of the world's largest scientific publisher (Elsevier Scientific Ltd.), considering you have no academic scientific credentials and no peer published scientific record – – is absolutely meaningless and of no significance to anyone!!

2. – The world's most prestigious scientific publisher DOES NOT "publish made up stuff" – your opinion is nothing but guttersniping harassment.

3. – My 1994 paper was UNANIMOUSLY RECOMMENDED for publication by all 4 reviewers based on scientific MERIT ONLY. Naturally It was published entirely free of charge based on its obviously tremendous value to Science

Go heckle someone else

I don't understand all the mathematics, but I can certainly agree that humans are formed in a mathematical pattern and your descriptive illustrations may well be mathematically correct.

GE Hammond MS physics]
... You you bet they are correct
, 4 professprial/PhD reviewer's including the internationally noted editor, Richard Kitchener all unanimously agreed that my paper should be published, free of charge, based on its scientific merits alone. That trumps your speculative opinion by a mile!

"Write4u" said:
After all, Leonardo Da Vinci created this illustration.

However, that does not prove mathematics are human.

[GE Hammond MS physics]
... Haven't you ever wondered why all higher animals are four-legged and why there is NO SUCH THING AS A 3-LEGGED ANIMAL ??
... It's because the vertebrate animal is in AXIAL QUADRATURE, including the BRAIN ! And that is caused by the "3 axis orthogonal structure of space itself"

"Write4u" said:
So, is it possible that even as your mathematics are correct, it does not necessarily prove anything other than that humans are atoms and molecules arranged in mathematical patterns and attaching an extra-ordinary meaning is perhaps wishful thinking, even as the mathematics are correct?

Is this not a similar argument used by theists proposing "intelligent design"?

[GE Hammond MS physics]

... A cube has 13 symmetry axes, which causes 13 eigenvectors in all of psychometry, which explains why there are 12 Olympian gods (the Greeks were off by one). This leads to a single TOP eigenvector, which is the God of the Bible.
... That is a hard science rigorous scientific proof of God. We don't have to listen to "intelligent design", or "mathematical universes" or any other lukewarm milktoast theories of everything – – the world's first scientific proof of God has been discovered, signed, sealed, and delivered!
... Sorry if that bothers you as an Atheist, but that's the way the cookie crumbles. There absolutely is a real God ! It is now a scientifically proven fact and has been measured to 2 decimal point accuracy

. – Your outlandish opinion of the world's largest scientific publisher (Elsevier Scientific Ltd.), considering you have no academic scientific credentials and no peer published scientific record – – is absolutely meaningless and of no significance to anyone
Elsevier are corrupting open science in Europe
Jon Tennant

The artist is 3 years old but claims much worst wrong doing than I do

No idea if Jon Tennant has any Scientific credentials sorry

The world's most prestigious scientific publisher DOES NOT "publish made up stuff" – your opinion is nothing but guttersniping harassment.

I take it you have read and reviewed all publications put out by The world's most prestigious scientific publisher and can vouch for your claim

My 1994 paper was UNANIMOUSLY RECOMMENDED for publication by all 4 reviewers based on scientific MERIT ONLY. Naturally It was published entirely free of charge based on its obviously tremendous value to Science
And what has been the follow up from the publication, in 1994 - nearly 30 years ago

How many spin off research projects, how many new discovery made etc?

I would have expected a tsunami of solid out scientific speaking tours and mass protests from competing religions

Seems however Paul McCartney was correct his group were, probably still are, bigger than god

... That is a hard science rigorous scientific proof of God. We don't have to listen to "intelligent design", or "mathematical universes" or any other lukewarm milktoast theories of everything – – the world's first scientific proof of God has been discovered, signed, sealed, and delivered!
1 + 1 = 2 is proof of God? Mathematics is proof of God? Is that not what you are claiming.
It is proof of a mathematical Universe, but nowhere does it say mathematics is proof of God.

You keep citing Cartesian this and Cartesian that as proof God exists. Why not just say that Cartesian space is proof God exists? And why not say mathematics is proof that God exists?
Why not say fractals are proof God exists?

But in all of this, you are avoiding the main burden of proof and that is falsification.

What properties does the Universe have that are proved by the numbers of your theory that would not exist without a God?

What does God do that cannot be explained by a mathematically self-organizing Universe?
Is God subject to entropy?

And finally, is God a causal agent to the creation and continuation of the universe and everything in it?
Is it causal to itself? There remain so many unanswered questions.

I may not have the credentials, but if I understand an accompanying narrative, then I understand the theory in principle. I am afraid your narrative does not stir my imagination at all. To say 2 + 2 is proof that God exists is not persuasive from my perspective as an atheist.

I like my analogy of a quasi-intelligent (logical) mathematically deterministic universe. It answers all questions and human descriptive symbolical mathematics are proof and that proof is demonstrable and falsifiable, even by means of your hypothesis.
But not God as an essential ingredient that would render all of this impossible without it.

The inclusion of God in the equation is superfluous and does not add a necessary property or value.
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[GE Hammond MS physics]
... Haven't you ever wondered why all higher animals are four-legged and why there is NO SUCH THING AS A 3-LEGGED ANIMAL ??
... It's because the vertebrate animal is in AXIAL QUADRATURE, including the BRAIN !
Does a brain need legs? What does any of this have to do with the existence of an Abrahamic God?
And that is caused by the "3 axis orthogonal structure of space itself"
Correct and also why a three legged tripod always has every leg in contact with the surface.

Hence Causal Dynamical Triangulation, not God, unless you have invented a fractal God. I could get behind that, except for the name God which is no longer an unadulterated concept.
... AND FINALLY: Hammond has shown that it is supremely obvious to even a casual observer, that because the 2nd order eigenvectors are clearly the "legendary gods of antiquity", that the top final eigenvector is clearly none other than the "God of the Bible" !!
And how did they come to those conclusions if you are the first to discover the mathematics. Did these people of antiquity that recognized these gods know something then, you just now rediscovered?
Something is askew here. To turn a phrase "it doesn't have a leg to stand on".......:)
And what has been the follow up from the publication, in 1994 - nearly 30 years ago ?
I would have expected a tsunami of sold out scientific speaking tours

[GE Hammond MS physics]
... Look, you intellectual maverick, Gregor Mendel discovered genetics in 1866 and published it in a journal. But it wasn't until 35 YEARS LATER that Correns and De Vries ACCIDENTALLY discovered his paper in a library and modern Mendelian genetics was born !!
... This kind of malarkey goes on all the time in science. In fact now there is a rumor that somebody named Hammond discovered the world's first scientific proof of God back in 1994, 30 years ago, and it is only recently that a couple of science researchers named "Michael 345 and Write4u" accidentally discovered Hammond's proof on a little-known scientific forum called "Sciforums", and the world's first scientific proof of God became known to the world ! Welcome to the club!

And how did they come to those conclusions if you are the first to discover the mathematics. Did these people of antiquity that recognized these gods know something then, you just now rediscovered?
Something is askew here. To turn a phrase "it doesn't have a leg to stand on".......:)

[GE Hammond MS physics]
... Get real for chrissakes! The ancient Egyptians, and the ancient Greeks discovered that there were "13 gods" by observing the opinion and religious talk of millions of Egyptians and Greeks over many many centuries. "The gods" so called as well known then as Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Porky pig and Bugs Bunny are known today.
... The gods were discovered the same way the Jews discovered the God of the Bible. It was simply the observational opinion of huge populations over hundreds, even thousands, of years the rope the Old Testament for instance.
... How much education do you actually have by the way? How old are you? 20, 40, 60, 80 or what? You don't sound like you've spent 40 years reading history, physics, psychology, theology etc. like I have, or you would KNOW how the ancient gods were known to the population!
... The ancient gods were discovered by "popular opinion". There has never been a scientific proof of the gods until HAMMOND discovered it in modern times.


[GE Hammond MS physics]
... Haven't you ever wondered why all higher animals are four-legged and why there is NO SUCH THING AS A 3-LEGGED ANIMAL ??
... It's because the vertebrate animal is in AXIAL QUADRATURE, including the BRAIN !

[W 4u]
Does a brain need legs? What does any of this have to do with the existence of an Abrahamic God

[GE Hammond MS physics]
... The BRAIN is a quadrature, (cube) for the same reason that the LOCOMOTION system of the body is a quadrature (square).
Both are caused by the "3 axis orthogonal structure of space" itself.
... It is because of this cubic structure (a cube has 13 symmetry axes) that there are 13 gods, and the 13 gods yield by "common Factor Analysis" a single top eigenvector, which is obviously what you call THE ABRAHANIC GOD, simply because the lower order eigenvectors are the 13 gods of antiquity. Does that answer your question?

It also occurs to me, that you haven't even READ the paper you're trying to criticize (paper shown in post #1 of this thread)

Michael 345
does not wish to be associated with any club which has Write4U as a member so do not make me welcome
to the club!
and expel me forthwith

How old are you? 20, 40, 60, 80 or what?
Unclear who the above is asking about

If moi 80

You don't sound like you've spent 40 years reading history, physics, psychology, theology etc. like I have, or you would KNOW how the ancient gods were known to the population

I haven't. Michael 345 gained some knowledge (snippets) about the subjects you have mentioned. Enough to form an opinion - my opinion as to - how the ancient gods were known to the population - ? some smart and crafty persons of the popular MADE THEM (GODS) UP
Frequently cribbing aspects of other made up stories

How much education do you actually have by the way?

Enough to separate reality from made up (poorly made up) fiction

Gregor Mendel discovered genetics in 1866 and published it in a journal. But it wasn't until 35 YEARS LATER

Considering the lack of computers 35 years not bad

There has never been a scientific proof of the gods until HAMMOND discovered it in modern times.
should have been known around the world in two days - you know modern times

Anyway I think I will (but no promises)

Go heckle someone else
All 5 ladies in Bali enjoy being heckled and am currently battling against numerous COVID-19 rules and regulations (not against them - how to comply with their contradictory requirements) to heckle said ladies in person

Toodle pip ol' chap. Best of luck with your scientific proof of your little over 7 foot god

Haven't you ever wondered why all higher animals are four-legged
People, birds and kangaroos aren't 4 legged.
The BRAIN is a quadrature, (cube) for the same reason that the LOCOMOTION system of the body is a quadrature (square).
Both are caused by the "3 axis orthogonal structure of space" itself.
... It is because of this cubic structure (a cube has 13 symmetry axes) that there are 13 gods, and the 13 gods yield by "common Factor Analysis" a single top eigenvector, which is obviously what you call THE ABRAHANIC GOD, simply because the lower order eigenvectors are the 13 gods of antiquity.
I would argue with your logic, but there is no logic there. There are just (stupendously huge) leaps of faith.
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